Disclaimer: I own nothing, unless it is mine to begin with. I mean, really, people, do you think something as great as my writing could actually make it on the screwed up GG storyline? My point exactly. I'm modest. Very modest. The epitome of modesty. Deal with me and my inflated ego. :)

I apologize for the Jess bashing here... Lorelai is mad at that particular moment... but she makes up for that later on. That' s what I believe her to be thinking during the whole prom-dress discussion.

Bitter much?

Chapter 14: It's Five AM!

Once again, Lorelai Victoria Gilmore stands in her daughter's room's doorframe, contemplating the two figures dozing off on the bed. She decideds to go forth with her Graduation Day Master Plan anyways, and proceeds with shaking Rory awake and fairly pulling her off of Jess.

"Rory? Up! Up! Up!"

"Mommy?" She glances at the clock. She rubs the sleep from her eyes and does a double take, just in case. "It's five AM!"
Nope. I was right the first time.

She glances down at Jess. Good. She didn't wake him. Then at her mother, then at Jess again.

Taking in the fact that her boyfriend is still very much deep in a seemingly untroubled slumber, she deems it safe to leave him alone for a little. He scared her, the previous night, with his revelations, his wounds, his tears. She is reluctant to leave his side, not knowing what may come next, what his mind might be set on the moment he wakes up, what he might be feeling not seeing her next to him, after she promised him she wouldn't leave him. She knows it's irrational, all of it, but she can't help herself. She jumps quickly out of bed and out of her room.

"Why are we up at this ungodly hour?" The younger Gilmore questions around a yawn.

"Because today you graduate. I have to put the finishing touches on your dress, get all emotional and teary eyed, and... I couldn't sleep, so I woke you." Lorelai narrows her eyes at her daughter."Did I interrupt something in there?" So not sure if I really want an honest answer to that.

"Nope. Jess came by yesterday night. To see me. " Oh really? "And he kinda... fell asleep." Yeah... after what must have been the worst emotional break down in history... I know it's surely the worst emotional break down in his life.

"Fell asleep after having done something slutty with my favorite daughter?" Lorelai questions, seeing her daughter's thoughtfully far away stare.

"Mom!" Oh Mom... Yesterday night was anything but.."And no."... Although..."Not yesterday night, anyways..." Raid alarm! Everyone, please retreat in orderly fashion to your bomb-proofed bunkers.


"Well, that was before." Yeah. Rory's bitter, the party playing over and over, striking deep within her...

"Before what?" What now? What did Jess do this time? Lorelai is growing tired of this vicious circle. Seeing her daughter happy with Jess. Seeing Jess mess up. Seeing Rory hurting over Jess. Seeing Jess make it up to Rory, in some way. Seeing Rory happy again. And then it's another fun-filled round trip of those.

"Before the party, before the fight, before the thing in Kyle's bedroom." Bad wording, Ror. Still. Every word, every gesture, every glance exchanged the previous night is full of hidden meaning. She acknowledge its presence, but she doesn't know what it is, or what put it there...

"Okay, come with me." Why do I feel the sudden urge to majorly freak out?

She leads her daughter to the Jeep.

"Okay, we left off with the thing in Kyle's bedroom." Oh, yeah, that's why. Because my daughter was with Jess in a bedroom. Excuse me if I'm not thrilled.

"I don't understand. One minute he's happy, then he's not." Majorly off-putting, by the way." And he doesn't tell me anything ever. I mean, you're supposed to tell your girlfriend things. That's the whole point of having a girlfriend, isn't it?" Usually.'Cause if you're Jess Mariano, chances are he'll kiss you instead of talking to you. Or...

"Yes, it is." Not if you're any eighteen-year-old guy with functioning hormones. Bar Dean, who's not normal. And put Jess at the top of the list. Just 'cause he's Jess. "Now, Kyle's bedroom, what happened there?" And if you happen to mention a certain word that starts with S and ends in X, don't mind the crazy woman with the ax dismembering the diner boy.

"And I'm so tired of fighting. Or not even fighting because he won't fight." No fighting. We've done that twice in two years. But at least we had things out then. "He just gets mad and disappears and then comes back and I don't like how I feel and I don't like what I do." I don't know what's worse. Fighting and feeling horrible, or this nothingness... and still feeling horrible... Without actually having an inkling of what happens to reside in that mind of his.

