Part Four

This was starting to get old.

This was the second time I lost consciousness today.

While I was out, my mind was going back to a certain point in my life. Back to when I was competing in the Street Fighter tournament. It was the match deciding who was to face Bison in the tournament.

I ended up having to fight Chun Li.

We fought link and hard, but she made a severe mistake, allowing me to gain the upper hand. So I used my Shinkuu Hadouken on her and eventhough she blocked it, she was too exhausted to continue. Her pantyhouse was ripped in several places, one of her buns came undone and her bracelets were broken from the force of the attack.

We locked eyes for a long moment, as if there was some sort of unspoken agreement between us. Then I bowed and walked off. I could feel her watching me as I walked away.

Sure enough, Bison brought me to the brink of defeat, but I managed to pull through...just barely. I was on my way back to Japan when I decided to stay the night in Hong Kong. After checking myself into a hotel I was preparing for bed when there was a knock at the door. Wondering who it was at this time of night, I walked over to the door and opened it.

Chun Li was standing in the hallway. Her hair was down and she was wearing her battle dress outfit.

We looked at each other for a moment before I grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside. She kicked the door shut as I pinned her against the wall, our lips locked into a desperate kiss, our tongues probing each other's mouths. She tasted sweet, like ambrosia, and I couldn't get enough of her. I managed to pull her panties off just before she wrapped her legs around my waist as I was kissing her neck.

"I need you, Ryu," she rasped. "Oh, God, I need you..."

That was the first time that we had gotten together. I was no virgin (and I'm not going into detail about how I lost it, so don't ask), but it has been a long time since I've been with a woman. I can tell that I was her first. However, I can tell you this...Chun Li made me feel...alive when I was with her, as I've said before.

Anyway, after we had slept together, we were basking in the afterglow of some passionate sex when I spoke. "Chun Li"

She looked at me and pressed one finger to my lips. "Shh. Please...don't say anything," she said. "Just hold me, okay?"

I nodded and I did what she asked. The next morning, when I woke up, I found out that she had already left.

That's how it started between me and her. Whenever she was in the same city I was, she would track me down or I would go to her apartment and we end up having sex. Wild, passionate, uninhibited sex. And every morning, depending on where we were, we ended up leaving before the other woke up.

I finally came to. I was lying flat on my back, in my room, and once again, naked from the waist up. My bruises from the day were treated and bandaged up. Whoever it was, they sure knew what they were doing.

It was nighttime. I guess I was out of it for a while. The pain in my body had dulled down to an ache, so I decided to see who it was that had saved my ass from the mob of horny women who wanted a piece of me. As I assumed a sitting position and swing my feet over the edge of the bed, I noticed three suitcases neatly placed in one corner of my room. Whoever it is must be on the move. I stood up and walked out of the room.

I noticed the kitchen light on, so I decided to investigate. Imagine my shock as to who it was.

It was a woman. A Chinese woman to be precise. She was dressed in a blue spaghetti-strap haltertop, denim shorts that showed off her legs, and a pair of tennis shoes. Her long dark browh hair was wrapped into a single bun and held in place by a pair of laquered chopsticks. Eventhough we were outside of the arena, I knew who it was.

Chun Li Xiang.

She didn't notice me yet, as she was busy making herself some tea. I decided to break the silence. "Amazing."

She spun around and saw me standing in the doorway. She folded her arms across her chest. "You should be resting," she said. "What's amazing to you?"

I grinned. "You CAN wear your hair other than the braided and bunned style. Besides, I'm fine. Really. I've had worse." I then looked at her. "How did you find out where I lived?"

She cocked her head to the side. "Ryu. Interpol agent, remember?" Her expression then darkened. "Well, FORMER Interpol agent."

I blinked. "Former? What happened?"

