Disclaimer: I don't own South Park; the characters belong to Matt and Trey.

A/N: Yeah, this is a short, pointless one shot I decided to write. Enjoy!

Kyle tossed and turned in his bed, unable to fall asleep. This had been happening for a week now, and counting sheep had done him no good. Kyle sat up, threw the sheets and blankets off his body and lazily walked over to the window. It was a clear, starry night, a perfect night for a walk. The redhead put on his jacket and quietly tip toed down the stars and out into the night. He walked down his street, stopping when he reached a certain raven haired boy's house. He figured Stan would be able to help him with his sleeping problem. Kyle walked over to the side of the house where Stan's bedroom window was. He picked up a small rock, gently throwing it at the window in an attempt to wake his friend up. Before long, a shadowy figure was seen in the window.

"Stan…" Kyle thought. The other boy stuck his head out the window.

"Kyle? Hold on I'll be right down," Stan whispered. He opened the door to find Kyle, shivering, with dark circles under his eyes.

"I hope I'm not bothering you, but I can't sleep and I was wondering if I could spend the night here…maybe it would help…" Kyle explained.

"Sure, no problem dude," Stan said, inwardly smiling. He liked knowing Kyle would come to him with his problems. It was almost, kind of…cute. Wait- did he just think that about his best friend? No, maybe he was just tired. Yeah, that had to be the reason.

"Um, Stan?" Kyle asked uneasily, snapping Stan out of the little mental argument he was having with himself.

"Oh sorry, let's go upstairs," Stan said.

"You, can sleep in my bed, with me, if you want…" Stan said, feeling slightly nervous. "It would be more comfortable." Stan felt his face turn bright red. He had no idea why he was acting this way.

"Okay, thanks again Stan," Kyle said. He had never shared a bed with Stan before, or any guy for that matter, but he was too tired to care at the moment. They settled into the small bed. Surprisingly, Kyle felt himself drifting off to sleep soon after, but Stan was still wide awake, listening to Kyle breathe. He felt his friend shift, so they were now lying face to face. Stan moved closer, feeling Kyle's nose brush against his. The redhead smiled, still sleeping. Stan smiled as well, playing with a loose curl that fell in Kyle's face.

A few minutes passed, and Stan still hadn't fallen asleep. He really didn't want to either. All he wanted to do was lay there and watch Kyle sleep, praying he wouldn't wake up just yet. A small wind blew, filling the bedroom with the cold, winter air. Kyle shivered and Stan carefully wrapped his arms around the redhead's waist, pressing their bodies together. The boy felt so warm and soft. He felt Kyle's hand, gently cup his own, he wondered if Kyle realized what was happening. To Stan, it seemed almost natural to be lovingly holding another boy in his arms, when in reality, he knew it wasn't. There was just something about Kyle that Stan was drawn to. He couldn't really explain it, but there was just something about him. He became lost in this thoughts, and before long, the two were both asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, Kyle felt the warm sun on his face. He opened his hazel eyes, to find himself in Stan's arms. At first he thought of panicking, and pushing himself away from Stan's embrace, but then decided that he kind of liked it. He gently nudged Stan to wake him up. Stan held Kyle tighter, giving the redhead a kiss. He pulled away unsure of what Kyle would do, but Kyle kissed back, this time with more passion. They continued this for the rest of the morning, with quiet "I love you's" heard in-between kisses. Kyle hoped that there would be many more nights when he wouldn't be able to sleep…

The End