Ok this story is being written out of boredom but if u like it plz say so and if it sucks say so, so that I can get ride of it lol

It's been 2 years since the feudal era and Kagome was sent back to her time with the jewel where it would be safe with her. She continued with school and had a pretty good life. Till a car accident left her in a coma, when she woke she learned that it had killed her family. She then tried so very hard to get the feudal era but the well had closed and she lived her life forgetting about everyone.

'Ok I can do this I'm going to do I'm not scared' Kagome thought as she put her legs over the well side. She was scared even though she said she wasn't. It has been 2 years since that horrible car accident that killed her whole family. She was forced to move in with one of her friends and now she just couldn't take been so alone anymore so she ran back to the old shrine and stopped at the well house something just pulled her there.

(Ok put on Hold On by Good Charlotte make it so much better)

This world
This world is cold
But you don't
You don't have to go
You're feeling sad, you're feeling lonely, and no one seems to care
Your mother's gone and your father hits you
This pain you cannot bear

Kagome stepped up on the edge still shaking 'What are so scared of this is what you wanted this right to be with your family.

But we all bleed the same way as you do
and we all have the same things to go through

Hold on if you feel like letting go
Hold on it gets better than you know

She was about to jump when she heard a song HOLD ON GOOC CHARLOTTE start playing in the back of her head. She had no idea why that song just started playing in the back of her head but it did.

Your days
You say they're way too long
And your nights
You can't sleep at all
Hold on
And you're not sure what you're waiting for, but you don't want to know more
And you're not sure what you're looking for, but you don't want to know more

'Ok this is it good bye world there will be no more Kagome Higurashi I'm leaving and never coming back she thought and jumped.

But we all bleed the same way as you do
And we all have the same things to go through

Hold on if you feel like letting go
Hold on it gets better than you know
Don't stop looking, you're one step closer
Don't stop searching, it's not over
Hold on

She fell Oh My God what have I done this is not good.

What are you looking for?
What are you waiting for?
Do you know what you're doing to me?
Go ahead...What are you waiting for?

But as she became closer to the ground something happened, she didn't hit the ground a blue light surrounded her.

Hold on if you feel like letting go
Hold on it gets better than you know
Don't stop looking, you're one step closer
Don't stop searching, it's not over
Hold on if you feel like letting go
Hold on it gets better than you know
Hold on

When the blue light stopped she was on the ground not hurt she looked up but did not see the roof of the shrine instead she saw a clear blue sky? 'What the hell? What happened? Why am I here?' She got out of the well and head to find someone anyone that would know what was going completely forgetting about kill her self.

As she kept walk she came across the god tree and she saw him. She hadn't seen him for ever.

'Maybe he will know where I am.' She thought and walked to wards him.

Inuyasha was sitting in the god tree when an old but still very welcome sent hit his nose. He would know that scent anywhere it was Kagome but what was she doing here? She hasn't been here in almost 2 years.

"SUMIMASEN (excuse me) but could you tell me where I am and how to get back to not here?" She called Inuyasha was very confuse by what she meant and jumped down to look at her. When he was down he did the weirdest thing he hugged her. That's when it all came back to her.


"Kagome you're not safe here you have to go back, take the jewel with you and never come back." Inuyasha said as he put the Shikon No Tama in her hands and pulled her into a hug. "Just remember that I will always love you don't you ever forget that and this will help you remember that." Kagome was now crying knowing that once she made the wish then the well would sell up forever.

"Inuyasha I don't want to leave I want to stay here with you and we can live and be happy together." Kagome looked up at him with big sad eyes. "Please don't make me waste this on that because I will and then I will be stuck here with you and never be able to get back." Kagome said still looking up at him. "And one more thing I want you to have this." She put her back pack in front of him he had a confused look on his face. "Open it." Kagome said and opened it for him. Inside the back pack was filled with RAMEN! "Kagome thank you but u really have to go I will catch up with you in about 500 years can you wait that long?" Inuyasha said kissing her and lifting her up to the well and pushing her in.


"OMG Inuyasha, why did you do that why did you make me go?" She ran and cried in his shirt hugging and never wanting to let go. Inuyasha just stood there holding her in his arms. "You left me when I needed you most why did you do that do you have any idea what I went through these past two years?" She was still crying. "I lost my family Inuyasha and I was in a coma for a week dead to the world and woke up with no one and the well was sealed I couldn't get through I couldn't it was the worst feeling ever being alone in the world with no one that you know and to wake up and find that your family is dead. Gone." She was crying even more and Inuyasha pulled in to an even tighter hug and jumped up to the highest branch in the god tree and sat her on his lap.

Hey guy well there is my story out of boredom if you like it plz tell me I will more then happily keep writing and remember check out my other story BAKA HANYOU. Now please tell me anything on your mind I really need something to and any ideas you have for either of the two stories if you have read the other one.