Disclaimer- Do you see Sasuke in slutty gothic clothes, or Naruto as a punk? Or the two of them making out? Then you can safely assume that I don't own Naruto. However, any name u don't recognize are characters which are mine and u will be sporked if u use them without my permission!

Title: Black Mist

Authoress: Midnight Sunset

Genre: Romance/Humor/Angst

Warnings: AU, shounen-ai/yaoi, het, maybe sum OOCness

Pairings: NaruSasu, NejiSasu, KakaIru, Gaa? Neji?Saku? one sided SakuNaru and, of course, Orochimaru and his usual fetish for the Uchiha family.

Summary: Sakura's a pretty average girl. Well, except that she has natural pink hair and is obsessed with writing letters to celebrities, hoping they will go on a date with her. The newest receiver of one of her letters, is Japan's newest sensation, Uzumaki Naruto! Sakura shows up for her date, and drags best friend Uchiha Sasuke and his boyfriend Hyuuga Neji with her. She is shocked, when Naruto turns up! However, because she is so in love with the star, she doesn't realise that he does not have eyes for her. Oh no, he has eyes for a certain red eyed friend of hers…

Dear Uzumaki-san,

My name is Haruno Sakura, and I am a big fan of yours. Your last film 'Golden Sunshine' was one of the most brilliant films I have ever seen, and your acting was flawless. I always enjoy seeing new faces in the acting world, and one of my close friends is also rising up the popularity scale, but of course he is not in the same line of work as you. He is a model, although I believe that you could most definitely give him a run for his money in looks. I have read several articles with interviews with the cast of your last film, but because you were the newcomer, you intrigued me the most. If your personality is the same in the interviews as it is in real life, then I am sure you are a wonderful person. You are very talented, and unlike most celebrities, seem very down to earth. I also applaud you on not hiding your sexuality, as my best friend is also bisexual, and it was very hard for him to 'come out of the closet' so to speak. But now, he is very happy, as I'm sure you are, for you have achieved your dream, and are accepted. If it is not too much trouble, I would love to meet you. I know, I know, I'm sure you're thinking that I am some crazy fan, but I assure you I am not. I am an ordinary person, just like you once were, and just wish that you would come and be friends with me, as I believe we would get along very well.

If you are interested in a friend, and not a crazed fangirl or someone who is after you for your status, then please come to:

Iruka's Ramen Restaurant,

Twilight Gardens,


East Japan

At 7:00pm on Saturday, May 7th. I will understand if you do not wish to meet me, or cannot find time away from your busy schedule, but if you wish to talk, with no reporters or other such nuisances, then I shall be there. Hope you come,

Haruno Sakura

Sakura finished her writing, and put her pen down, before re-reading what she had wrote several times. Satisfied, she neatly folded the letter, and placed it in an envelope with a recent photo of herself before writing the address of Uzumaki Naruto on the front. She then left the house to go buy a stamp, and post it.

Two months later…

"Tell me Sakura, why do you insist on dragging me with you, every time you write one of these letters?" asked a dark haired boy, to a girl with pink hair.

"Because," said Sakura. "I don't want to do it alone! If I am stood up, I don't want to be left alone for hours waiting!"

"You mean when you are left alone," added another black haired boy, who had longer hair then the former. "Whenever you drag Sasuke, he drags me, and it puts quite a strain on our plans."

"Why? What exactly were you planning?" asked Sakura, turning her head to face her best friend's boyfriend.

Sasuke slid his right hand down his face. "We WERE going to go to see Gaara, apparently, someone high in the modelling business wants me to come for an interview."

"What? Really? That's GREAT NEWS! Why didn't you tell me sooner, Sasuke-kun?"

Sasuke growled. "Could you PLEASE stop calling me that? We've known each other since we were kids, I don't need a fucking honorific attached every time you say my name!"

Sakura giggled. "Okay Sasuke….KUN!"

Sasuke glared at her, while his normally stoic boyfriend tried hard not to smirk. He failed miserably.

"What're you smirking at!"

"The fact that it is now 7:05, and Naruto still hasn't turned up," Neji quickly said, so as to avoid sleeping on the couch.

"Nani!" Sakura yelled, looking at her watch. When she saw that Neji was right, she pouted.

Although Sakura annoyed the hell out of Sasuke, that didn't mean he liked seeing her upset. There was just something about a girl been unhappy that made him feel guilty, even if he hadn't done anything. That was one of the reasons that, although he was bisexual, he preferred guys over girls. Girls could manipulate him too easily, all they had to do was cry and he'd stop been an asshole…for five minutes.

"Let's go inside and sit down, that way we won't be standing outside here for ages, ok, Sakura-chan?" Sasuke said, with his eyes riveted to the floor.

Sakura positively beamed. She always knew when Sasuke was trying to make her feel better, because he added 'chan' to the end of her name. "Okay, we might as well."

The three turned, with Neji walking close to Sasuke. He quickly pecked the red eyed model on the cheek, before pulling away so no-one would see. Sakura walked in front, waving to Iruka as they entered.

"Sakura! And Sasuke too! Hey, who's the new guy?" asked Iruka, smiling that happy grin of his.

"Oh, I forgot, we haven't been here in a while! Gomen, Iruka-san!" said Sakura, fiddling with the hem of her dress. "This is Hyuuga Neji."

"Your boyfriend?"

"No, Sasuke's."

"Oh!" Iruka said, scratching his lower right cheek with his finger whist blushing. "Sou ka. Anyway, glad to see you are all ok. We're pretty full tonight, as you can see, but for you guys I'm sure I can put you somewhere."

"Arigato, Iruka-san!" Sakura said, as he pointed to a table in a corner booth. She walked over, with her two comrades at her heels, and sat at one side of the booth. Neji and Sasuke sat at the other, and she smiled at the two who were sitting so close together. She looked at her watch again.

"7:10, he isn't going to turn up, is he?" she asked the two sitting across from her.

However, a tap on her shoulder told her otherwise.

"Excuse me, but are you, Sakura-chan?" asked a man wearing a hood.

Sakura frowned at the use of the honorific. She hadn't even met this man before, how dare he be so familiar with her!

"Hai. Naze?"

A gleam could be seen underneath the hood, as the face grinned.

"Just checking," he said, and sat down next to Sakura.

Sakura glared at the man. "Do you mind? Who do you think you are?"

"Oh, gomen ne! You don't recognise me!"

With that said, he pulled his hood off, revealing a man of around 21 years with six scars on his face and spiky blonde hair. Sakura gasped.


My first Naruto multi-chapter! Hope you like! And I'm sorry the first chapter is so short! Please review with any requests for other pairings and your opinions! .