DISCLAIMER: Since I haven't bought the rights yet, I guess I don't own.

16. What Else is New?

Gotham City…

November 1996

Dr. Leslie Thompkins had seen and heard many things, but the young woman sitting across the table from her took the cake. Two days prior her older sister's grandson had called asking for her help. Devlin had been a godsend in her life in a time when she felt that she had failed her niece. Her sister, Lisa, had been fourteen when Leslie had been born. She had run off with her boyfriend when Leslie was five. Their father had forbidden her from marrying him, so when the navy shipped him off to Pearl Harbor, Lisa had gone with him. It wasn't until ten years later that Leslie found out that her sister had lived through the bombing when her obituary had run in the Metropolis section of the Daily Planet. She had been survived by a daughter, Gail. Leslie had tried to make contact with Gail after that, but the girl wasn't interested. Twenty-two years later, Gail had made the news when her infant daughter had been kidnapped from her home in Elysian Fields, sixty miles outside of Metropolis. Devlin had tracked her down a few years later and the rest was history.

Her great-nephew usually didn't call asking for favors so when he did, Leslie was reluctant to tell him no. It had shocked her to find him on her doorstep less then ten minutes later. She thought back to that moment.

"Devlin? But I… Who's that?"

"This is Khyrran, my sister. She needs your help."

"We can put her in the spare bedroom, upstairs."

"Thanks, Aunt Leslie." Devlin followed her upstairs, laid the girl on the bed, and turned to leave.

Leslie had frozen for a heartbeat then followed. "Devlin, you can't just leave her here. What's going on?"

"She will tell you when she wakes up. If she doesn't, call me."

Khyrran had woken up two days later, groggy and disoriented. Leslie had repeated Devlin's words to her and watched as the emotion ran across her face. Shock, anger, helplessness, and finally acceptance had been the emotions Khyrran had displayed. The ones in her eyes had been darker; more expressive. They had gone down stairs and Leslie had made breakfast. Two hours later, Leslie was just wondering what her great-niece had been through.

"So let me get this straight. You are the empress of a planet that was magically created as a twin of Earth, are in charge of a group of elite warriors and less than two months ago were kidnapped," Leslie said.

"Yep." Her green eyes darkened in pain.

"And what happened while you were kidnapped?"

"Not a whole lot."

"You're hiding something."

"I'm hiding a lot of things."

Leslie glared at her. "Devlin brought you here for a reason. You might want to take full advantage of that."

"What is it you want to hear? That I was tied down, that I was beaten, tortured and raped because I refused to hand over my throne to some psycho bastard who would have decimated my people, then laid waste to Earth? That even after all that, I had to kill him to survive with my life? That everything I just been through wasn't enough and I had to sell my soul to the monster running the underworld because I have the not so awesome ability to speak with the dead and he felt it necessary to torment me further? Oh and after I returned, my so called mother and step-father were blown to pieces in my car because Howard's father can't stand that I'm a bastard? And if my life doesn't suck enough, the Fates killed my older brother. So, which part of that would you like me to elaborate on?"

Her little tirade had been inflicted with emotion but not a single muscle, outside of the ones necessary for her to speak, had moved. She was determined not to let this affect her anymore than it already had.

Her heart went out to the young woman sitting in front of her. At sixteen she was dealing with more than most people did in several lifetimes. "Khyrran, you have to let it go. Talk to me, let the pain, fear and self-doubt disappear."


"Do you or do not want to be a victim for the rest of your life?"

"I just want to go back. I can't do this." The mask slipped and the scared little girl that lay just beneath the surface came tumbling out. "I'm supposed to be strong, be someone my people can put their faith in to protect them. I failed, Leslie. I'm not allowed to fail."

"Yes, you are."

Khyrran's head snapped up. "Excuse me?"

"You are sixteen years old. This is the time of your life were you are supposed to be making mistakes. It's part of the learning process and growing up."

"I don't have that luxury."


"Look," the sorceress said, interrupting, "close to four billion live and die by the decisions I make. I have to be at the top of my game at all times. If I don't, I'll be assassinated and then nothing will matter because once Ferinia gains power, this entire solar system will suffer."

Leslie sat back, unable to come up with something that would comfort the girl. Deciding to take a different approach, she asked, "When you said the Fates killed your brother…"

"I have an older adopted brother named Clark. He is a reporter for the Daily Planet," Khyrran said sadly.

"Is? I thought you said he was gone."

"A miscalculation on Khyrran's part," an ominous voice from nowhere said.

"Idan, quit it. Show yourself," Khyrran practically growled. Idan appeared to the right of Leslie, sitting at the table like it was something he did everyday.

