A/N: Well, it has been almost 4 years since I've updated this, but I'm back :) I have an outline made up for the rest of the story. I hope all the old readers, and hopefully new readers, enjoy the rest to come! I promise I'll finish it within a few weeks as opposed to waiting a few more years.

HELENz: Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Boy Meets World or any original characters. I only own Mike.


I began feeling more and more useless. Mike reappearing in my life proved to me that he would always be there, and no matter what I couldn't escape the pain and horror that had become my life. I had grown accustomed to the feeling of loneliness, and I shut everyone out of my life except Mike. My house phone was still disconnected, and the only time I would ever answer my cell phone was when Mike was calling. I always checked my voicemails from other people, but I never called them back. I didn't need them. I had no visitors. When someone would knock on my door, I ignored it. Mike had a key to my apartment, so I never needed to answer the door. I hadn't talked to Shawn since that night in the park after I thought he had killed Mike. Secretly, I had wished Shawn would have followed me. The fact that he didn't showed me that he was out of my life. I was meant to be with Mike. The abuse that he was putting me through was what I deserved, and this is how my life was supposed to be. I stopped talking to Tori as well. She tried coming over, but I never answered the door. Eventually, she stopped trying altogether. I knew she was only trying to help, but I didn't need her anymore. I had figured my life out. I was meant to be with Mike. I knew he loved me, and if he abused me it was for the good of our relationship. If I didn't cross the line so much, he wouldn't hit me. He only did it to get his points across.

My days were all kind of a blur. I never watched television and very rarely looked at the clock. I didn't keep track of the time and often lost track of what day it was. I would wake up at some point in the morning and have a cup of coffee. It usually helped soothe my headache. Mike would come over and argue with me and accuse me of being unfaithful, even though I never was. Sometimes he would beat me, sometimes he would just yell and slap me. Some beatings were worse than others, but I never went back to the hospital. I waited until he left and cleaned myself up in the bathroom. When Mike was gone, I would use my knife to relieve my pain. My wrists had become very tender and covered in scabs and scars. Every evening, I drowned my sorrows in alcohol and marijuana. Mike knew of my new habit and would often supply the weed. He had figured out that when I was high, I wouldn't resist when he wanted sex, which was nearly every day or two. I would drink myself to sleep at night and wake up in the morning to start the process over. From the outside, it may appear that my life was spiraling out of control, but I had accepted that this was simply the way things were meant to be.

One afternoon, I was sitting in my living room staring at the wall, thinking about a dream I had had the previous night. In it, Shawn and I were together. We were happy. But then, without an explanation, he left me. I started falling down into blackness. It was a never ending drop, and then I woke up. It had been a horrible dream, but I had had worse over the past few months.

I didn't flinch or look up when I heard the key in the door and Mike walk in. He came over and sat beside me, putting his arm around my shoulders. I still didn't look at him.

"Hey babe," he said. "How are you today?" I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. Mike then reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of cocaine. My eyes fell onto the bag and I watched him set it on the coffee table.

"I thought you could try something new," Mike explained, taking his arm off of my shoulder. "I figured you could get to feeling good and then you could do what you do best." He winked as we spoke, and I simply nodded, still staring blankly at the drugs. He reached down and opened the bag. Mike then pulled a utensil out of his pocket that I had never seen before, but I figured it was used for snorting the drug. I watched Mike snort the cocaine, then I took my turn. A little while later, I let Mike lay me down on the couch and undress me. I laid silently as he shoved his fingers inside of me and violated my mouth with his tongue again. He was really enjoying himself. Before I knew it, he was thrusting inside me. He was moaning loudly and squeezing my breasts tightly with his hand. By this point, I was so high and lost, I wasn't feeling pleasure or pain at all.

When Mike was finished, he zipped his pants, went into the bathroom, and came back with my bath robe which he threw at me. I put on the robe without a word.

"For God's sake, will you speak?" Mike yelled. I hadn't said a word since he walked in. Still, I sat silently on the couch, staring at the wall. Mike came closer and was standing directly over me. I felt a sharp sting on my cheek as he slapped me. "Answer me when I talk to you."

"I didn't realize anything you said required an answer," I said monotonously. Mike became furious at my lack of cooperation and picked me up from the couch by my shoulders. He then proceeded to throw me against the wall. I collapsed onto the floor and propped myself up on my elbows.

"You haven't learned a damn thing," Mike growled as he walked near me. He snatched me off the floor by my arms and punched me in the stomach, knocking the wind completely out of my. I gasped, trying to catch my breath, and winced as he pulled his fist back again. I felt the familiar pain of his fist collide with the side of my face at the same time my apartment door opened. Apparently, Mike had forgotten to lock the door. I heard a horrified gasp from the doorway, and Mike and I both turned to see none other than Shawn standing there looking at the scene in front of him with an expression of sheer fury on his face.


A/N: So, as I said, I have everything outlined out and I'm really excited to finish this story. I hope you all liked this chapter and will continue reading. Please review!