Thanks to everyone who reviewed before and sorry it took me so long to finish this story upand that the ending sux

Buffy cuddled into Angel's cool body. He kept her warm though. Buffy was awake and asleep. Angel did that to her. He made her mind a pile of mush. She opened her eyes to look at the clock. It was 6:47. Crap it was dark out and she was supposed to be looking for Spike. She shook Angel awake.

"What?" Angel moaned.

"We have to patrol and find Spike," Buffy answered. "Now get dressed!"

They were dressed five minutes later and juggling themselves out the door. It didn't take long to find Spike. He was stumbling around half drunk. Both Buffy and Angel ran at him with large weapons. Spike punched out at them but failed miserably and hit the air. God this wasn't even a challenge. Spike was so drunk. Angel pulled a stake out of his coat and aimed it at Spike's heart while Buffy took her large, sharp, and pointy weapon at Spike's head. The stake went through his heart and the whatever it was sliced off his head.

"Okay that was too easy," Buffy said.

"I know," Angel said in agreement.

"What do we do now?" Buffy asked him.

"I know, you die," a vampire said as ten vamps surrounded them.

Angel stood there in shock as Buffy took her weapon and sliced every last one of the vampires' head's off in a single swing.

"That wasn't even fun," Buffy said with a pouty look on her face. Her blood was pounding inside of her screaming for action. She had a rush. She had her eye set on Angel and he noticed. There was a gleam in her eyes. She jumped on him and he fell to the ground with her on top of him.

"What do we do now?" Angel asked innocently.

Buffy pretended to think about it as she rubbed herself into Angel.

"Well I could always take you home and we could do 'stuff' maybe that'll work," Buffy said seductively while rubbing her body against him.

"Or I could take you home," Angel said as he lifted her up off of him.

Angel threw her over his shoulder and carried her home. When they got there Angel opened the door and carried Buffy upstairs. He placed Buffy down on the bed and started undressing her. When they were both naked the phone started ringing. Buffy was kissing Angel and that meant no answering the phone. The answering machine picked up and Buffy heard Giles voice and immediately picked up the phone.

"Giles," Buffy said as she picked up the phone.

"I knew you wouldn't be patrolling," Giles said angrily.

As soon as she heard what Giles had said she placed the phone down without even turning it off and started to kiss Angel again. Giles started screaming when Buffy hadn't said anything.

"Elizabeth Anne Summers, I'm gonna kill you if you don't pick this phone up now!" Giles screamed.

"Giles, I'm a little busy right now," Buffy said as she picked the phone up. "Feel free to call back in a few hours," and with that Buffy hung the phone up and started kissing Angel again. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Angel started kissing down her neck.

"I love you," Angel murmured into her neck.

"I love you too," Buffy moaned.

In the next 3 hours Giles called at least 20 times and every time he screamed into the answering machine at Buffy, but she was a little busy with Angel. She figured that since they had killed Spike they could have uninterrupted sex. It was a fair trade.

Now Buffy was lying on Angel's chest panting for breath. The phone started ringing again and Buffy answered.

"Yes Giles," Buffy said as she answered the phone.

"Buffy, why would Mr. Giles be calling?" Joyce asked her daughter.

"Um Over due library book," Buffy said quickly.

"I was just checking in on you, and my flight is delayed due to the weather."

"Everything is fine here mom."

"Okay Buffy I'll let you get some sleep. Bye."

"Bye mom."

Just after Buffy hung up the phone it started ringing again.

"Hello," Buffy said.

"Buffy Anne Summers!" Giles shouted in anger.

"Giles, we killed Spike. We went out before you called."

"Buffy, why did you hang up on me then?" Giles asked.

"I hung up on you because as soon as I answered the phone you started screaming at me, we were just coming in when you called."

"You killed Spike?" Giles asked.

"Yeah it was kinda easy. He was really drunk started punching the air."

"Okay, that's good."

"Now do you mind? Angel and I wanna get some sleep," Buffy said with a little anger.

"I'm sorry, Buffy. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Giles," Buffy said before hanging up.

Buffy cuddled back into Angel.

"Are you okay Buffy?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." They were both silent for the next few minutes.

"You know I'm not tired," Buffy said.

"You want more?" Angel asked.

"Maybe," Buffy murmured suggestively.

Angel jumped on top of her. They were soon kissing. Soon the hours had gone by and they were both spent.

"I love you."

"I love you too Buffy."

"Is it always gonna be like this?" Buffy asked.

"Yes it'll always be like this always, or until we both die."

"I like that," Buffy said. "And I love you."

"And I love you," Angel said.