"Oh my," Leslie cried.

"This is why you irritate me. Apologize."

"My pardons, ma'am. I forget that this isn't normal for you."

Leslie waved him off. "Is this who you answer to?"

"One of them. Idan is the Overseer of Time. What did you mean a 'miscalculation' on my part?"

"Clark's not dead."

"Physically, no. But Clark Kent is, by all accounts of this planet, dead."

"Not anymore. He found a way back. Lois is pretty mad at him and he's trying to get back into her good graces."

"Her good graces! When I get my hands on him…" Khyrran threatened.

Idan smiled. "Call Devlin. Spend a few more days putting this behind you. You're back on duty in 76 hours."

"That is nowhere near enough time for us to work through her problems," Leslie pointed out.

"Unfortunately that is all the time I can give her. The others are already demanding that she come back," Idan said apologetically.

"Fine. Thanks for trying."

"For what it's worth Khyrran, you're doing a fine job. Arthur may have drilled it into your head that failure isn't an option, but you don't have to be perfect. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. That's all we can ask of you," Idan informed her, rising from the table. He inclined his head in respect to Leslie, winked at Khyrran and disappeared in a flash of light.

Leslie turned back to her great-niece and said, "I told you so."


"Where is she Ryne?" Ferinia demanded.

Devlin sighed. The Queen of Elandic had begun her ceaseless questioning as soon as the meeting had been called to order. Some of the other queens took his explanation at face value and had tried to move on to other subjects, but Ferinia was having none of that.

"She simply isn't available, Your Highness. Now if we could…"

"That's not good enough. I am a citizen of this planet and I demand to know where my leader disappeared to…again!"

Mera stood up and said, "Sit down and shut up Ferinia. The rest of us have real things to discuss."

A foul smile crept across Ferinia's face. The sight sent chills down Devlin's spine. "Tell me something, Mera. Would you still stand and defend the bastard child if you knew that Zaddock was loose?"

The statement hung in the air for a mere second before pandemonium erupted. Devlin was suddenly swamped with questions as some of the Queens began calling their generals. Nic came bursting in, in response to the noise. Realizing that he had 23 hysterical women on his hands, Nic created a bullhorn and let loose a whistle that would have left the Man of Steel in pain. The silence was deafening.

"Thank you, Nickah," Devlin said quietly. He turned back to the council. "Shut all your communications…NOW." His tone left no room for argument. Turning to Ferinia, his voice dropping blow freezing, he said, "I don't know how you found out about that, but trust me, charges of inducing pandemonium will be brought against you. And when I found out who told you, they too will pay.

"Then it's true?" the Queen of Chuma Chupic asked.

"Zaddock is dead and Khy…Odette is in possession of the Sword of Atrox," Devlin replied.

"He did something to her, didn't he?" Mera questioned.

"She's recovering from some wounds that didn't present themselves after the initial fight. Odette will be back and soon. Now about this flux in the planet's shield…"

March 1997

Khyrran sighed as she walked back into Leslie's kitchen. It had been a hard five months. Despite Idan's dire proclamation, she managed to talk the Overseers into letting her stay with Leslie and run Mann'ahoia part time. Devlin had stepped up as Prime Minister and taken on the shield project as his. The queens may not have thought about arguing with Khyrran, after all she was only a child in their eyes, but Devlin had had the full backing of the Overseers from the beginning. Earning the trust of the immortals at such a young age gave him respect in their eyes, so the building was going much more smoothly than Khyrran had anticipated.

However, it was time for her to step back up to her responsibilities. Leslie had finally convinced Khyrran to tell her family what had really happened while she was Zaddock's prisoner. Devlin and Wally had taken it better than she thought they would…Clark had reacted exactly as she had expected. He felt that he should have kept a better eye on her. And that was the reason she felt it necessary to move back to Elysian Fields. The man the world saw in the blue and red suit was in need of a serious whooping, in her opinion. And of course she was only on the planet qualified to do it.

Elysian Fields...

"Come on, Devlin! Let me take the blindfold off! And why did we drive from Metropolis? We could have whited out from Leslie's and we'd be home by now!"

"Could you whine a little more?" Devlin said, a smile playing across his face. "We have a surprise for you."

"Are you trying to warn me that Grace is as big as a house? 'Cuz this is a little absurd."

"Even if Grace looks that big, don't tell her that. She about killed me when Dawn told her she was carrying twins."

"Serves you right." She paused and in an abrupt change of subject said, "What in the hell possessed Howard to make the freaking driveway a mile and a half long?"

"Got me," Devlin answered. "It doesn't matter; you can take it off now."

