Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam SEED or it's characters, but I do own this plot and the characters that I came up with.

Hello Everyone! You are here to witness the finale of "Forever, You Protector" aren't you?

Well, then, let me just say a few things before I get started.

First of all, I would like to thank you all, my faithful reviewers. You gave me 14 reviews in less than a day and that is amazing! Thank you thank you thank you! I just might get my goal of a 100 reviews, yet! After all, I have 95 right now, so hopefully i will get at least 5after this chapter! Again, Thank you! I couldn't have gone near as far with out you, Especially two reviewers inpaticular. That would be Angel of Dreams and An1391. You two have both been very encouraging to me. Especially you, Angel of Dreams. If it hadn't been for you, I would never have even thought of writing my own fic.Thank you. You are such a good friend and I am sooooo grateful that you are now back on the net with us all!

Anyways, This chapter is entiled "Forever, Your Protector", because there is a scene in here that gave me the idea for the name of the fic.

Also, I know some of you feel that I jipped you on the last chapter by not having any Yzak/Kiki. Now, to answer you I just want totell you to remember that this was a Dea/Mir fic. But I like Yzak and Kiki too.So, to make it up to you, I am willing to let you all vote on whether you think I should write a one-shot with the two of them when they go to get ice cream. You can make the vote in your review. But, before I write it I want your assurrances that you will actually read and review it,ok? LOL!

I am also going to have a few other votes for you to do at the end of the chapter. But I am not going to introduce them until after this chapter because otherwise it would make no sense to you. Ok?

Well, I think that's it for now. So, let's get started, shall we?

His Lavender eyes fluttered open to rest upon a white sterile looking ceiling. He turned his head to the right and saw a window and some chairs in front of it. Everything was white. He managed to turn his head to the left and then his lavender orbs were met with the sight of a door, and small sitting chair, and a nurse who was checking his I.V.

The nurse looked slightly startled by his movement and immediately ran over to am intercom system and she seemed to contact a doctor, or something. His mind was still a bit fuzzy so it was hard to tell.

The nurse came over and asked him a question. He wasn't entirely sure what it was, but he thought it was something like, "how are you feeling?", and of course the answer to that was, "horrible".

"Oh?" the nurse asked, "And where does it hurt?"

"figures. It's just like a damned nurse to ask you where it hurts when you still don't even know if you have the body parts that you feel hurting!" "My chest." he said, not sure. But her thought that was the most centralized area of his pain, so that became his answer.

"Well, that's to be expected, considering what happened to you last night." The nurse started to walk out the door.

"Wait!' he tried to sit up, but he couldn't. He was too weak. "What happened to me?"

The nurse smiled warmly. "I think your friends would be better at explaining that." And then she stepped out of the small room.

A few moments later, a female doctor dressed in a white lab coat, cam into the room. "Hello!", he said cheerily, "And how are we feeling today, sleepy head?"

"I don't know about WE, but I'm sure you are feeling fine, where as I feel like I just got shot in the stomach!" "I guess I'm feeling fine." he said bravely.

"Oh! Then you must be doing better than I expected. That's good!" She said cheerfuly and sat down on a little stool that she had pulled up beside his bedside. "But let's check you out just to be sure." She started examining him.

"What is it with her and the plural phrases! I don't see anyone else in this room, and I certainly know that I am not examining myself!" he rolled his eyes back in his head. This was getting tedious and he wanted answers. "Look, Miss, I would really appreciate it if you would tell me what happened".

The doctor looked surprised. "You mean you don't know?"

Dearka shook his head.

"Well, then. I should probably go and get one of your friends to explain it to you, because I am still not entirely sure". She got up and immediately stalked out of the room.


"Miriallia, sit down! You are going to give yourself a heart attack if you keep doing that!" Cagalli shouted at the pacing form of Miriallia. "Besides, it's bugging the hell out of me!"