She turned off the stove. "A bust went bad. I ended up sending several perps to the hospital. One of them had a father who was a crooked politician, and used his influence to have me fired." Her expression then turned to one of anger as she slammed one fist onto the counter. "They forgot that I was one the I.C.P.O.'s top agents! They forgot that I was one of the people who helped in bringing down Shadowlaw! They just turned their back on me." She sighed. "So there was nothing left for me there. I'm here because I got a friend who's starting a private investigator agency in Roppongi, and she invited me to Japan."

I never seen her this angry. Even back in the World Warrior tournament, she was never this angry. She was always calm and collected. She wa slao calm when she told me that Bison had killed her father, although she was better off screaming. "I'm sorry," I replied. "I know that being a detective was everything to you."

She looked at me after I made that statement and smiled. "Thank you, Ryu." She then raised one eyebrow at me. "What the hell happened to you anyway?"

"I was chased by several women," I replied. "That's what happened. Then I fell down a flight of stairs."

"Oh. Lucky for you I was there to drag you into my car." There was a pause between us before she asked her next question. "Who's the girl in the picture? On the mantle in the living room."

"My trainee, Sakura," I replied. "After I came back here, she challenged me to a fight. She lost, but I was impressed at how she handled herself, so I took her on as my pupil. I've been training her for a couple of months now."

"I never thought I'd see the day that the Japanese fighter takes on a student," Chun Li said. "You pretty much had me and everyone else fooled with 'the fight is all' routine."

I shrugged my bare shoulders. "Over time, people change. Martial arts is still my life, and I still compete in tournaments."

Chun Li nodded. "Well that's good to hear. Ryu...we need to talk. About us."

I nodded. "I know."

Chun Li walked into the living room, while I went back to my room to grab a shirt. After pulling it over my torso, I walked back into the living toom, where Chun Li was seated on the sofa, waiting for me. I sat down beside her.

Under any circumstances, we'd be all over each other. But not now. We had to straighten things out between us first.

"Ryu..." she began.

At the same time, I also spoke. "Chun..."

We both laughed when we spoke at the same time. I cleared my throat. " go first."

"I should have told you about how I felt about you," she began. "All those nights we spent together...I wanted to tell you so many times, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it because I was scared. Scared that you would push me away...scared that I would be left alone." She looked at me dead in the face. "I don't know any other way to say this but...I've been in love with you since we fought at the tournament. I just couldn't bring myself to admit it to you, least of all myself."

I absorbed her words, eventhough the expression on my face looked like I took one of Sagat's Tiger Blows to the gut. She had actually fell in love with me while we had fought. See if you can top that, Ken. When she saw that I didn't respond, she abruptly stood up.

"I'm sorry," she began to say through her tears. "I shouldn't have come"

However, I grabbed her wrist, stopping her in her tracks.

"When I first met you, and found out why you were competing," I replied softly, "I said to myself that a woman like you should not bear such a burden. You have been through unspeakable pains with the death of your father, as have I with the death of my master."

Chun Li looked at me as she slowly sat back down.

"Do you have any idea how long I was waiting for you to tell me how you feel about me?" I continued. "That night before I left Hong Kong, when we were together...I wanted to tell you myself, but I didn't know how...and you never gave me that chance."

I placed one hand against her cheek. She gently grabbed my wrist and turned my hand inward, so she could kiss my palm, her eyes locked onto mine. I relased her other hand and moved it to her hair. I gently pulled out the chopsticks and placed them to the side, allowing her long hair to cascade down her shoulders.

We moved closer. Then she leaned in and kissed me, which I returned. It was like two extremely combustible elements creating fire when I kissed her. It was like that first time when we slept together, but only better.

I knew where this was going to end up. This time, I didn't hesitate as I picked Chun Li up and carried her to the bedroom.

Several hours later...-

Of course we ended up in bed together, but this time, it was different. We satisfied our physical cravings for one another like the last several times when we were together, but after confessing about how we felt for one another, it a very good way. In fact, the lovemaking was even much better than the first time. Her back was to me, as I was against it, hand interwined with my own. I was tired, but I couldn't sleep. I held her close to me, close enough that I could hear her breathing.

"You're still awake?" she asked me, not turning around.

