Notes from Angela!

Okay, consider this my disclaimerness for this chapter.
Sorry 'bout how short it is...but believe me...the next chapter will be worth it. XD

Oh yeah...I got a comment on chapter 2concerning Nightcrawler...and to that commenter...Thank's for the info! I did not know that about him. -covets giveGodtheglory 's X-men trivia knowledge- However...for the purposes of this story, I'm using a sort of conglomeration of different versions of X-men characters. And, I've noticed, every version of a comic book story is But thanks for the compliments and the info.

And thanks to the rest of our readers! We appreciate all your comments! Now...On to the story!19482thirtytwoandahalf

Almost a week and a half later, early in the afternoon, classes finished for the students at the institute. A new girl had joined their ranks just that day. Peter and Angela, who were leaving from another class room, recognized her as she left her own. Wasn't that the girl who was in the entrance during one of their chases? The red and black haired girl decided she needed to introduce herself. Her brother followed her with a shrug, his image-inducer turned on for the sake of the more skittish students. However, when it was initially set, he chose to keep the purple hair. Strange, but liked to think of it as his trademark.

The girl was grumbling wordlessly as she walked, clutching her backpack with gloved hands. The twins noticed they were a shiny, silver material like the heat reflecting blankets they'd seen on TV. She'd spent most of the week hiding in the library, trying to stay away from everyone else, and now here she was, surrounded by mutants. A few of them had utterly bizarre hair-styles, and some…well…they had very minor visible mutations. Some had strange colored eyes, a few had naturally strange colored hair, and she was almost positive a younger kid stuck a blue, forked tongue out at her when they passed in the hallways. Mutants everywhere…She was at a mutant training ground…

"Hi!" Angela said brightly in her own voice as she skipped up to Allie. Peter quickened his steps to catch up.

"Hi…" replied Allie warily. She eyed Angela's red and black locks, then the purple hair of the young man who stopped beside her. The girl she recognized. Her eyes widened with realization.

"You!" Allie pointed at the other girl in alarm, "you're the freak that steals voices!"

A very confused look crossed Angela's face. 'What is she t…? Oh yeah…' "Oh, I don't steal voices, I borrow them." She grinned widely. Peter shook his head.

"She imitates sounds with her voice," he clarified for the dumbfounded new-girl. Angela promptly stuck her tongue out at him.

"I'm Angela, they call me Mimic, nice to meet you." Aw crap. Her suspicions about the nicknames were right.

"Yeah. Right. I'm Allie," she turned to go, but Angela skipped after her.

"Hey, I'm sorry if me an' my brother freaked you out the other day," she apologized lightly, still grinning.

"Sure, whatever," she chuckled falsely, turning and walking away again. Under her breath, at a volume she didn't think anyone would hear, she added, "you're still freakin' me out."

"Hey! That wasn't very nice!" the red hair girl squeaked angrily, scowling darkly. Her sharp hearing had brought every word to her ears, and she was far from happy. What was this girl's problem? Peter looked at his sister wondering what she'd heard. She wasn't that easy to tick off, and she was really kind of ticked off. Allie spun and looked at her, startled. There was no way that girl could have heard her. Angela was still staring daggers at her.

"Chill, Angela," Peter told her. He put a protective arm around her shoulder. "What did you say?" he asked Allie with a frown.

"Nothing!" the girl with brown hair exclaimed defensively, "well…nothing she could have heard…" This was met with a scowl from both twins. "Who are you, anyway?" she demanded.

"I'm her twin, Peter." He steered his sister around and the two started walking in the other direction. Allie rolled her eyes after them.

"Yeah right," she muttered to herself, "her brother's a gargoyle." The pair stopped, and Angela slowly looked back with a wicked grin.

"Oh Peter, brother dear," she said overly sweetly, "it seems someone thinks you're supposed to be some sort of freak." He gave her a puzzled look for a moment before understanding, and a grin with matching wickedness, crossed his face. Allie's jaw dropped. She heard her!

"Is that the problem, then?" he said, just as sickeningly sweetly, "I think we can fix that." With an emphasized flourish, he raised his wrist and touched a button on his watch. Before Allie had a chance to blink, the purple-haired human figure was replaced by the all too familiar gargoyle she'd seen that one time… The books that had been in her arms tumbled to the floor. If she weren't wearing her new gloves, those text books would have been toast.

"Come, sister dear. Let us be off to the kitchen," the winged mutant said, waving his arm in the air. Arm in arm, the two left Allie, gaping after them, to go find a snack.