"Oh. Sorry" Miriallia sat down in the chair closest to her. "I just wished that they would let me see him. I'm so worried. Last night, before the ambulance came, I thought he had died when he collapse don my lap. I thought he had died. But he wasn't, but they still say he is not doing to good. I am just so worried that he is on his death bed right now and I can't even comfort him!" Miriallia collapsed into tears, and her shoulders went limp. She was also very tired. She hadn't slept all last night and it was starting to take it's toll on her.

"I know, Mir." Cagalli went over to her and gave her a gentle hug. "We are all worried about him." Lacus joined in and so did Kimiko. They all went to their friends side to comfort her.

Athrun, Kira, and Yzak were all very nervous, although they couldn't let the girls see it because they had to be strong for them. Athrun fought the urge to get up and start pacing as well. And Kira, well he didn't really know what to do. He and Dearka knew each other, but they weren't all that close. But he was saddened by the effect it had on Miriallia. He didn't know how she would survive if she lost another man she loved. And Yzak, well he was desperately trying to keep tears out of his eyes. His best friend was on his death bed, in a coma, and he was powerless to do anything about it.

It was very hard on Miriallia. She hadn't realized that she was this much in love with him until she saw him lying on the floor that night, bleeding and weak. She couldn't lose him, she just couldn't.

She was angry with her self. "If her dies I will never forgive myself. I used Tolle as an excuse not to get close to him. I thought I was still too much in love with Tolle. But Tolle is dead and he doesn't matter anymore. Somehow, I fell in love with Dearka. And when he kissed me and showed me that he loved me, I practically bit him back. How could I do that to the man I love! Oh…Miriallia, how COULD you! You thought you loved Tolle, that's how. And I believe I did, or at least I was afraid to love anyone other than Tolle. Tolle is dead and there is nothing I can do about it. And now, the only other man I have ever loved, is on his death bed right now and I can't even tell him that I love him, That Tolle no longer makes me hurt with his death, that just his death would make me hurt. I guess the saying is true. You don't know what you had, until you lose it…."

Miriallia burst into another fit of tears. She was afraid that she was going to lose Dearka and that scared her even more than losing Tolle. She and Tolle had known each other for years, grown up together. But Their love was that of a girl and a boy. Her and Dearka's love was that of a man and a woman.

Miriallia looked up when she heard a woman's voice. It came from a doctor and she immediately jumped up and went over to her. "Oh! Is he alright? Is he still alive? Can I see him? I need to see him!" Miriallia didn't even let the doctor say anything.

The doctor laughed slightly. "Well, he is awake now, no longer in a coma. I believe he is going to make a full recovery" Miriallia looked very much relieved. "But he is still very weak. So I will let only one of you go in to see him."

The group huddled together for a few moments to decide on who to let see him first. Cagalli pushed Miriallia forward towards the doctor. "Are you sure?" Cagalli and Athrun nodded. "But what about you, Yzak? He is you best friend".

Cagalli stood back in horror of what rude thing Yzak was going to say next.

But, Yzak smiled and, for once in his life, decided to be nice. "Yeah," he shrugged his shoulders ,"but you are his girl and he loves you. You should be the first person he lays eyes on." Everyone looked slightly shocked, except Kimiko, who just looked proud. "Besides," he added, "you know me, I'm liable to say something rude to him and in his condition, he needs someone to say something sweet to him," He winked at Miriallia.

Miriallia ran over to him and gave him a big hug. Yzak blushed. "Thank you Yzak!" and then she went off, following the doctor down the hall towards Dearka's room.

Kimiko went to Yzak's side and held his hand. "Thank you Yzak." she said sweetly and ever so seductively.

Yzak looked confused. "For what?"

"For being so sweet and letting me know that I can have it all." She said this simply and then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Yzak flushed and his head now looked like a turnip with silver hair.


