The Irony of Relationships

Chapter Nineteen

By Fanfic-Lover

A/N: peers around Unlike I'd hoped, I ended up abandoning this story for the longest time EVER!! TT.TT I'm terribly sorry, readers. I've been such a disrespectful author. I'm not surprised if none of my readers come back. sniffles Anyways, I finally found my way back over here and I'm going to try my hardest to make it up by finishing this story! Hope everyone will stick by my side till then!

"Wow, the stadium really is all lighted up at night!" Rikku exclaimed as they approached the Zanarkand Blitzball Stadium.

"You've heard that, eh?" Shuyin questioned with a knowing smile.

"Everyone has heard that," Rikku answered with a bright smile. "The Blitzball Stadium here is what everyone talks about elsewhere."

"I see," Shuyin commented. "Well, you get to boast that you saw it."

"Yep!" Rikku exclaimed excitedly.

As they entered the outskirts of the stadium, they saw people waiting in line to purchase tickets for the game. Other people were gathered at the stairways leading to the stadium seats. The doors weren't open yet since the game wouldn't start until another hour-and-a-half. They headed off to the side and entered into the locker room areas. Rikku shook with excitement as she held her hands together, grinning happily.

Tidus chuckled at her reaction and placed an arm around his shoulder. "Are you ready to meet the Zanarkand Abes?" he asked.

"Mm-hmm!" Rikku answered excitedly.

Shuyin laughed and patted her shoulder. "Your excitement reminds me of when I first introduced Lenne to the team," he commented.

"Really?' Rikku questioned and looked at Lenne. "You got to meet them, too?"

"Of course!" Lenne answered with a laugh. "That's actually one of the reasons why I decided to take care of Shuyin when he was injured. I was hoping I'd be able to meet the team if I made a good impression on him." She smiled and winked.

"So, that's the real reason why you were after me?" Shuyin asked in a hurt tone. "I see how it is; your motives are finally revealed after five years of marriage."

Lenne lightly punched Shuyin's shoulder. "You know I'm merely jesting," she commented.

"Of course, dearest," Shuyin replied and pecked her cheek. He pulled away and gestured for Rikku to hook her arm through his. "Lady Rikku, are you ready?"

Rikku hooked arms with Shuyin and nodded. "Yes, I am," she answered.

"Shall we?" he asked and, after she nodded, led her into the Zanarkand Abes' locker room.

Lenne and Tidus stood next to each as they watched. "Shuyin seems to like her a lot," Tidus announced.

"He sure does," Lenne replied.

"Are you jealous, dear sister?" Tidus asked in a teasing tone.

"Now, why would you think that?" Lenne questioned, throwing her arm around his neck and giving it a squeeze. "You're not jealous, are you?"

"N-no," he answered in between grunts.

Lenne released her hold and smiled innocently. "I thought so," she replied. "Neither am I." She turned her attention back in the direction Shuyin and Rikku had headed. "I'm just glad Rikku likes us." She smiled happily. "I'm hoping we leave a good impression on her during your stay, y'know?"

Tidus rubbed the back of his neck as he sighed. "I'm pretty sure you two left a good impression on her already," he answered with a smile.

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"Wow, what a great game!" Rikku exclaimed as the four of them headed home. She hooked her arm through Lenne's. "Right, Lenne?"

"Yeah," Lenne answered with a smile.

Shuyin chuckled as he watched the two. "It seems Rikku has grown rather attached to you already, Lenne," he commented.

"I'm starting to feel as if I'm not even married anymore," Tidus added.

Rikku immediately released Lenne and hooked arms with Tidus. "All right, you big baby," she teased. "Your little wifey shall stay by your side, okay?" She laid her head on Tidus's shoulder as they walked. "Are you happy now?"

"Absolutely," Tidus replied with a smile as he placed an around her shoulders.

"I suppose I don't have to ask if you had fun tonight, right, Rikku?" Shuyin asked.

"It is quite obvious, isn't it?" Rikku questioned and laughed. "Sorry if my spasms frighten you two."

"Not at all," Lenne replied. "Shuyin has his own spasms from time to time."

"Really?" Rikku asked and laughed. "He certainly doesn't seem like he would."

"Neither would Tidus, right?" Shuyin added. "I'm telling you; he gets them, too."

"That's not true at all!" Tidus exclaimed as he glared at his brother.

Rikku and Lenne laughed as the twin brothers glared at each other, one daring the other to blink. The small challenge ended in a draw when both women decided to jump onto their husbands' backs.

"Hey, I was just about to win," Shuyin announced as he struggled to keep a hold of Lenne's legs.

"Yeah, you distracted what could've been a clean win for me, Rikku," Tidus said as he shifted Rikku higher onto his back, grabbing a hold of her thighs.

"You're supposed to pay attention to your wife, dear husband," Rikku replied with a laugh as she wrapped her arms around his neck to hang on.

"Especially when you're newly weds," Lenne announced, wrapping her arms around Shuyin's shoulders. "Don't let anything else distract you from her."

Tidus chuckled. "Whatever you say," he replied.

Together, the two husbands walked home while giving their wives piggyback rides.

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Rikku laughed as she released Tidus and fell back onto the large canopied bed. While she laughed, Tidus lied down beside her and watched as she laughed. After she stopped, she looked at him with a smile. He reached out and gently trailed his fingers across her cheek. Blushing, Rikku turned her head to look at a different point of the room.

Tidus moved his fingers to her chin and turned her head so she'd look at him. They locked eyes and stared in silence. Then, he leaned in and lightly pressed his lips against hers. Rikku's hand reached up and cupped his face. Then, he pulled her into his embrace as he deepened the kiss. After what seemed an eternity, he pulled away and they stared into each other's eyes again.

Rikku licked her lips as she released the breath she realized she was holding. "Are you…going to make love to me?" she asked.

Tidus smiled and cupped her face, caressing her cheek with his thumb. "Do you want me to?" he asked.

Rikku blushed as she looked away. "Umm…I…I don't know," she answered hesitantly.

Tidus leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Only when you're ready, Rikku," he announced as he pulled back. "Can I ask you a favor, though?"

"Of course," she answered, looking at him.

"Could I…hold you while we sleep?" he asked.

Rikku smiled and nodded. "I think that would be nice, Tidus," she answered.

Tidus smiled and stood to change. Rikku stood and made her way to the dressing screen to change as well. She donned her nightgown and exited from behind to see Tidus already lying on the bed. As her heart beat quickened, she tried to remain calm while she headed to the bed. As she approached, she realized he was shirtless and bit back a gasp.

Tidus looked up at her and held out his hand. She smiled and reached out her hand. He took a hold of it and pulled her into bed. She landed on top of him and they stared at each other in silence. Then, he smiled and they broke into light laughter. Rikku rolled off onto the other side and Tidus pulled the sheets over them. As she snuggled closer to him, he wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close.

"Goodnight, Tidus," she announced as she looked at him.

He kissed her forehead and smiled. "Goodnight, Rikku," he replied.

They both closed their eyes and eventually fell into slumber.

A/N: I don't know if this can be considered long enough to make up for the lack of updates. . I promise to finish this story, though! SoOo…please don't lose faith in me! Thanks for the patient support, readers!