A/N – This story takes place some time after Bad Timing and does not take into account the events of Peacekeeper Wars and is thus and Alternate Universe. Originally this was started back in November of 2003 and has been a long time in coming. I keep writing myself into corners.

The ship started shaking violently as some unseen force grabbed hold of it.

"Lieutenant, what's going on?" the captain asked as he grabbed hold of the console for balance.

The lieutenant's hands flew across the console, "I don't know, Captain. Readings are off the scale."

"Unacceptable. I want answers."

"Working on it, sir," she replied as she ducked the cascade of sparks coming from over her head.

Consoles and conduits began breaking. There was a shower of sparks and a series of small explosions.

One of the techs pointed at the blue vortex on the view screen. "We're being sucked in!"

"I can see that. Lieutenant!" he barked.

"We…don't have the power to break free."

In the distance they could hear the sound of a pressure hatch sealing. The hull had breeched nearby.

"Initiate starburst."

"Sir! We don't know what that much energy within this confined area could do to us," screamed the panicked lieutenant.

Power flows were interrupted and the lights flickered on and off.

"Well, what do you suggest?" he asked impatiently. He hated being confronted with the unknown and having his judgment questioned.

"At this point we need to go along with the flow of the energy," she replied.

"Are you sure?"

"The stresses on the outer hull are increasing, Captain," reported the tech.

The pops and creaks of the hull were becoming more frequent.

"It's our only option, Captain. If we continue to fight it, we will be destroyed."

"Enter the anomaly. Find a solution to this, Lieutenant."

"I'm working as fast as I can, sir. There is nothing like this on record."

The Captain began pacing as his ship steadied out.

"Crichton you need to come to command," Pilot urged.

"What is it Pilot?"

"There is a wormhole forming. Moya is concerned."

John ran to command. "A wormhole? Are you sure? I don't feel anything."

"Positive. And Moya is detecting a ship."

"Aeryn, D'Argo, Chi are you getting this? What kind of a ship?"

By now John was in command and Pilot's face was up on the clamshell. "Unknown. It's still too far away and the wormhole is interfering with Moya's sensors."

"Why is there a wormhole here?" D'Argo asked.

"Hell if I know. I didn't feel this one coming. Pilot, do we have any more information on that ship?"

"Not yet. Approximately another twenty microts."

"What is it?" asked Aeryn as she entered command.

"Wormhole," stated John.

"I can see that. Is that..?" Aeryn's voice trailed off.

Everyone stared at the screen.

"Pilot," John began as he worked the sensor panel.

"Yes, Crichton. Moya sees it. It…appears to be…Talyn."

"Talyn?" asked Aeryn.

"But they were destroyed," said D'Argo.

"Apparently not," said Aeryn. "Pilot, have you established comms with them?"

"No. They aren't answering. Though Moya does detect numerous life forms." Pilot worked his console searching for answers. "A Marauder is leaving Talyn's hangar and heading our way."

"Have we contacted them?" John asked.

"What the frell is a Marauder doing on Talyn?" D'Argo asked at the same time.

Chiana and Rygel had just entered command. "What's going on?" she asked.

"Not now, Pip. Pilot!" John was getting desperate.

"I am unable to establish comms with them. Their weapons are locked onto us, but they aren't powered up."

"Is that a Marauder? From Talyn?" asked Chiana.

"Yeah, it is. Okay I suggest we go welcome our guests," said John.

"My thoughts exactly," replied Aeryn.

It didn't take long before the Moya crew was standing in the maintenance bay, weapons pointed at the door.

"The Marauder has landed and they are armed," reported Pilot.

"I figured as much," John replied dryly. "Let 'em in, Pilot."

Everyone shifted their weapons as the doors opened. The Peacekeeper guards were already in position, weapons trained. There were a dozen of them. "Lower your weapons!" ordered the sergeant of the guard. "Lower your weapons or we will fire."

The Moyans glanced at each other out of the corner of their eyes. They knew they couldn't win this firefight. The Peacekeepers were too heavily armed and armored. Their worst nightmare had been realized, Talyn had survived starburst and the Peacekeepers were now in charge.

"I will not be a prisoner again," growled D'Argo.

"I know what you mean, but I don't want to be dead either." John knelt down and placed his weapon on the deck. The others reluctantly followed his example.

The sergeant spoke into his comms unit.

The Moyans shifted nervously as they waited to see what would happen. A new Peacekeeper walked into view. "You will assist us in making repairs."

"Crais you bastard. You turned Talyn over to the Peacekeepers," John spat.

Crais looked at John curiously. "Who are you and how is it that you know…me?" His voice trailed off as he saw Aeryn. "Senior Officer Sun? How is this possible?"

"What the frell is going on here?" asked John.