-Chapter 1

-Lonely Memories-

"A Painful Past A Loving Future"

-Dark Ice Kitsune-

"Hey Kagome?" A 6 (six) year old Youko yelled as he ran across the field.

"Hey Youko." Kagome answered as she stood and bowed.

"Kag-koi, what have I told you about being formal?" Youko asked as he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her up.

"Not to be around you." Kagome answered as she looked away, not wanting Youko to see her cry.

"What's wrong Kags?" Youko asked, he may not have been able to see the tears, but he could smell the salt from them.

"Nothing, I'm just sorry that I can't please you." Kagome cried.

Kagome shot straight out of her bed in a cold sweat.

Was that only a dream? She asked herself, afraid of the answers that awaited her. Getting up, washing her hair and doing her make-up (Yes, we girls can do two things at once).

Stepping outside in the bright sun, she walked her way to school. But was stopped as a ball rolled by her ankles.

"Huh?" Kagome asked herself as she looked down, it was a …………..soccer ball.

"Can I have my ball back please Miss?" Kagome looked down again and saw a boy, maybe the age of 6 or 7.

"Eh Kiddo you do it isn't safe to play ball around here? Right?" Kagome asked as she kneeled down to be kind of level with the kid.

"No Miss, Mommy is at work and she never cares." The boy answered.

"Well I'm not your mommy but I do care, and I don't want to see a pancake boy on the side of the road so, no more playing ball here, Okay?" Kagome did her best 'mother' voice, the one she had to use with Shippo in the past, the one that kept him out of the sweets.

"Yes Miss, Okay if you say so." The boy answered as Kagome handed him his ball. While walking across the street. But she turned back when she saw the ball bounce in the air. Didn't I just tell him NOT to play ball around here? Kagome asked herself as she watched him, but than she saw it happen, the ball bounced into the street. Okay let the kid go get it, just as long as ………………………………...No cars come by. She finished her thought after she heard the engine of a speeding car coming.

"GET OUT OF THERE KID! MOVE!" Kagome yelled as she threw her body at the kid, hoping to move him in time. Pushing his body out of the way, but not feeling a car hit her, she felt herself being pushed back and the next thing she remembered was a boy laying on top of her.

End of One-


DaRk IcE kItSuNe