(A/N: Well, this is a new fanfiction of mine. I got this great idea when I was in French class, and nearly got a detention for it too. I can tell you one thing; my French teacher wants all attention on her, not some girl in the very last row writing like a madman. Especially the day before a HUGE test is due… lol. Anyway, here it is. I can tell you guys one thing… this story includes the famous Hollywood sign over looking LA, Jack and Kate, and the crash survivors…)
Disclaimer: I don't own LOST, I don't write for LOST, I am in no way, shape, or form, associated with LOST. JJ Abrams and the brilliant minds over at ABC and Bad Robot own LOST. Not me. "Evening Falls" is copyrighted by Enya. Hey, I know one thing I own… this Disclaimer… and this story. (But not the characters)
Chapter 1-
The Giant "D"-
Kate looked out over the city of Los Angeles. The "D" in the famous Hollywood sign was the perfect place to let off some stress. She loved it, being up there where no one could disturb her. Hell, no one even knew she was up there, and right now she just didn't care. Nobody could bother her, yell at her, or remind her of the mistakes she had made in her life.
She wiped away a tear, hey, at least she wasn't losing it in front of Jack, though she had been very close to. The streetlights started to blink on below as the sun disappeared halfway underneath the horizon. Jack would never look here, he probably wouldn't even think of it. Kate had shown him how to get up to the Hollywood sign once before, but he wasn't partial to jumping over electric fences. "That's why they made them electric." He had said. "So no one can do what we're doing now. Besides, the sign says 'No Trespassers Allowed'." But Kate had jumped over the fence without a second thought, as she had done so many times before.
Kate dangled her feet across the metal letter as she replayed the night's events in her mind.
Kate wasn't really sure how the fight had started, though it was probably about something stupid. Soon it had led to how stubborn she was and how dumb-assed he was. The fight then quickly spread to other subjects, dragging them in like old, unwanted memories refused to be forgotten, such as Kate's time in jail, Jack's father treating him like dirt, and then it led to the motherload.
"Maybe this was just all a bad decision! Hell, I barely know you!" she screamed at him.
"Maybe it is! 'Cause I sure don't know you!" he bellowed back.
Kate quieted down for a brief moment. "I'm going to go." She mumbled.
"No, don't." he demanded. "You can't."
"I can do whatever the hell I please, and if it means leaving, then so be it."
"Kate…" Jack's voice got softer, like he was beginning to realize what was happening.
"Don't 'Kate' me buddy. Ever since I was a kid, it was 'Kate, do this.' Or 'Kate, do that.' Well, I'm Kate-d out." She crammed some clothes in a suitcase. "So, I'm leaving."
"You can't." Jack repeated, blocking the door.
"Why the hell not? Give me three good reasons why I shouldn't go." She shot back, trying to duck past him.
He blocked her once more. "Well, one, you have no money. Two, you have nowhere to go. And three, you don't know this side of town."
"I'll manage." She said, finally barreling past him.
"Kate, I love you." Jack whispered.
She paused, but only for a minute. "You said you didn't know me." She said coolly. "I don't know when I'll be back, so don't bother staying up."
"Wasn't planning to." Jack replied, obviously hurt by her comment.
"Great, makes it easier on you." She said, and walked out the door.
She heard it slam loudly behind her, but she boarded the elevator and slumped against the wall.
-End Memory/Flashback-
Jack shifted in bed. He hadn't been able to sleep for a while. His mind wandered to Kate, and her whereabouts at the moment. He tried to replay every place that she had shown him. Not coming up with any, he signed and threw his pillow across the room. It slammed against the wall, making a soft 'thump!' before falling flat on the floor. Where could she be?
Climbing out of bed, Jack stumbled across the floor. His hand groped for the light switch, but it seemed it had disappeared. Cursing lowly, he then gave up the mission of finding the light switch and opened the door. A small stream of light fell against the half staircase, and as he descended them, the light ceased to exist, but only for a moment. A small glow from the microwave appeared in the kitchen and he headed towards it, figuring he'd make a cup of coffee. As he walked through the living room, his eyes settled on a door with a worn doorknob. Losing the thought of coffee, he opened it.
Papers lay scattered across his mahogany desk, the clock blinking its time. He had almost forgotten about his previous life, with everything happening so quickly. His computer looked like a ghost, the thin layer of dust shimmering as he passed by it. But he noticed something on the monitor, scrawled in the powder.
The storm clouds barreling overhead had just begun to open, and it seemed that the Gods were having some kind of fight, for the thunder was loud and mocking. The rain had steadily begun to pour, and soon the once-clear view of the skyscrapers became obscured by the waters. Kate sighed and leaned her head against the side of the sheet metal, not really knowing what to do. Only then did the worn denim bag catch Kate's eye. Dragging it over, she thanked God above for sparing her backpack. Digging around, she found a familiar sight, one that could please only her. Kate grabbed the worn airline blanket from its haven in her backpack, and wrapped it around her shoulders, letting the sweet aroma of the island fill her nostrils.
Settling in for a long night, Kate sighed and closed her eyes, trying to let slumber take over. If anyone came up that hill and had seen her, they'd think she was some crazy lunatic trying to get herself killed. And she didn't care what anyone thought of her at the moment. Flashes of light darted across the sky, accompanied with a crash of thunder seconds later. Kate went over what she had said to Jack in her mind.
She knew she had hurt him, but he had hurt her too. Kate wiped away another tear, more glad then ever that Jack wasn't there at the moment. He didn't need to see her lose it like this, and she didn't want him to either. But it seemed like every time she closed her eyes or got even a bit tired, an image of Jack appeared in her mind, and she just couldn't handle it anymore. All she knew was that she couldn't go to Jack's place tonight. He was probably sleeping peacefully, thinking she had managed to check into some hotel before the night fell. Little did he know that she was up there, on the huge Hollywood sign that practically everyone saw at least once in their lives. Just sitting in the "D", thinking about how much of a jackass she had been to him.
Close to home – I cannot say
Close to home – Feeling so far away
Forever searching; never right, I am lost
In oceans of night. Forever
Hoping I can find memories
Those memories I left behind
(A/N: So, what'd you guys think? Hopefully you like it, but I'm still only on chapter 2. I have this huge notebook I'm writing it in, so these chapters are going longer then 'Saving Kate'… And I couldn't update last night because I had yoga, then a PowerPoint presentation I had to work on. I'm going to try to update both my stories onFriday, or maybe tomorrow. Depends on my writing mood, and how much you guys like the story. Next chapter: Jack discovers where Kate's been hiding, but will he catch her in time? And will Kate ever get over her massive fight with Jack, or just mope around like some drunk? Lol. Find out in the next chapter.)