It began like any other day. With a random visit from someone.

"Tabitha! I'm taking a shower here!" Lance yelled and the building trembled.

Tabitha grinned. "Come on, it's not like I haven't seen you before."

"Only because you kept walking in on me you lunatic!"

She rolled her eyes as she strolled out. "Well, you'd probably enjoy Florida then."

Lance sighed. "Why?"

She laughed. "It's considered an offense to shower naked." Then Tabitha strolled on out, high fiving Pietro on the way.

Behind her, Lance was banging his head on the shower wall repeatedly. "Not again… why does this happen to me. Why me?"

Lance glowered at Pietro and the manic female. "Get on with it."

Pietro grinned. "Well, since you asked so nicely. We've covered one law. Here's another."

He adjusted the papers in his hands. "In Florida, you are not allowed to break more than 3 dishes a day, or chip the edges of more than four cups and/or saucers"

(CRASH) "TOAADD!" Wanda's voice was heard yelling.

Pietro shook his head. "Good thing we live here, huh?" Then he backed up slightly at Lance's glare.

Tabitha grinned and grabbed a sheet. She and Pietro tugged back and forth until she finally won.

Then she looked at the sheet, and her eyes got wide. "Oh my. We'll just keep that away from Lance's innocent ears."

"Like that's ever stopped you before." Lance moaned.

"Ah, here's one. We're still on Florida."

"Don't you mean drugs?"

"In Key West, chickens are considered an endangered species."

Lance grinned nastily. "Well, guess we can't kill Pietro then."

"That's right… wait a minute!" Pietro yelled. Tabitha smacked him on the back of the head.


"Moving right along. In Honolulu, it's unlawful to annoy a bird within the limits of any public park."

Toad hopped by followed by an angry Wanda. "Guess that means we have to leave Jean alone." He and Lance high fived each other.

Wanda sighed. "Again?"

Pietro grabbed the papers back from Tabitha and she pouted. "Here's one. In Idaho, it's illegal for a man to give his sweetheart a box of chocolates weighing less than 50 pounds."

Wanda glared at Toad.

He blinked. "What?"

"Don't even think about it."

Then Pietro burst out laughing. "Residents may not fish from a Giraffe's back."

Toad grinned. "Speaking of which…"

"We are not going to visit that stupid zoo again!" Lance yelled. (reference to a Red Witch story)

Tabitha rolled her eyes and looked over Pietro's shoulder. "In a town called Normal, Illinois, it's illegal to make faces at dogs."

He frowned. "Oh nuts, guess we have to be nicer to the X-men."

Tabitha slapped him on the head again.

"You're not a dog of course."

"That's better Speedy."

Pietro rolled his eyes and looked down. "In Indiana, Baths may not be taken between October and March."

Toad smiled. "Maybe Snookums and I can move there then…"

Wanda glared and hexed him out a window.

Tabitha grinned. "Also in Indiana, A person who dyes, stains, or otherwise alters the natural coloring of a bird or rabbit commits a Class B misdemeanor."

Lance blinked at Pietro as he started laughing. "Don't tell me…"

Scott, Jean, Kurt, Bobby, and Kitty stood in shock at the Bayville park. They watched as several multi-colored birds and rabbits ran around.

"How do they do it?" Scott then shook his head. "Never mind, I don't want to know."