"You never went to sleep?" I replied, kissing her bare shoulder.

She opened her eyes and turned herself so that she was looking at me, the bedsheet covering her chest for modesty. "I was just thinking."

"About what?"

She smiled that beautiful smile of hers, her brown eyes shining at me. "How I was alone at first when Papa died."

"What about Master Gen?" I replied. "Or Fei Long for that matter?"

"I had them for mentors and friends, sure, but I never had someone to actually connect with," she replied softly.

"Until you met me," I finished for her.

She nodded. "Yeah."

We talked for most of the night, occasionally sharing kisses and caressing each other. She was right, you know. It was the first time that I had actually opened myself to someone, not even to Ken about myself, and it was the same for her. Maybe I found something worth fighting for other than myself.

And to tell you the truth, I liked it.

When we got through talking about ourselves, it was nearly two in the morning. But I didn't dare to fall asleep. What if she left like before?

Chun Li noticed the look on my face. "What is it?"

"I'm just worried that if I fall asleep, then you'll be gone in the morning," I admitted.

Again she smiled at me and pecked me on the lips. "I'll never leave you. Just as long you'll never leave me."

"Works for me," I said.


I looked at her. "Yeah?"

"Say it," she replied simply. "Say those three words."

I smiled at her as I said, "I love you."

She then kissed me again, which lead to a second round of sex. What can I say? I had the chance of getting laid by several different women today, but I held out. Good thing I did, too. Otherwise, I would have regret it, and Chun Li wouldn't be here now.

Afterwards, we fell asleep together. For the first time in my life, I felt at peace.

It was around eight in the morning when I woke up. I looked down and saw that Chun Li was still there, sleeping peacefully on my chest. Smiling to myself at the fact that she was still here, I went back to sleep.

When I woke up again, it was almost eleven. This time, when I woke up, Chun Li was gone. Her open suitcases were still on the floor, letting me know that she was still here.

I got out of the bed and after a quick shower and dressed into my usual karate gi (my headband was missing, for some reason), I went and looked for Chun Li. She was in the dojo, praticing in her one-piece tracksuit, minus the vest. Her hair was tied into a single braid...and was held in place by my red headband.

From my position at the door, I watched her as she went through her Kung Fu routine. She made it look like an art form, moving like a Chinese ballerina. Of course most guys take her as a weak, defenseless girl, and that's where they make their mistake, and end up knocked out by her. Ken included.

When will he ever learn? And he wonders why Guile doesn't like him.

I cleared my throat, alerting her to my presence. "Good morning," I greeted as I walked into my dojo.

She smiles at me. "Morning. Hope you didn't mind," she said, concerning my headband.

I shook my head. "Of course not." Now I'm within double arm's length of her. "Feel like sparring?"

"So I can kick you ass?" she replied teasingly as she went into her stance.

"You can try, Miss Xiang," I replied.

I assumed my stance. Then we attacked, testing out the other's defenses. Then Chun Li threw several punches, all of which I parried and blocked. She then tried to kick me in the head, but I ducked and swept her other leg out from under her. We sparred for about an hour until it ended in a stanfoff. To tell you the truth, I was holding back and I was suspecting that she was doing the same. After that, we had breakfast (yeah, I cooked). She was surprised that a nomad like myself can make a home-cooked meal.

Why not? I like to eat too. You pick things up when you travel.

We spent the day together. I was still recovering from yesterday and I really didn't feel like doing anything but just stay at home. With my girlfriend.

Even after all I've been through with all the other girls, it still felt strange for someone like me to have a girlfriend. Oh, well. I just see it as a challenge. A challenge that I will most certainly enjoy facing. And I know that she feels the same way.

We were both in the living room, seated on the floor, talking, once again, her back resting against my chest as my arms were wrapped around her curvaceous frame. The talking led to cuddling, which led to kissing and more cuddling. She had her pick of men back in Hong Kong, but she chose me. I felt touched when she told me this.

Yeah. This is definitely where I wanted to be.