Dearka heard a slight rap on the door right before he saw the love of his life enter the room. "Miriallia!" he thought as she came over and sat down on the stool the doctor had used earlier. He looked at her tear stained face and was saddened by it. "Miriallia, are you ok?" he asked and then she her head fell on the edge of his bed. "Miriallia, what's wrong!" Dearka was now very worried. He tried to sit up again, but he managed to only reach out to her with his arm. He lifted her chin and saw the tears running down her face. "Miriallia, what is wrong?"

She mustered together a smile and said, "Oh, Dearka. Nothing is wrong."

Dearka looked confused. "Then why are you crying?"

"Because," she paused like that was supposed to answer his question. "because you're hurt and lying on a hospital bed with a chest wound, and all you say is if I'm alright". She burst into another fit of tears and he controlled himself from wrapping her up into his arms, not that he physically could because he was very weak.

He still didn't fully understand. "I'm not quite sure what you mean?"

Miriallia regained control of herself and stated, "What I mean is that here you are, injured, and you ask ME how I feel. You're not concerned about yourself, but you are about me. Oh Dearka you are so good!" Miriallia sobbed some more and accidentally landed her head down on his chest. Dearka yelped in pain and Miriallia immediately apologized. "Oh Dearka! I am so sorry!"

"That's alright." he said wincing at the pain it had caused. "I'll be alright." Dearka thought of something. "By the way, do you know how I got into this situation? I don't quite remember. It's all a little hazy. I asked the doctor, but she said I should ask one of you."

Miriallia looked a little bewildered. "You mean you don't know?"

Dearka shook his head. "I sort of know. Like I know that Jubin was the one who shot me and I was in your room when it happened, but not much other than that."

Miriallia sat up straight in her seat. "Well, I tall started, I guess, when I was in my room. I sensed someone's shadow over me. I wasn't sure how he got in, but later the police said they found the balcony doors had been picked open. I looked up and saw Jubin staring at me. I asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted me. I immediately tried to get away, but her was too fast for me. He blocked my way to the door, and then he started to, uh, well…., he kissed me and tried to other stuff. But I managed to scream and I guess you heard me, because you came shortly afterwards and punched him. He fell to the ground but then got back up and pulled out his gun. He said that if eh couldn't have me then neither would anyone else. And he fired, but you got in the path of the bullet and that's when you got hurt." Miriallia stopped, afraid to go any further.

"And then what happened? What happened to Jubin?"

Miriallia's eyes started to tear up again and voice trembled as she spoke. "I, um, After he shot you I got mad, and he tripped over my suitcase when I went after him. He dropped his gun and I grabbed it and I, um, uh, I shot him." She let a tear escape and run down her cheek. "I killed him, Dearka."

Dearka moved his hand to her face and cupped it wiping the tear away. She started to cry more deeply and Dearka pulled her head down to rest on his shoulder, ignoring the pain it caused him. "Shhhh, don't cry baby. It wasn't your fault. You were just protecting yourself. There was nothing you could do to stop it." Miriallia felt comfortable crying on his shoulder and remained there as Dearka slipped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

"I know Dearka, that's what the police said too. They said that I was only protecting myself. But Dearka…."


She let out a strong sigh. "I didn't do it because of what he tried to do to me. I did it because of what did to you. I was angry when he shot you. I went bazzerk!" She explained, tears still welling up in her eyes. She wiped them away before he got the chance.

Dearka felt his heart leap when she said this. "She killed him because of me? I know it sounds demented, but I can't help but feel happy because of that."

"Oh Dearka! And you were so brave!" Dearka blushed. "You jumped right in front of the bullet to save me. You protected me, Dearka, and I want to thank you."

Dearka reached down into his pant pocket. He felt this was the right time to ask her. Only, he discovered that he wasn't wearing pants. In fact, he wasn't wearing any of the clothes he had been wearing earlier. He was now dressed in a hospital gown. "Miriallia, do you know where my pants are?"

Miriallia nodded. "Yes they are over there", she signaled to a chair by the door, "But why do you need them? You're not going to try and leave, are you?"