"Like what you do where, in Kyle's bedroom?" Rory. Talk to me, or I'll go nuts! Lorelai is becoming increasingly worried with the whole bedroom thing.

"I don't wanna feel like this, I don't wanna sit around wondering when we're going to talk, if he's mad, why he's mad! I hate this. I really, really..." Do. I want him to trust me. Tell me what happened to him. Why he looked so wounded. Why he lashed out at me. He never lashes out at me. That's true. I've seen him angry, insecure, and we've had fights and disagreements... but at the party... He scared me. Hell, he terrorized me. I've never seen him so... There really is no word to describe what she'd seen coming from him then, but it seems clear now that he had been in need of her attention, in need of physical reassurance, in need of something she didn't know she was supposed to give him.

"Honey, you gotta tell Mommy what happened in Kyle's bedroom!" And you really gotta stop obsessing about this, Lore, you're starting to bear a startling resemblance to Kirk.

"Jess was upset and I went to look for him and we were kissing and then it seemed like he wanted to. . ." Have sex. Make love. Make me lose something unretrievable. Fuck me 'till next thursday. Deflower me. Bang, wham, thank you Ma'am. How do I put this nicely? Thankfully, her trailing off is picked up by her now officially freaked out mother.

"Did you?" Say no. Say you dumped the lowlife. Say he forced himself on you. Say you kicked him in the groin and... Tell me one thing, one single thing that will give me an excuse to rightfully take his head as a souvenir... She looks over at her obviously distressed daughter. Lore, get a grip.

"No, I didn't." Not then and there. But... in different circumstances... " And then he got all weird like he was mad at me." Was he? 'Cause I know Jess... I have the feeling me pushing him away the way I did was the last drop. Now, I'd just like to know what the freaking vase was full of.

"Hey, if he was mad at you because you wouldn't have sex with him, then he's a jerk." I wouldn't put it below him to be one of those guys. The kind of guy that asks for sex,and makes the girlfriend feel guilty if she doesn't put out.

"I know that, but I don't even know if that's why he's mad at me. I don't know if he's mad at me. I don't know anything because he won't talk. He just sulks then disappears, and just when you're through with him, he shows up at hockey games with Distiller tickets." Yeah... That evening... I wanted to kill him. And kiss him. And kill him all over again...

"Distiller tickets? What Distiller tickets?" When did that happen? When did you start lying to me on account of Jess?

"Oh, that's right, you don't know about that because I didn't tell you because I was embarrassed because I didn't wanna be that girl and you don't want me to be that girl, but after the hockey game, I was that girl." Rambling much, Gilmore? I wanted to go with him, even though he was being a complete jerk. 'Cause I wanted to be with him.

"What girl? Help me, drag me along, honey." The girl that goes to concert and sleeps with the lowlife who treats her like dirt later?

"The girl who lets her boyfriend treat her like dirt and then lies to her mom about it." And feels like shit about it afterwards. 'Cause she didn't solve a thing.

"Okay, you need a breath here." And you have to tell me whether something I really hope didn't happen happened or not. Ok. I think I just lost myself in there.

End of Flashback

"Oh. Ok."Hold it "No... Wait" She mouths her daughter's words to herself."Rory! Does that mean that..." She trails off.

All right. Here goes nothing."...That the something slutty happened..." Ready for this? "Not yesterday night..." Here it comes. "Yesterday afternoon. After Jason fought with Dean." There it is... Sits on the couch, staring warily at her mother. No need to tell her that we did it twice.

"Are you mad? Please don't be mad." Mom? I couldn't take it if you were mad...

"I'm not mad, Sweets... just... when I asked you how your day went, you could have fit that little detail in there..." Ok, Lore, this is where you shut up and thank the powers that be that she's at least talking to you about it.

"I'm telling you now. Yesterday... I just needed to keep it for a while, you know?" She curls her legs under her, and watches as her mother takes up the other half of the couch.

"Ok. I understand... were you... careful?" Please say yes. Please, please say yes. I don't want to end up a grandmother too soon.

"Yes. Very. I'm already on the... pill... but we used a..."... condom. I hate that word.

"Ok..."... What now? A malicious glint appears in those blue eyes, so likened to and so different from her daughter's. As she opens her mouth to speak, Rory beats her to the punch.

"Don't ask me if it was any good, 'cause I'm not answering that." I'm so not going there with you, Mom.