Khyrran reached up and yanked the offending cloth off her eyes. The sight that met her was one she wouldn't have expected. Devlin just stood there and watched the expression on her face. He and Grace decided after Khyrran went to Gotham that the Lilac House no longer felt home. They wanted a place where they could start their lives together with no haunting memories. Keeping the five acres that Howard had, they tore down the old house and built this one. Technically it was a mansion, at least according to the contractor. They had built the shell of the 20 bedroom home, then with Clark and Wally's speedy help and some magic from Jet and Dawn, they had it decorated in a few weeks. Of course most of the rooms were still empty and bare. But as their little family grew, Devlin knew they would need the room.

"Holy Hell, Dev, what did you do?"

"I think we built a house, Jinx."

"You call that a house? Devlin, it looks like a miniature hotel!"

"You don't like it?" he asked forcing a hurt tone.

"Of course I like it. It's… just…HUGE!"

"Well, we are planning on having more children," Grace said coming out the front door. She waddled down the steps and embraced her sister-in-law.

Khyrran hugged her back. "You know…"

"Say anything about me being as big as this place and you're dead."

The younger woman laughed. "I missed you guys."

"Good because Wally's inside practically bouncing off the walls, ready to tackle you when you get inside."

She dashed into the house and took the speedster down. "Tag, you're it!"

Wally tried to tickle her. Devlin and Grace re-entered the house to hear their argument and subsequent laughter. The couple smiled at each other. Khyrran was right this wasn't a house; now it was a home.


Clark landed outside S.T.A.R Labs, aware that Khyrran was with him. She wasn't visible to the naked eye, but whatever bond they had made it possible for him to know she was there.

"I don't like this," she said. "Something is definitely up."

"Oh, I don't doubt that. But whoever this guy is he came here to warn me about something and I want a second opinion."

"So why didn't you bring Devlin?"

"Because you turn invisible, he doesn't."

Before she could formulate a good response to that Dr. Emil Hamilton came walking up the corridor, Inspector Turpin and two of the squad behind him. "Hello, Superman."

"Hello. How's our friend doing, Emil?"

"He wounds are healing at an astonishing rate. He's fully conscious and in quite a rage to see…"

From a few feet down the hall, members of the MPD were being thrown from one of the rooms. "Superman! Get me Superman!" The red clothed entity followed the flying bodies.

"Freeze, bucket head!" Turpin bellowed, gun drawn. "One more move and you're back in intensive care!"

"Hold it Inspector! Everybody calm down!"

"I didn't fight my way through a battalion of parademons to be told to calm down."

"And they say I got a temper," Turpin muttered.

"You have me at a loss, Mr. …" Superman said, pulling the visitors hand off his tunic

"My name is Orion. I fled from the fire pits of Apokolips to warn you. He's coming."

"Who is?"


At Clark's confused look Khyrran piped up. "He was the one who vaporized his kid last June, genius."

The surprised gasps and frantic looking around caused Superman to sigh. "You just had to say something didn't you."

Khyrran de-invisified herself and said, "I couldn't just stand here and let you look stupid."

"And you are?" Turpin asked.

"A student of Dr. Fate's." At the blank look she sighed, "He helped save the Daily Planet from the demon Karkull."

Turpin nodded. "I remember."

"Why is Darkseid coming here?" Khyrran asked turning her attention to Orion.

"Motherbox can explain it better than I." His traveling harness responded to the unspoken command and came to his side. "She is a living computer connected to the Source."

A female voice accompanied the slideshow that came from the little box in Orion's hand. "Let us begin at the beginning; what once was whole was split asunder. And in its place there arose two worlds - worlds as different as daylight and darkness, virtue and evil. One is called New Genesis, unparallel in its beauty. It is ruled by the wise and powerful High Father. The other is Apokolips, a ravaged wasteland, ruled by the demonic and omnipotent Darkseid. He psychically feeds on the despair and misery of others. Because of their opposite natures these two worlds have been locked in eternal war. However, an uneasy truce was reached when High Father and Darkseid exchanged their infant sons. Unfortunately, this has not diminished Darkseid's ambitions. For years he has searched the galaxies for the legendary Anti-Life Equation, a formula that would give him complete control over all living things. In his endless search he has conquered and subjugated planet after planet."

"And now he threatens Earth. He had already supplied agents with apocalyptic technology."

"The Hover Tank?"

"That's just the prelude. I'm here to offer my assistance in the coming battle."

"Well strap on your six-gun, Space Cowboy, because your playmates are attacking Sinnott Air Force base."

"Ok, boys, let's play some smack monkey," Khyrran grinned.

