Chapter One: Crossing Over

#Collective speech#


#Assimilation of species 18457: humans, complete. All life forms in this galaxy have been added to The Collective#.

"Excellent," replied the Borg Queen. It was all too easy. When Admiral Janeway, from the future, had infected the Borg with her pathogen, the previous Queen, along with the primary Unicomplex, had been destroyed. With no leader, the Borg had taken a drone from the collective and given it technology similar to the Queen's. The new Queen had in fact been human.

Abandoned by her family, she had stolen a shuttle and gone on a journey. A Scout Cuba had discovered the ship and assimilated it. After the loss of the Queen, the Collective had deduced that, with her past, the girl would make an ideal leader for the Borg. They had been correct.

The new Queen was far more ambitious than the Borg's previous leader. She had rebuilt the Unicomplex and begun a massive invasion of the areas surrounding Borg space. The Borg had millions of vessels, yet they had never made any massive effort to assimilate the galaxy. Under her command, the Borg had assimilated dozens of new species within a matter of weeks. She had sifted through the collective's massive information banks and found several technologies that would be useful. Multi-spectral shields would allow Borg vessels to survive in more hostile environments. Quantum Slipstream Drive to improve Transwarp technology, and best of all, the armor technology that the previous Queen had obtained before her destruction.

Also, she had sent seven Tactical Cubes to assimilate Voyager. She had learned through the memories Seven of Nine had shared with the Queen of two very important objects the Borg required that were aboard that ship. First was the information on the Nano probes used in the war with Species 8472. Second was the Doctor's Mobile Emitter. Its technology came from the 29th century and could greatly enhance the Collective.

Voyager had been assimilated. The crew had been able to destroy the Mobile Emitter before it could be taken, but they hadn't been able to erase the nano probe information. With the Nano probes, Species 8472 had stood no chance against the Collective. Thousands of vessels had been lost in the invasion of Fluidic Space, but Species 8472's distinctiveness had been added to the Collective's. Their organic hulls had greatly improved the durability of Borg vessels, and their weapons were adapted to work without the organic power they were designed for.

With this new technology added to the Collective, the new Borg had conquered the entire Delta Quadrant within two years. The Krenim had yielded the Borg the secrets of their Chronoton Torpedoes, which the Borg also adapted to use in their transporters, allowing them to beam through any type of shield. The Gamma Quadrant had been the next to fall. The Dominion had been the Borg's first target as they were the largest presence in that Quadrant. The casualties had been high. The Dominion's Poleron weapons took time to adapt to, but in the end resistance was futile. The Founders had proved impossible to assimilate, so they were eradicated. The Dominion's cloning technology allowed the Borg to grow a limitless supply of drones.

The Beta Quadrant had been next, as the Queen wanted to save Earth for last. With three quadrants under Borg control, the Alpha Quadrant stood no chance. The Queen enjoyed the chance to make the ones who had hurt her suffer. The Romulans had been the first to fall, fallowed by the Klingons, then the Cardassians, and finally the Federation. She had assimilated them slowly, one planet at a time. She had assimilated Picard before she began the invasion to ensure he would not interfere. Without their leader, the Federation fleet had crumbled. The Queen had grown fond of using assimilated Federation ships as her main attack fleets. She had used the wormhole at Bajor to attack the Federation of two fronts. Finally, the Federation had pulled back to Earth. There she had revealed herself to her enemies. She had commanded her armada of over thirty Tactical Cubes from her personal flagship, a massive diamond ten times the size of the one the former Queen had possessed. She could still remember the looks on the admirals' faces when they saw that the one who had brought them down was only a girl. She had chosen to retain most of her human features. The only signs that she was Borg were the metal on her arms and hands, the amour she wore and the fact that her eyes were nearly identical to Geordie's.

The battle had been short but fierce. Starfleet knew they had nothing left to lose. The enhanced hulls and weapons the Borg possessed meant that only one vessel was lost. Five starships had rammed it at warp speed. With the fleet gone, the Borg had finally assimilated Earth. With the last bastion of hope gone, the Borg now ruled the galaxy. There were scattered pockets of resistance throughout the galaxy, but they did no more than provide the Queen amusement.

It had five years since that time, and the Queen was hungry for new conquests for the Borg. She was working on a way to cross the void between galaxies when an opportunity presented itself….

Space seemed to twist and collapse as the light from a distant sun illuminated an anomaly forming in deep space. Three Science Spheres arrived to investigate. The Queen had realized that intellect could be preserved through assimilation, and had used that method to 'recruit' many brilliant minds into the collective.

#Anomaly unknown. Possible designation: wormhole. High levels of Tetrion and Delta radiation detected. Initiating Level One Analysis……… Alert, power surge detected. Raising shields.# The anomaly seemed to explode into a kaleidoscope of colors. Gradually it cleared to reveal empty space, but with different stars. A gateway to another galaxy! This was exactly what the Queen had been searching for, new territory to conquer. A scout Cube was sent through. It reported that the space was empty and more Borg vessels began crossing through. Spheres, Cubes and Probes spread out in order to ascertain what species inhabited this galaxy.

What the Borg found were planets whose surfaces had been turned to glass. It was now evident that a powerful race inhabited this region. A Tactical Cube eventually found them.

# Vessels have been detected in gird 257. Readings match previous weapons signatures. Alter course to intercept. #

The UNSC Stampede ended its life in a massive fireball. The Stampede was the last ship protecting the New Denver Colony. With its destruction, five Covenant Cruisers moved into orbit to glass the planet. Suddenly, without warning, a cube shaped vessel appeared out of nowhere.

"Shipmaster, a new vessel has just appeared on sensors. The sensors do not recognize it," reported the Elite manning the sensor station.

"Perhaps they have come to join us," the Shipmaster replied. "Contact them." A moment later, the response filled the air in the bridge.

#We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctivness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance in futile. #

"So they wish to challenge us? Lock weapons on that ship and destroy it. Those who will not join us are heretics." Suddenly, a creature that appeared half human and half machine appeared and stuck two tubules into one if the computers. An elite shot it with a Plasma Pistol and it dropped to the floor and vanished. Then five more appeared.

"Kill them!" The Shipmaster commanded. Three of the intruders fell to Plasma Pistols, but the final two generated what appeared to be elite shields. They grabbed an engineer and a Grunt and vanished.

"Destroy that vessel! These heretics are taking my crew!" The Covenant fleet fired ten Plasma Beams at the alien vessel. They impacted and left gaping holes in the vessels hull. Then, the holes began healing themselves! "How is that possible? Destroy that thing now!" The shipmaster commanded.

#Samples secured. Enemy weapons fire analyzed. Plasma based. Shields ineffective. Initiate retreat to analyze data. Opening Transwarp Conduit. # The Borg vessel glowed green and seemed to elongate for a moment before vanishing. The Covenant fleet, unable to determine how the Borg had vanished, returned to their original task, the destruction of the New Denver colony.

At the entrance to the Halo galaxy, the Borg had begun to construct a new Unicomplex that would be the center of the Borg presence in this galaxy. Already hundreds of Borg vessels had come through. The Queen's Diamond had just transited. As she began to analyze the data gathered from the battle with the Covenant.

# Assimilation of samples of species 18458: Covenant, complete. Analyzing technological information from sample A1: engineer. Adaptation to Covenant weapons complete. Shielding technology enhancements complete. Covenant weapons are inferior to the Collective's. Capture of species 18458 vessel require for complete analysis. Initiating Directive 452. The Collective must grow. #

What do you think? Give me some suggestions for the next chapter. What do you want to happen? R&R!