Title: Vampires Vs. The World
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Warning: Yaoi, gore, vampires, swearing

Notes: Yeah, yeah, I know. It's been forever. Stupid school and writers block had to run a muck!

Chapter Eight

Bakura stood a top a Tokyo building, staring down at the streets below. Brown eyes watched intently as the citizens went about their lives. His eyes narrowed dangerously and he moved away from the edge. Out of spite, he set a car on fire on the street.

The ancient vampire was livid, wanting nothing to do with anyone. "How could he?" he said out loud, pacing on the rooftop. "That bastard! I trusted him!" He growled deep in his throat. "I can stop him," he muttered. "Marik isn't that strong. He'll be an easy kill. Ancient or not." He stopped moving and started down at the floor.

There was no doubt in his mind that the betrayal he felt in the pit of his stomach was greater than his rage. He'd known Marik since they were living on the streets of Egypt. They had been together when Yami had first come into their lives.

The smallest of smiles graced his lips as he thought back to that time, before vanishing. He and Marik had been playing on the banks of the Nile, seeing who could touch closer to the crocodile's head without being bitten. It wasn't until they were heading back to the village that they came across the soon-to-be-Pharaoh as he was being shoved around by other teens from the village. Without even finding out who Yami was first, they helped him. They had been together as friends since then, at least until they were awoken.

Bakura let out a furious hiss as he thought about the betrayal. "Stupid Pharaoh," he snarled. "...stupid Marik!" In a small fit of rage, another car went up in smoke.

Sitting back on the edge of the building, he stared at the fires he caused as he continued to reflect on the situation. "I'll kill him..." Bakura mumbled, glaring at the ground. "I'll prove you can kill an ancient." With a shake of his head, he snowy haired vampire vanished as police and firefighters showed up below.

Marik stood on top of the abandoned warehouse with Yami, staring off into the sky. They were out on another mission, and they were to wait until they saw the rest of the group before acting. The blonde ancient sighed impatiently as he waited.

Next to him, Yami sat on the cold, broken shingles. The former Pharaoh waited silently, unsure of how to address the vampire next to him. He never expected to be fighting along side the other ancient. The only thing he still didn't like was the fact that they were going to fight Bakura. He wanted his friends back, the three of them laughing together. But those days had long since passed, although he wouldn't give up.

Yami turned to Marik, about to ask the other ancient a question when he was interrupted by shouting. Both vampires' heads whipped towards the sound to see Malik and the others being chased by Bakura and a few other vampires. Seto and Joey stopped for a moment to cover for Malik, Yugi, and Tristan, before sprinting after them.

Marik's dangerous eyes settled on Bakura's form and he grinned. Friends or not, he was ready for a fight, and the snowy haired ancient was going to give it to him. It was the perfect area, too. They didn't have to worry about mortals seeing them. With a small hiss, he waited as Malik and his friends moved into the warehouse before he jumped down, landing in Bakura's way.

The snowy haired ancient came to a stop and stared at Marik. A slow, predatory grin spread across his lips, and he took a step towards the blonde. "Marik..." he said in a low, hissed voice. "Just the vampire I hoped to see this night."

The blonde snorted with a glare. "Since when have you had hope?" he countered. "If you hadn't seen me here, you would have called for me, or gone to the house."

Chocolate eyes narrowed dangerously. "You're right, I would have," he snarled. "But, at least this way I know you're not a complete chicken. You've got balls showing yourself out in the open after you betrayed us."

"Betrayed you?" Marik repeated. "I betray no one; I just know when you're doing something stupid, and this has got to be the stupidest thing ever! You can't possibly take out all the mortals on this Earth!"

"Watch me!" Bakura hissed dangerously. "I'm going to bury them all in the sands! They're going to pay for what they did! ….but first, I'm going to make sure you die for betraying me!" Chocolate eyes narrowed before he lunged at the blonde.

The violet eyed vampire jumped up and scaled the building, jumping into the roof as Yami hopped down and ran into the warehouse. The ancient pharaoh ran over to his friends, as they were heading for the backdoor of the building. Out the corner of his eye, Yami could see Keith and the rest of the vampires running thought the door.

"Get outside, now!" Malik ordered, shoving all his friends out the door. "Is Marik going to do what he's supposed to?"

"He'll do it," Yami stated. "We just have to get outside and he'll take care of it."

