OM-Fing-G! A HigexKiba! You NEVER see these anymore!

I hope you all like it, considering the fact I don't write as good as some people

The Hunt – Part 1

Kiba leaned on Hige's shoulder, thinking no embarrassment when he had to place his hand on Hige's chest in order to stand straight. Kiba and the rest of his pack, Tsume, Toboe, and Hige, went out to hunt for food. They found one nice deer and set out for it. The white wolf, as always, going first and getting bucked one time too many. Now he limps, hanging on to Hige's shoulder so not to fall into the mud below. The mud also impairs his walking.

The result of the hunt, one healthy deer, was now being carried by Tsume, flies attaching and detaching themselves every couple of seconds. Toboe tried his best to help, propping up the head and what not. But it made no difference. This was not a heavy load for the likes of Tsume, but Toboe just wanted to be close to his seme.

Toboe and Tsume had first declared their love for each other about a month ago in a small city while they were staying in an inn, getting rested and well-fed for the journey ahead. Toboe had first said that he had feelings for Tsume in the darkened hallway when Tsume returned his words not with more words, but with a passionate kiss. Hige watched from the crack in his door at the couple across the hall. Mentally picturing him and Kiba in that situation, the thought fleeing from his brain as soon as it came, knowing that Kiba and himself would never end up like that.

When back to camp, which was a couple rocks and a small fire, Hige sat Kiba down, sitting next to him. Being so close made him shiver, while Kiba's only thought was the searing pain down his right leg and abdomen.


Tsume and Toboe laid down the deer and ripped off chunks for each one, Hige getting a bit more then the others. It always amazed Kiba how Hige could keep such a perfect body with so much food. It made him ponder why Tsume called him Porky, when he doesn't look fat at all behind, or should I say, under that baggy sweatshirt and pants. Kiba smiled while Hige devoured his food, although a smile was very out of place for Kiba's condition.

Hige looked out of the corner of his eye at the smiling figure he was sitting next to, puzzled of why he was staring at him. He did not blush, fore blushing is something of a confused little boy. Hige was not confused about the feelings he had for Kiba. He knew what he felt was love. Love for a beautiful wolf.

Kiba did not blush either, because Kiba just did not blush. He might had felt love for the one sitting next to him but oddly enough he did not show it, which left Hige guessing until the very last second. Tsume and Toboe had been so open with their feelings that it was obvious. But if a stranger had came up their only clue would be that they are sitting next to eachother, looking at the other with one eye, smiling.

Kiba had gone to sleep early, and woke up early. He looked to his right and saw Hige there, curled up, yet sprawled everywhere. Kiba smiled once more, but no one else was supposed to see that smile.

"Hello Kiba!" Kiba jumped a bit and stopped smiling. Toboe sat there looking at him, a little puzzled. Then smiled a bit. "I won't tell.." he said finally. Kiba wanted to smiled, but couldn't smile at anyone else but Hige.

Kiba eventually ate the rest of the meat he had lying there from the night before. It had some flys, but insects are good protein. Taking large bites at a time each piece was devoured within seconds. Now there only lay a couple big pieces, which he left for Hige, who had finished his off the night before. Hige woke within minutes of Kiba, watching him devour his food and leave a bit, pondering weither of not he was going to eat it. After a while of staring secretively at Kiba, Hige lifted his head, then the rest of his upper body, trying not to tip back over and lay again on the soft ground.

Kiba put the meat in front of Hige, and whispered, "You must be hungry." Hige nodded, wanting to hug Kiba for thinking of him and slyly whisper in his delicate ears "I love you" but instead, he ate the food and peeked at Kiba staring at him and smiling. Toboe, watching all this from across the campfire, looked at his lover and realized how much earlier they realized their feelings even though Toboe is much younger then both Kiba and Hige. Toboe smiled his cute boyish smile.

Tsume awoke with a start, looking around realizing he was the only one asleep. "We should get moving." Tsume sputtered.

"Why?" Kiba asked, "We aren't running away from anything.

"I know," Tsume responded, "But I need a bath…"

Oh, Tsume fangirls flock!

Hopefully I can get a make-out scene in the next chapter. It'll be goodd

I already got some ideas.