Disclaimer: I own only the scattered contents of my mind. All trademaked charecters belong to WOTC,or some one with more money than I.

Can I get there by candle light,yes,and back again

Chapter one:
Last Battle (or down the rabbit hole)

James shouted out a warning "Your left! He's on your left!" Brianna turned to look and was crashed into by a large,hairy beast. "Dammit!Get off of me kee!" she yelled at the werewolf,who merly gave her a fangy grin. She rolled to a kneeling position,and scanned the dirt road for where the demon had went. She saw the glint of metal disapearing into the woods,as James and Brandin gave chase. Keebler,in wolf form was aready loping after them,heading into the tree cover. She shook her head,grabbed her staff,and followed the group.

They had been watching this location for a few weeks now. In a place and time where demons, ghosts, and witches(werebeasts,too)were thought to be fantasy only,they had to operate in secret. There was no big organization to back them up,no secert goverment sect,only a small group of friends that had banded together to deal with things that weren't quite "normal". Brianna heard them before she stumbled upon where they had cornered the demon.
James glanced over at her with his devil-may-care grin,and spoke with a southern tinged drawl "Alright we got 'em in the oven,Now you give 'em a good hot send off " Brianna smiled and stepped foward and began to chant;


heed ye now to my desire

take this spawn of darkness born

back thru the veil that was torn

seal his blackness,dark and deep

place apon him a deep sleep

now I call to open this portal

and let nothing pass that is not mortal!"

The demon,unfourtanatly was one of higher inntelligence and had began to cast a counter-spell as Brianna had started hers;

"Mother darkness,

Father night take this mortal from my sight

send her far to realms unknown

cast her out,from her home

space bend and time unfurl

away shadows,and take this girl!"

The two spells met in a clash of black and grey smoke. James,Brandin and Keebler lost sight of each other and Brianna. Magickal mist clogged their throats and burned their sinuses. The smoke cleared slowly.
The force of the two magics exploding had caused Keebler to shift back into his normal form of a young man in his twenties. His senses were still superior to the others who he located quickly,all excepect Brianna.
The three boys looked on,horrified at two blackend places on the earth-one where the demon had been,and the other where Brianna had stood. Not a trace remained of either.


Brianna moaned,Goddess,her head really hurt.She moved slightly, the rest of her body didn't feel much better.
A raspy voice cut into her thoughts,
"She wakes. Fetch some water"
Brianna cracked an eye...and promptly screamed.

Before her stood a man in black robes,golden skin,white hair,and hour-glass shaped pupils.
Now Brianna had read enough to know that standing before her,somehow,was Raistlin Majere.
She sat up,reached out with one finger,poked him and drew back quickly.
Raistlin frowned and asked "Were you raised with bad manners,or are you half kender and know no better"
She bit off her schorching remark as Dalamar returned with the glass of water.
Descriptions did the elf little justice. He was beautiful,deadly,graceful,stunning... If he had been serving poison in the cup,she would have drank it.
Brianna shook her head...What the hell...Ok,he looked good but.
She narrowed her eyes at the elf and quipped "Nice charm spell,so what do you do for a finale,strip?"

Raistlin gave an irrated sigh and waved his hand with a soft spoken "sleep", she resisted for a moment,and then fell back on the bed.
Raistlin turned to Dalamar "She's not from here.And she can at least detect magick. Contact The Conclave." He turned to go,but paused at the doorway "and Dalamar,If you use a spell on persons unknown in this tower in my care again,well-you won't be able to hide the marks I leave on your face." Raistlin gave a cruel smile and stepped out as he heard Dalamar whisper "yes,shalafi".

Okies ,hope you enjoyed,sorry about taking soo long to get to krynn..had to set up the plot. Please r&r. Also forgive spelling,no spell check and can't find the dictionary for all the dragonlance books..and chicken feathers...