"Aw, you're no fun." Oh come on. Don't deprive me of the simple pleasure of embarassing you with this.

"Deal with it." Rory's voice has the kind of hard edge Lorelai knows not to pit herself against.

"Ok. Listen... Just don't let me hear or see anything unfit for a PG-13 audience, ok?"

"Mom! You're gross!"

"Still. Lock your door, play really loud music... hang the non disturb sign on your door... but please. Walking in on the two you just sleeping is enough."

"Ok. Are you sure you're ok with..." This whole sex... thing?

"I can't lock you up and throw away the key, Sweets. Just... be careful. And give Mommy a little time to adjust." Deciding to drop the sex issue, for the moment at least, her sleep-deprived, coffee-lacking mind latches on to another detail of their previous conversation.

"So, why was Jason, of all people, turning Mike Tyson on Dean?" At her daughter's bewildered look. "What? It's usually Jess who wrestles with your ex-boyfriend." She can't read her daughter's expression, though. This time, she isn't as angry at the testosterone derived insanity as she usually is.

"Dean... Dean was being... obnoxious." Geez Gilmore, where is your vocabulary? Oh, yeah. In bed. Asleep. Next to Jess. Where you should be, were your mother normal. "To Jess. And Jess had Rhiannon on his hands, so he couldn't respond. But Jase did." She shakes her head.


"I thought I'd never say this, Mom, but I couldn't have blamed Jess, had he decided to fight. I don't exactly endorse violence... but Jason had a really good reason to get into a fight with Dean."

"And that reason might be...?"

"That Jess was with Rhiannon in the gazebo... and Dean came along, and just about pegged him as a pedophile." The word leaves a sour taste on Rory's tongue the very second it sails from her vocal chords. "Jason was listening, Jess left with Rhiannon, and... he decided not to let it pass." She lets her eyes travel to her door. Suddendly, invisible strings make to drag her towards it.

"I'm gonna check on Jess." She decides, standing up from her seating position.

"Rory, he's not two." What is going on here? Lorelai's utter confusion shows clearly on her features.

"I know, but... I've been away a while..." She shakes her head. She's being ridiculous, again, but this is beyond help. Part of her needs to be there when he wakes up as much as she understands he'll be needing her. She knows that, the moment he'll open his eyes, he'll want to bolt and run as far and as fast as he'll be able to, and she'll be stopping him, holding him to her, until he'll be ready to face the hung-over aftermath of the emotional overload.

"Rory, Hon, what's going on? He's not going to disappear..." Lorelai can't comprehend the extent of the damage that happened one door over the night before.

Ok. No damage as of yet. You shouldn't even be calling it damage. But.

"It's just... Let me go in there, ok? When I manage to make sense of it all, I'll tell you. But right now, you'll just have to trust me."


It is Tuesday afternoon, and since Sunday morning, no Jess.

Oh, yes, she's seen him. She's seen him working at the diner, enough for a chaste peck on the lips and a cup of coffe in the morning. She's seen him look busy the moment she comes in looking for him, or for food, whichever needs must be satisfied at that particular moment... She shakes her head. She's a pro at playing the avoidance game. She knows the ropes and the rules and the schemes. What for the life of her she can't pinpoint are Jess' reasons for engaging in it.

Ok, now I've had it. She states to herself, noticing Jess making a hasty retreat towards the curtain he pushed aside a few moments before. Retreat, she muses, instigated by her mere presence in the diner.

She follows. She climbs the stairs. She pauses in front of the apartment door, debating whether to resort to knocking or not.

Or not. She decides, throwing the door open.

"Are you avoiding me?" She is not even mad. She's just confused. She misses him to the point of physycal ache, if that is even remotely possible. Seconds and minutes and hours without him stab viciously at her, drawing blood, and strenght, and resolve. She got a glimpse into him and she wants more. If he'll ever let her, that is.

"Huh?" He looks up at her, startled. Something indefinite flashing in those brown irises of his. She can almost pinpoint fear, but wouldn't stake a certain bet on it.

"Jess... Don't..." She shakes her head, seeing him glancing at the door, calculating which moves will get him to there, and then out, in the shortest amount of time.

"Don't what?" Damn it! He watches as she plants herself in front of the escape route he's slowly inching towards. Come on Mariano, what are you doing? Does any of this even classify as rational? Nope. Didn't think so.