Dearka couldn't help but chuckle a little. He could barely move his arm, not to mention find the strength to get up and walk out of there. "No. But could you get my pants for me? Please?"

Miriallia nodded again. "Yes. Alright." She got up and lifted his pants up off of the chair. She came back and sat down again, handing the pants to him. He forced himself to sit up, with a groan.

Dearka reached into the pocket, holding his hand inside around something. "Miriallia, remember how you just thanked me for protecting you?" she nodded and then her heart leaped as she saw him pull a little box out of his pant pocket. "Miriallia, I would be most honored if you would let me become, forever, your protector." he flipped open the box and it revealed to her the same sapphire ring she had admired in the jewelry store.

Miriallia's eyes lit up and she threw herself into Dearka's arms and kissed him squarely on the mouth, and they embraced the most passionate kiss either of them had ever experienced. Dearka was in a lot a pain, but at the same time, enjoying the most happy moment of his entire life.

After they finally broke apart, Miriallia rested her head on Dearka's shoulder and cried into his neck. The tears she cried, thought, were not tears of pain, or sorrow, or sadness, or worry, but tears of joy!


He pulled up in his black sports car, hopped out, and walked up the steps to his house. It was such a pretty house, small and brick with a nice petite garden surrounding the walkway. He walked into the house and was greeted by two small children, both about the same age, about three. They ran up to their father and he lifted them both up into his arms and they each planted a slobbery kiss on each of his cheeks. The boy had blonde hair, like his father, and blue eyes, like his mother. The girl had reddish-brown hair, like her mother, and lavender eyes, like her father.

He walked further into the house and found what he was looking for sitting in the living room. "Ah! Miriallia! Shouldn't you be getting ready?" She had been sitting on the couch, facing away from him, so he was surprised to find, when she stood up, that she was already attired in a pale blue evening gown. Her hair was put up in a fancy bun and she wore a pair of drop sapphire earrings that matched her wedding ring. "Oh." he said when he saw how she was attired. "Well, then, let's get the kids ready!" He said cheerfully and Miriallia just looked at him with an odd cock to her brows.

"Dearka, since you haven't noticed, they are already dressed for the wedding." She tapped her pale blue heals on the carpeted floor of their home.

"Oh." Dearka turned beet red as he looked at the nicely dressed children in his arms and then let out a laugh. "I guess I'm just a little worried about the wedding".

"A little", Miriallia mimicked.

"All right then" Dearka put down the happy children and adjusted his red elite dress uniform, "I guess we should get going or else we'll be late."

Miriallia nodded. "Ok, Dearka. Let's go, then." she grabbed her pale blur hand bag on her way out the door.

She fastened the kids into the car seats in the back as Dearka started up the engine. They drove quite a ways, until they stopped at ORB Memorial park. There were a lot of cars, so they had to look a little ways before they found a place to park. After parking, they got and they both unpacked the kids. Dearka took the boy, and Miriallia took the girl.

They walked over the lawn and towards a big gazebo. "Well, it's certainly a nice day for the wedding!" Dearka stated cheerfully as they met up with Kira. Miriallia went on to find them a seat, while Dearka stayed and talked to Kira. "So, buddy. It's been a while since I've seen you. What's new with you?"

Kira pointed over to Lacus, who was sitting in the front row of seat lined up in front of the gazebo. It would have been rather odd that he had pointed to Lacus, except for the fact that she had six kids all lined up in a row next to her, AND she had a belly the size of a water melon.

Dearka couldn't help himself. He laughed. "I guess, you've been pretty busy, eh?" Kira blushed. The last time Dearka had seen Kira was about a year ago and they only had five kids then.

Miriallia signaled for Dearka to come over to her and he excused himself from Kira. He walked up to Miriallia to find her chatting with Athrun and Cagalli. "Hey Athrun! It's so good to see you!" Dearka greeted Athrun with a hug. "So, what's been new with you? How's little miss spitfire?" he said with a grin.

