Now looking back on it I don't even think it happened. Its impossible completely and utterly impossible. No one can go back in time. Its easier to believe that I was kidnapped and beaten into believing this happened instead.

But then I look down on my body My now bloody knuckles, cheeks that are hollow, even my friend's moms best Italian cooking hasn't put much fat on my face or body, though I no longer look like a poster child for some Christian charity. Can look at my hair, still long, longer then when I left. But now its slightly limper, the blonde shimmer from before gone.

But all of that could be my imagination. My eyes though, they tell me the truth. They tell me that I did indeed sleep on the streets, that the scars on my body aren't from some pervert who raped and beat me. They're from impatient adults who had no problem pushing a weak girl away from them, who when they catch a thief will beat the girl.

They tell of laughing heartily for two years, hanging out with a group of guys. Of running on the cobbles, not worrying about twisting an ankle. They remind me of looking into a puddle, and seeing my face, lip split from an argument with a guy over how much money we should split.

When I look into the mirror I remember that I can speak Yiddish and Italian, almost as well as English. That I have a New York accent, for to those who live there. When I first got back almost no one could understand me. Took me a few hours to adjust it.

I know now that my food won't be stolen if I don't eat it fast. I know that no one will kill me for my clothes or rape me for looking slightly good.

But even knowing that its hard to adjust.

I still wake up at Dawn, walking till I can't walk any more. Looking at our small town I laugh. The air is so clean, I had a hard time believing it. I walk by barns with cows, Cows! I had almost forgotten about them. Milk in my mind had started to come from a glass bottle when you had enough money to afford it.

My eyes reminded me that this was all true.

My eyes told me that I had survived.

Then I started to remember

Disclaimer: I own this main character, Disney owns the others that will be used.

Author's notes: Okay trying this one again -sigh- New theory and New Characters. No Cliches. Hopefully. Woo!