"Don't..." She shakes her head, willing it free of his harsh tone. "Don't leave." She pleads, standing her ground in front of him.

When the hell did she learn to read me so well? His mind frantically searches for excuses.

"I have..."

"Things to do? What? Reorganize your books by genre, author, and publishing date?"


"Jason? He's working. Rhiannon? She's in Hartford with Erika. Jason told me when I caught him downstairs."

"I have to..."

"Work? Your shift starts in two hours. Study? When do you ever willingly study? When did you start picking studying over me?" Well now you sound like a brat. Hope you weren't going for mature, there...

"Is that what irks you? That you're not at top of my list any more?" He knows that this is not the point to this discussion, but latches on to it anyways. "I screwed myself over for pulling shit like that. I'm not doing it again!" Anger. Show her anger. Push her away... Truth be told, he's scared. Hell, he's terrified. He's had time to think about what he let himself show to her. He let his walls down and feels naked, defenseless... And thank God she doesn't know about my past, about NYC. She knows too much. You're vulnerable to her now.

"Is that what you want? For me not to be at the top of your..." Realization dawns on her features. Something Jess doesn't quite know whether to be thankful or not for. She inches closer to him, unnoticeably so because he does not retreat.

"Oh Jess..." I should have known this was going to happen. I mean, come on, I date the man...

"Jess what?" And again, when did she learn to read me so well?

"Is this about... Saturday night?" Something lurks at the back of those chocolate brown eyes. She desperately needs to bridge distance. He's been pushing her away and she hates him for it.

"Jess?" She calls his name again, and her lips curl around the only sounds she can muster at the moment.

"I love you" and she all but leaps into his arms, making him stagger backwards and trip himself over. They end up on the floor, she on top of him, arms wrapped tightly around each other, hearts pounding and blood rushing from the inevitable tumble induced adrenaline rush.

"I love you" He chokes it out, still uncomfortable with it.

Her lips skim his ear, her breath burns him like shame.

"Don't do this... It hurts me." And with that, she disentangles and makes for the door. Hoping against hope that he'll stop her, somehow. She manages to reach for the doorhandle, before his voice sidles up to her.

You hurt her? Great, Mariano, like you haven't done that enough in the past eight months.

"Stay?" He cannot help himself. She turns around, half in tears, eyeing him on the floor. A smile fights to surface on her lips. The sight is half comical.

He mentally curses himself as he sees how close to crying she is; realizing just how much of a toll this keeping her at arm's lenght has taken on them both, he finally caves.

"Rory? C'me here..." He balances himself on one elbow, while his other arm gestures for her, and she responds to his hesitant request, by settling back on top of him. Knees at his hips, chest to his ribcage, ear to his heart.

She feels like being able to breath, without something sharp poking at her, now.

"I don't want to hurt you, ever. I'm just..."... Scared shitless. He's jumped headfirst into an unknown dimension. If there's someone up there, please help me, 'cause I don't have the first clue as to what the fuck I'm doing..

"... Oh that? Me too."

"You really gotta stop doing that."

"That? That what?" Her voice is muffled by his shirt.

"That reading my mind, completing my sentences stuff. It's becoming kinda freakish."


End of Flashback

Oh God... if he was avoiding me then, this time he's probably going to skip town! I'm never going to see him again!

She starts panicking.

"Mom." She speaks as calmly as possible. "Go back to bed. I mean it, my dress is perfect, you need more sleep, and so do I. And I need to go back in there and see whether my books are still all there, or Jess has finally decided to make good on his threat and burn all my Ayn Rands."

"What? Is he nuts?"

"I think it's more along the lines of having a gruesome death wish." She shrugs, before stooping to hug her crazy birthgiver, and moving towards the door.



"You're graduating today." Lorelai's voice breaks, crack, strains under the emotional weight of what she's about to tell her daughter. "Look at you..." A smile curves her lips upwards "You're all grown up." And I'm so damn proud of you, baby girl.

Little does she know she's echoing Rory's thoughts from the previous afternoon.

The younger Gilmore nods and enters her room, locking the door behind her, and goes to the bed, coming face to face with an almost awake Jess.

"Mornin'" His eyes shift from her to her door. Should I make a run for it?

"Mornin'" she says, warily. "Are you going to pull a MIA on me, or can we just skip the whole avoidance thing?" 'Cause I'm really not up to that.

