Am I the "Angel in Hell", now? Christoph wondered, staring at his father's body, Is it a title that is passed down from Phantom to Phantom? Should I be proud of it?

He pushed these questions to the back of his mind and, with a small nudge of his black boot, sent the small boat carrying the body of Sebastien, his father, off of the shore.

How far does this sewer go, anyways? Christoph began to wonder again; an old habit of his. I've never been anywhere else but here. What is it like in other places?

Oddly, he was not at all perturbed about his father's death. The man was insane, and besides that, he had been a burden to Christoph; he had to make sure Sebastien didn't do anything dangerous. His insanity became evident when he burned the right side of Christoph's face in order for the boy to be more like his great-grandfather. His great-grandfather was, of course, the original Phantom of the Opera. The way Sebastien talked about him, you'd think he was a god of sorts. Christoph often heard stories of him from his father.

Christoph had had mixed feelings for his father. Being his son, he had no choice but to show some compassion towards Sebastien, but besides that, Christoph was generally indifferent towards his father, so long as the man stayed away from him. It always worried him if Sebastien were too close, especially with all those candles around…

Christoph involuntarily touched the burns on his face and shuddered, preferring not to think about them. He chose not to cover the burns with his great-grandfather's mask for two reasons: the first being that the mask was too big for the young boy; the second was that there was no one around to see Christoph, so he did not care how he looked.

Should I leave? Christoph thought to himself. Do I even know the way out? I can always try. If I get lost…oh well…

Christoph pulled the lever that opened the sewer grate and walked through the water. He hesitated only for a moment before leaving what had been his entire world until now.

I wonder what I will find out here…