What is Love? by RW Grimm

No one knows what love truly is, at least she doesn't think so.

So many people cling to each other, searching for someone to lean on, support them.

That is not love in her eyes, that is dependency.

People are asked why they love the person they claim to adore so much.

They reply: "They're attractive, they're smart, they're funny,"

She is sure she could find thousands to fit that description.

Would they be as good as the other?

If not, why?

They are attractive, they are smart, they are funny.

But they are not the same person.

To her, love for a person cannot be described in words, because it is a feeling, not a noun or a verb.

A feeling cannot be told in words, for it is felt, not spoken.

It can be conveyed through action.

If you were willing to die for the person you love, to protect them from the dangers around them, then you understand love's meaning.

She would die for her love.

She would do anything for her love.

Even kill.