"Do I have a choice?" Yeah, right. Not likely.

"No." No way you're putting me through that again.

"Ok." He nods, considering his options. "Was that your mother out there?"

"Considering I live in her house, and it's almost six AM, yes, that would be your safest guess." She bites her lip. "I told her, about... you know... us, yesterday afternoon."

"And I'm still breathing?"

"Yeah. I convinced her that an untimely demise on your part wouldn't exactly make my graduation day."

"Glad to hear that." He gets up to stand in fron of her. "C'me here." He breathes, his voice the usual caress on her skin, his hands on her face and neck, his lips on hers.

She knows...

... She knows and we've had sex...

... She knows and we've had sex and she's still here...

... She knows and we've had sex and she's still here and she's mine...

... How in the hell is that even possible?

She yawns.


"Mmh? Mind translating?"

"I was just..." She is cut off by another yawn. She wraps her arms around his waist and lays her head on his chest, tucking it under his chin.

"Rory?" Her name rolls off his tongue and on her, like droplets of water leaving trails, clinging.lingering on her skin. He feels her shuddering a little, a suppressed yawn and something else. He pegs it as a reflex reaction she won't control because of her needing to rest. "Don't fall asleep on me here." His voice holds the same caressing quality, made huskier by early hour.

"Huh? Why not?"

"'Cause I'd have to stand here 'till you wake up."

"I knew you were useful for something..." She yawns again, leaning into him a little more. He shakes his head and manouvers them both to the bed, tumping with the back of his legs into it and falling, more or less gracefully, on it, Rory held tightly to him.

"That was fun. Can we do it again?" She giggles sleepily.

"I'm never waking you up at five AM without coffee."Jess chuckles. "No way in the hell I'm putting up with your insanity." His lips skim hers as she brings her head up to level with his.

"You're never waking me up at five AM period." She replies, trying to sound dangerous and failing miserably as a yawn ruins her don't mess with me impersonation.

Jess finds himself yawning as well.

"You're contagious." He scolds her playfully.

"Aw really?" She cooes.

"Yeah, really." He works his words around another yawn.

"I can't believe we're laying here, and all we're thinking about is... sleep."



Rory awakens to a unfamiliar sensation messing with her.

I'm naked.

Opening her eyes, she finds a couple of brown irises taking a plunge to the depth of her soul, and she freezes as she gains awareness of her surroundings.

I'm naked and Jess is here.

I'm naked and Jess is here and he's naked too.

I'm naked and Jess is here and he's naked and we're in bed. Together.

His body is laying on hers, matching it inch by inch of uncovered skin.

"We had sex!" She blurts out.

"Oh. So that's what that was? 'Cause I thought we were just playing a very involved game of chess." He replies with a smirk and his trademark sarcasm.

She frowns as her hands shove him off of her, managing to land him on the floor in the process, and then rolls over to peek at him over he edge of the bed.

"Ow!" He glares at her.

"Comfortable?" She holds his gaze while posing the question.

He keeps glaring.

She continues holding it.

He makes a grab for her, hands latching on her arms, pulling her on top of him, naked and everything, and they start tickling each other until hysterical laughter overcomes them, leaving them breathless on the floor.

And then they're kissing, hungrily, relentlessly, bodies pressed close together.

"I take it you're ok with... this?" He whispers in between kisses.

She smiles. Ok? Better than ok.


"Bed" He agrees, and pulls them both to a standing position. She lets him sit her on the edge of the bed, and trains a sapphire stare on him as he kneels in front of her. Blue irises shrink to minimum potential as he kisses her, maddeningly, tantalizingly, eliciting moans and groans from her vocal chords.

Oh God.

"I... like... when... you... do... that..." Five chocked out words, of praise, to him, from her, and he feels ten meters tall. His mouth does unspeakeable, undescribeable, impossible things to her, as she bites her lip to keep from voicing exactly how much she appreciates his talent, right now, and her fingers grab at the back of his neck,at his hair, her nails clawing at his shoulders and arms.

Coherent thought is no longer there to hold her back or hurge her forward. Reason and logical thinking do not belong to young lovers, darkened bedrooms and newly explored passion.

It scares him and elates him, this power he has over her now, for she is completely under his control. He could ask her to give up coffe, help him stage a bank robbery, go bunjee jumping, dump Yale and go live on Mount Everest... and she would, without so much as a why. He feels her shift and lay back on the bed, her whimpering now a steady flow of unchoerent, jumbled syllables.