"Huh? Oh! You mean Shrannah. Oh, she's fine. She should be around here somewhere." Athrun looked around for his progeny. "Huh, that's weird. I can't find her. I wonder where she went."

Right after that statement, Dearka felt a tug at his pant leg. "I think I found her" He lifted her up into his arms. "Hey Shrannah! And how are you?"

The little girl spoke up in a very cute, but loud voice. She was obviously Cagalli's daughter. "I'm fine Uncle Dede!" Said the cute little blonde with emerald green eyes. " I'm three and yesterday Daddy gave me a Haro! Want to see!"

Dearka couldn't help feeling the need to run away at the mention of a Haro. They were highly annoying and he was glad he hadn't seen Lacus bearing any with her. He guessed Kira had banned her from doing so. "Ah, no sweaty, that's alright." Dearka sat the little girl back down. "Athrun, how dare you give her a Haro!" Dearka kidded.

Athrun just smiled. "So, how are Dana and Michael?"

"Oh, they are as good as ever!"

"Hey Dearka, the ceremony is about to begin!" Miriallia ran up to him and brought him back to their seats.

He saw Yzak appear in the gazebo, looking very nervous. He heard the music start to play and he looked back to see a smiling Kimiko all dressed in lavender. She walked up the aisle in procession with the music. Yzak tried to smile when he saw her and wished that Dearka was by him right then. He had wished he could have had Dearka as his best man. But, the only ones who Kimiko would have made be her brides maids were Cagalli, Miriallia, and Lacus, and all of them had husbands already and they couldn't be her matrons, because one, that would just sound funny, and two, they also had the responsibility to watch after their kids. So she decided to not have any brides maids, or matrons, and they all convinced Yzak that it would look funny if she didn't have anyone and he did. So, Yzak was up in the gazebo alone, with the exception of the pasture.

Kimiko gracefully walked up the steps of the gazebo, and Yzak gulped. He was nervous as hell. Heck, every time he was around this woman he was nervous as hell. He didn't even know how mustered up the courage to ask her to marry him. Or did she ask him? It was all very hazy in Yzak's mind and he couldn't even remember how this all started. All he knew was that he was there and he was about to become the luckiest man alive, and he was nervous as hell.

Kimiko stood next to Yzak and the minister started his wedding speech. Dearka listened for a few moments, but then lost interest. He looked around him, at the people he was so close to. They had all grown up after the war. They had gotten married and had kids. He looked at Athrun, who was trying to keep his daughter to sit still. Shrannah was almost an exact replica of her mother. Then he looked at Kira and Lacus and their six kids. They were so content the way they were, growing old together. He glanced back up at Yzak, who was looking more and more like the canary being swallowed by the cat as he said his vows. Dearka smiled. They had all found the perfect life for each and every one of them.

Dearka looked over to Miriallia, who was watching the proceedings intently and looking more beautiful than ever as she did so, and then at his kids, who were both fidgeting in their seats. And then he thought contentedly,"You, Dearka Elsman, have the perfect wife , the perfect kids, and the perfect life. Ahhhhh, Life just can't get any better than this!"


WOW! I Am done! The story is now over! Aw, the story is over.

You know, I almost cried when writing this chapter, LOL! I am so lame, lol!

Well, what did you think? When you review, I don't want you to just give me the review for this chapter, but fot he entire story, ok?

Also, when you review, I would like to know your opinion on whether you would like to see a sequel. Here is the teaser for it...

Life's Little Surprises!

You know those little surprises life tend to hand you shortly after marriage. Well this fic is about how Yzak adjusts to the prospect of fatherhood,LOL!

So, do you think you might be interested in reading a fic about Yzak and Kiki?

I plan in writing it anyway. But you still get to vote on it.

I would also like to know it you think I should give Dearka and Miriallia a third child? Please tell me in the review. Thanks.

Thank again!

Over and out, till next time!

Signing off, (for now)

Writer of Dreams