Author's Note to those who were good enough to review and those who criticized:
To anomalyboblaladodalydo: I was rather confused by your complaint! First, I would like to point out that I never mentioned that I was a phan. You said I was a bad phan, but how do you know if I'm a phan at all? I won't admit to either. It wouldn't be proper. Also, you said that I "killed Erik". Well, as a matter of fact, I DIDN'T! I'm not sure if I want him dead either…. Hmmm. Nah, I'll let him die. But anyhow, it's the mob that kills him, not me and Chippy. Lastly, what kind of BAD person would hurt a squirrel?
To L-X-R: I miss you! Thanks for so faithfully reviewing. May your life be devoid of cheeriness!
To Pimpernelunderacelticmoon: My dear sister, you're opinion is worth less than a mite of green butter. Happy un-birthday.
To Baffled Seraph, Anadechangy, Kristinekat13, Erik for president, Artymas, Sytherin Groupie, Loverofbalto, and BrattyStitchie: Chippy loves you too. You all receive prizes for squirrel sympathy
To all my reviewers: Please refrain from using crass expressions, even in praising. It looks rather rough, and Chippy doesn't like it.
Un-Disclaimer: I do own Chippy
I wandered for quite some time until I came upon an office door. I knocked.
"Come in!" Chippy cried from inside.
"Chippy, my dear!" I said as I strolled into the room, "This is quite a lair!"
"Actually," Chippy corrected, "It's my lab. I study humanoids. They're an interesting species."
"I agree." I said, twitching my antennae, "By the by, what did you do to the diva?"
"Oh, I' m keeping her for a while for research, then I'm donating my research to National Squirrelographic. Then I'll just tag her and let her loose in her natural habitat." Chippy replied, "Cigar?"
"Yes please." I answered. I took the cigar and had a few puffs. "Where is she?" I asked at last.
"Oh, in that cage over ther." Chippy remarked offhandedly.
I strolled toward the cage. The diva-wanna-be was sitting on a large bird-perch.
"My angel, Erik will save me! No! Not that creep! My sweet viscount will save me! No! Not that fop! My angel, Erik will save me! No! Not that creep! My sweet viscount will save me! No! Not that fop! I love Erik! No! He's ugly and old! Raoul is handsome! I love Raoul! No! Looks don't make the man! Erik is my love! Raoul! Erik! Raoul! Erik! Raoul! Angel vs. Fop! Viscount vs. Murderer! Who should I choose? Who should I choose? Erik or Raoul? Oh!" The singer was saying over and over again.
"I can narrow your choice out a bit." I said, listening to the gory sounds of the mob above.
"Oh! Look! Pretty fairie!" Christine cried, pointing a finger at me.
"Don't point, it's rude." I replied, walking over to Chippy.
"What do you think?" Chippy asked.
"Oh, an interesting specimen to be sure!" I assured, "But, Chippy, old thing, Now that Erik is dead will you be happy and be able to go back to your former occupation?"
"Alas, no!" Chippy sighed, "For the legend of Erik has inspired novelists to movie directors and therefore his fame will live on. My days as The Squirrel of the Opera are done."
"In that case," I said, "Would you be interested in coming with me to Fairie for a while?"
"Oh, my lady, I would love it!"
Chippy and I had a grand time in Fairie, Erik died (duh), the mob was arrested with Carlotta screaming "Revenge for Buquet and Piangi!" and Buquet and Piangi echoing her. Raoul never stopped talking. Christine turned up after a while, tagged and collared for observation. I won an award for the Hogwash.
Do be kind enough to review! It does please Chippy so much. If you want to visit please go to Ireland, then stand by moonlight on the shores of Lough Larchen. You'll be sent to fairie within seconds.
Maidenhair of Farie