He stops. Abruptly.

"Move over." He's breathing heavilly and his voice has a urgency to it she has come to recognize. It pushes her to oblige it without questioning, surrendering to his will and his wishes. He lays by her side, supporting himself on left arm and hip, his fingers teasing and taunting her to the brink of something unreacheable, only to let her tumble backwards while withdrawing from her. He ignores his own frustration, for that need has been sated not long ago. His own physical release can wait... for a while at least.

He studies her features as pleasure, disappointment, yearning and lust battle over territory. Each wants to take over and none does. His lips find her ear, her mouth, her breasts, her neck. Every bit of flesh he can reach he kisses...

And then he's hovering on top of her, deepening his biblical knowledge and understanding of her innermost workings as he once again stakes claim to her. It is when she thrusts herself at him while hooking her legs around his waist, and whimpers softly as his fingertips find and massage an attention needing bit of tender, wet flesh; it is when she starts moving her hips against him and setting the pace for their love making, and then later, when she is on top of him, teeth biting into his neck, that he realizes she's been staking claims of her own.

That's going to bruise. He think, erratically, since he couldn't possibly care less.

That sends him reeling.

Rory's latched on to his neck, vampire style. Partly to keep from screaming and partly because it seems her legs and hands, and his arms holding her against him can't possibly suffice to keep her grounded. She feels him slowing and stopping, rolling her off of him, and something vicious pulsing deep within her... A look of disappointment washes over her face, until Jess starts kisses her and slides a hand down to her, sending her hurtling, finally enabling her to reach the unreacheable something she thought she'd never grasp.

She screams then, his name into his mouth as he sucks at her tongue and allows her to ride this earthquake rumbling through her body.

"That was... that was... " She loses herself in his eyes and nestles into his body, sentence incomplete and hanging. Huh. Coherence. Highly overrated.

"Me. Making love. To you." He whispers.

"Oh. So we weren't playing chess?" She retaliates, drowsily.

"Since when did chess become so physical?" He throws back.

"Good point... Hey, Mariano, you love me, right?" She bats her eyelashes at him and assumes her best love-struck gaze, feeling playful all of a sudden.

"Oh, yeah." He says half seriously. "I've totally fallen for you." He brings a hand to his heart and heaves an exagerated sigh.

"As long as we're clear on that..." She draws him even closer, if that is humanly possible.

He shakes his head.

What has he gotten himself into?

End of Flashback

"Huh." His eyes study her "Were you expecting a repeat performance from yesterday afternoon?"

She thinks for a minute.

"Maybe later." She yawns again.

"Ok." He glances at the clock. "Hey Rory?"


"I have to go." He frowns at the time telling device.

"No. Stay..." She pouts. "I like you."

"I like you too, if that helps any. But I really have to go, or Luke will kill me. And since I've recently gotten back in his good graces... see where I'm going with this?"He waits for her to nod. Good."You'll be in for breakfast?" He starts getting up and looking for his clothes.

"Ok. You coming today, aren't you?" Her eyes dance around the room, following each and every move he makes.

"I said I would, and I'll be there." He pulls on his jeans.

"A man of your word, huh?" She points at his shirt, which has fallen off the chair he had hung it on the night before.

"Yes. And I'll be taking the graduate as soon as she gets her diploma." He retrieves his jacket.

"Sounds dirrrty." She rolls the r's like her mother usually does.

"Hugh. Stop. You sound like Lorelai." He sits on the edge of the bed to tie his shoes, and she sits up to wrap her legs and arms around him from behind.

"You do realize that's a compliment, right?" She whispers in his ear. Then starts leaving wet kisses on the skin of her neck.

"Not in my universe." He mutters, feeling less like leaving with each passing second. If she keeps that up, I'm never getting out of this room. He gently pries her off of him and proceeds to get up.

She pouts some more. He leans over to kiss it off her lips, before tangling his fingers in her hair and tugging slowly at her bottom lip with his.

"Later?" She asks.

"Later" He promises. And he's out her window, on his way to Luke's.

A/N: Like it? Hope so. Next on LUFI, the bridge conversation. Check the bio for usual meaning of life related information. Please review. Just 'cause... you'll make me really happy. And a happy lit does good fics make... Getting the gist? M.