Hamilton and Turpin exchanged glances as Superman groaned, "You just had to say it."


They arrived at the base to find the tower out and the few jets that had been in the air under attack. Superman swooped in and caught the pilot as Orion knocked the falling engine from igniting some of the other personnel. The craft turned its attention to the Man of Steel. The metal fork trapped him against the building. Electricity flowed down the arm through the fork and into him. Orion zapped the arm and fed it into the hover tank. The resulting explosion brought the tank to the ground. Khyrran waved him off as she pulled the two morons inside out. Superman flicked a salute to her as Orion attacked the second ship. He absorbed the spitting rays from one of the bombs, tore off the offending arm thing, then used it to smack the other bomb back into the cannon. It exploded on impact with the ground.

The fire crews arrived seconds later; Turpin with them. Superman turned one of the supply trucks over as the detective approached. "You know Superman, I play a pretty good game, but not in this league. I don't know what we would have done without you."

"I'm not the one to thank," he said glancing at Orion. He flew over saying, "It was a good thing you showed up, Orion."

"That was too easy."

"Oh yeah a real walk in the park."

Khyrran came up behind him and smacked the back of his head. "Darkseid is going to see this as nothing more than a minor set back, Kal. There's something bigger up Craggy's sleeve."

"I agree. I know how he thinks."


"Yes, I'm his son; I'm the infant Darkseid gave up for his…'uneasy truce'."

"I'm sorry, I had no idea."

"It doesn't matter. Right now, I have to go back to New Genesis and report Darkseid's latest aggressions."

"I'm going with you," Khyrran announced.

"Excuse me?" Orion spluttered.

"You got hearing problems? I'm going with you."

"No you aren't."

"Perhaps I should fully introduce myself; I am Odette de Avalon, the thirteenth Empress of the second Age of the planet Mann'ahoia. And for the record I am demanding to be taken to your leader. Capesh?"

"And if I refuse?"

"I get there the hard way and you get to explain to High Father why you declined help against Darkseid."

"Fine." He floated past her to Superman. "You can use this to contact me if you need further help. And you will need it."

"Or you know if that fails you can always use the tried and true method of telepathy," Khyrran tossed out flippantly as Orion opened the boom tube.

Superman watched the two disappear. He tucked the little device into his waistband and started to help put out the fires. Ten minutes later he was watching the last ambulance leave when an explosion behind him caught his attention. Where the nuclear plant on Ayers Island had stood, a large ball of fire and smoke now threatened to consume all in its path.

"Holy…" Turpin exclaimed.

"Orion was right; this isn't over."

New Genesis...

Khyrran stood on the city of the New Gods, gaping. The place was absolutely breathtaking. Orion marched from their landing place to large clearing in the middle of the city. In the center, sat an old man, on what Khyrran could only call a throne. There was something… regal about his presence that she couldn't put her finger on. He beckoned Orion forward and a small group of simply dressed men and women appeared in the clearing.

Orion sank to one knee before the throne. "High Father, Darkseid has indeed attacked a small planet in the Bah-mar system. Your assumptions were correct; he does seem bent on destroying the one they call 'Superman'."

"Kalibak's attack last June made that apparent, Orion," Khyrran said sarcastically.

The entire population of the room turned to stare at her. "And you are?" High Father asked.

"Odette de Avalon, the thirteenth Empress of the second Age of the planet Mann'ahoia," she replied with a sweeping curtsy.

"The trouble of your Overseers last year has reached our doorstep. How may I help you?"

"I came here to seek an alliance with New Genesis to thwart Darkseid."

"And why would we be interested in helping you?"

"Darkseid is looking for the Anti-Life Equation, right?" At his nod, she continued. "And it's always been said to be a legendary formula, right?" Another nod. "I really hate to burst your bubble, but it's no longer a legend and if he conquers Earth, Mann'ahoia will be next and well you can kiss the universe good-bye because he'll have the last three ingredients to make the Anti-Life Equation. Well, except going through the source wall, but he hasn't figured out that one yet, has he?" she finished, arching her brow at him.

"You expect me to believe that?" High Father asked.

"I would know; I'm the third and final piece to the equation."

"Nothing was ever written about what went into the Anti-Life Equation."

"So, go ask."

High Father looked a little perturbed at her insistence, but rose from his throne and wandered to a building behind him. Orion rose and looked at her.


"You are part of the Anti-Life Equation?"

"Yeah, actually after I die it goes back into legend until the thirteenth Empress of the third Age. Something about that spot, produces a higher than normal magic manifestation than others."

High Father came back out. "Are you capable of destroying a planet from where you stand?"