"Uh, Yami, we may have a problem with this!" Joey stated as they got outside.

Up on the roof, Marik was busy fighting with Bakura, dodging the swords as they came flying at him. The blonde could hear Bakura laughing, mocking him. Violet eyes narrowed dangerously, and he ripped the swords from the other ancient's hands, sending them flying into the roof. He grinned at the shocked look on the other ancient's face as he headed over to the edge of the building. With a wave, he jumped down, landing on the ground.

"Running away?" Bakura asked with a snarl, staring down at Marik and everyone else.

Marik snorted. "Hardly," he answered as the building started to shake. The snowy haired ancient watched the building with wide brown eyes as the doors shut with a slam and the walls started to cave in. The walls started to warp, the corners coming off the ground. "Let's see how Pegasus likes his best men buried beneath the rubble."

Bakura growled dangerously. "You think you're so great, but that blood gift of yours won't help you worth a damn when I kill you," he commented, disappearing as the building caved in, crumbling to the ground.

"Did he just say he was going to kill you?" Malik asked.

"I thought you couldn't kill an ancient," Joey mused, frowning.

"You can't," Marik stated. "He's just pissy because I beat him at his own game."

Yami sighed, shaking his head. "Let's head home," he said. "We'll think things through there."

Marik snorted. "I'm going out to feed," he stated, vanishing.

"You can't do that now!" Malik shouted, even though he had vanished.

Nearly an hour later, Marik returned to the house, flopping down onto the bed. Violet eyes glowed with renewed life, tan skin shining under the moonlight. Grinning, he looked over to the door, sensing someone on the other side. Quietly, he got off the bed and walked over to the door, pulling it open, finding Ryou standing there.

"Can I help you?" the blonde asked, voice deep, a natural growl present.

"I came to talk to you," Ryou stated in his soft voice. "Malik's pretty upset about you going off to feed."

"Well, that's his problem, so he can come to me about it instead of sending you," Marik argued and shut the door, going back over to the bed. He glanced over as the door open and Ryou let himself in. "You know, you're slowly testing my patience," he commented. "What's to stop me from feeding off you should you annoy me enough?"

Ryou stared at Marik for a long moment, his gaze almost scrutinizing. "I don't sense that kind of hostility from you," he finally said. "At least not towards me, but if it were concerning Malik, I believe you would."

Marik's violet eyes narrowed slightly. "You're awfully confident that I wouldn't feed from you," he commented. "Especially when you come to me, first." Grinning, he shut the door as he sat on his bed. "So, what brings you here, anyway?"

Ryou shrugged, standing by the door. "I told you, Malik was upset about you feeding from a mortal, and I felt you come back, so I thought I'd see what you were up to."

"Well, it's cute that you care, but what I do is none of his business, or yours," Marik stated, turning away from the teen. "Now leave me alone."

Ryou bit his lip as he watched the blonde ancient. Sighing, he went over and sat on the very edge of the bed. "I didn't come here for Malik," he said. "I came here because you seem like you could use a friend. I know you have Yami, but you don't seem like much of friends anymore. And I know you and Bakura aren't friends anymore, and by your aura, you just seemed so lonely."

"Well, I'm not!" Marik snapped, turning to Ryou with a glare. "Damn empath. You think you know everything, but you know nothing. I don't need a friend, because they just stab you in the back."

"I won't do that," Ryou answered, breaking out in goose bumps by the sudden rush of anger coming from Marik. "I'm not that cunning. ...and have I given you a reason not to trust me? Was there anything in that bottle of blood I gave you?"

"...no," Marik mumbled, eyeing Ryou skeptically. "Why are you trying so hard?"

Ryou shrugged, looking at the floor. "I told you, you seemed like you could use a friend. No one ever wants to be alone, even if that's how they act." He smiled, looking over at the ancient, who still held a glare. "Besides, I also want to know all about Egypt."

"You can ask Yami about Egypt," Marik stated.

"I have, but he just mostly talks about when he was a pharaoh," Ryou stated. "I want to know more." The blonde stared at Ryou and sighed, sitting up. He eyed the chocolate eyed teen for a long moment before he started speaking, telling him of the times back in ancient Egypt when he and Bakura would mess around by the banks of the Nile. It would take them well into the night, the blonde telling stories, remembering when things were normal.