"Yeah, what's that got to do with anything?" Khyrran asked, confused.

"Orion, gather the armada. You are going back to Earth, with her highness."

Orion got up to do High Father's bidding. Khyrran watched as the others that had been present for her little interrogation quickly swarm their leader. "What she says is true; the Source confirmed it."

They turned as one and began to bow. "Hold on wait just a flipping minute here? What did I miss?"

"My apologies. Anything that comes from the Source is considered prophesy."

"Oh for the love of Camelot, are you kidding me?"

"I do not understand."

"Never mind, let's go make sure he doesn't get what he's looking for."

"Agreed." The little throne room became a hive of activity. She and High Father sat down and hacked out an alliance agreement. They were just finishing up when Khyrran sat forward clutching her head.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?"

"Superman… oh my god, he's in pain. Darkseid has Superman."

A flurry of orders was issued and thirty minutes later, Khyrran followed Orion through a boom tube to see Clark facing off against Darkseid. His suit was all torn and he was bleeding. The city looked like hell. The media was in full force and focused on the arriving allies. Orion flew to the front of the battalion and confronted the demonic moron.

"Darkseid, High Father has decreed this planet is under his protection. Any further aggressions will breech the peace treaty and be considered an act of war against New Genesis itself. The decision is yours, Darkseid."

"It is good to see you after all these years, my son. I have observed your boldness and veracity for sometime, not without undue pride. Though you are misguided in your loyalty, I won't quibble over this miniscule speck in the universe. I would hate to spoil our reunion with blood shed. Return."

As they turned to go, Khyrran could hear the unmistakable voice of Dan Turpin yell, "Get out of here you mangy buzzards and don't come back." The crowd behind him cheered their sentiments and Clark smiled.

Darkseid turned from his boom tube and looked at Superman. "Savor your moment of triumph, Superman. But remember, victory has its price." His eyes flared up and his omega beams lashed out, around Superman and struck Turpin in the chest. Khyrran landed next to the pile of ashes, seconds too late. Gasps rose from the crowd and from Clark.

"MURDERER!" Superman flew at the tube, but it closed with the demon inside before he arrived. The pile of machinery he had been attached to became the focus of his grief and rage. After turning it into scrap metal, Superman collapsed on top of it.

Orion landed next to him. "I'm sorry."

The so called Man of Steel slumped forward. Khyrran caught him as the hero's shoulders shook. Khyrran moved Superman off the pile of machinery and helped the New Gods collected it. They disappeared through the tube.

"Thanks for everything Orion. If New Genesis needs anything, let me know," Khyrran said, watching Superman.

"Your highness, good luck," Orion acknowledged the dismissal and he, too, left for home.

Lois rushed up. "Superman… I… I'm so sorry."

"He was a good man and a good friend," he said looking at her.

"Yes he was," she said.

"Thank you, Lois."

"Come on, Kal. Let's get you home," Khyrran said, walking up to the pair.

"And you are?" Lois asked.

"A friend, Ms. Lane, just a friend."

"She's my sister, Lois. Adopted actually, since she's not from Krypton. Ow… why'd you hit me?"

"Oy, you really are taking this hard, aren't you, especially if you have to ask that. I should go smack Darkseid considering I really don't need this."

Suddenly he grabbed her arms. "You aren't planning on following him again are you?"

"No, that would nullify the alliance with New Genesis, Kal."

"Kal?" Lois asked.

"Lois Lane of Earth, Kal-El of Krypton. Kal, Lois. You've been introduced," Khyrran said, sarcastically.

"Karen," he said a warning tone in his voice.

"What?" Heartbeat. "Oh fine, I apologize for my sarcastic tone."


She pointed at him and then up. "You. Fly. Now. Preferably not somewhere in the city if you catch my meaning." He bent his knees and was gone. The sonic boom was deafening. "I've told him not to do that!"

"So you're really his sister?" Lois asked.

"What?" At Lois's pointed look, Khyrran sighed, "It's a long story, Lois. And one day maybe he'll tell it to you. Right now, all you need to know is that I'll take care of him and he'll be back on the beat in a couple of days."

Khyrran then lifted off herself and turned in the direction of Elysian Fields.

A few days later….

Clark stood over the tombstone that declared Daniel Turpin gone from this world. "Good bye old friend. In the end the world didn't need a superman, just a brave one."

A/N: Ok so maybe I haven't updated this thing in like…months. I had life issues to deal (don't we all). So... Apokolips…Now! (1) and (2) were both written by Rich Fogel and directed by Dan Riba. And as usual I've taken liberties with their genius and refused to put the characters back the way I found them.