Chap 8:Unatural Gifts

It had been 1 hour since the group had started transforming and Electmon, Bokomon, and Neemon are all still waiting for someone to exit their rooms.

"Do you think their hiding from us, Bokomon?" asked Neemon.

"No, Kagome doesn't like hiding." said Electmon as he looked anxiously at the door to the room his ward was in.

Suddenly, Tommy's door opened and out stepped a young boy who looked like a cross between a digimon and a human. He had white hair that had brown streaks flowing in it. He wore a green headband with a picture of a bear face in it. His skin was paler, and he had a brown colored horn that grew from the part of his forehead that was covered in his head. His eyes stayed blue but they were now a lighter shade. He had claws on each finger and each toe, which were visible. He now had a gun strapped to his back and had gotten taller by at least 3 inches. Suddenly, he spoke.

"I need new shoes, and a bit of ice." he said this is an amused voice as he pointed to his room, which was currently frozen with two shredded shoes in the middle.

The three digimon smiled, then turned to Zoe, who had already transformed before the others. She was currently flying around.

"Hey, Tommy! Look at me! I could get used to this." she said as Tommy waved to her.

"I see your over the change." he said in a mature voice, which was awkward since he was so young.

"Yeah! This is fun!" she shouted as slightly gliding.

Then a second door opened and out came Takuya, who looked the same as he did when he was sent back home by Darkmon on trailmon.

"Hey guys, I see I'm not the only one who finished transforming." he said looking straight at Tommy with a huge grin on his face.

"Yup! I look cool! I wonder what I could do!" he yelled excitedly.

"Hey." said a voice behind them. They turned around.

They saw JP. He had lost a lot of weight and had grown muscles all over. He wore knights armor, but he had his helmet off so you could see his face. His hair had grown messier and narrowed out on his neck. His ears had become pointed and his eyes were a brilliant green. He also became broader and looked more human than the others.

"Well JP looks like you stiollhave a lot of your human genes, it's natural your ancestor was one of the first sent to the digital world so he wasn't as efficiently turned into a digimon." said Bokomon, doing what he does best, stating the facts.

Then there was the sound of a door being opened and everyone turned to see Koji. He now looked A LOT like a humanoid demon, he had claws, fangs, longer, pulled back hair, pointed ears, and a tail the same color as his hair. But, now he also had lily and silver colored streaks in his hair/fur. He also has a purple and lily colored scarf around his neck and a sword strapped to his back. His eyes also had slight silver speaks in them and now had pupils the shape of slits. He wore baggy pants and a loose white shirt, his tail was long and he wound it around his waist.

"Wow, Koji looks like that demon I saw in the book Kagome was reading last night." said Tommy in an amazed tone.

"Yep, he sure does." says a voice from behind Koji who quickly moves to right, surprised to hear a voice so clearly.

Everyone saw a girl with messy black hair with electric blue highlights, and lunar colored streaks. She had ice blue strips on her face that at first went horizontal and then went down ( - hard to explain.) She had a tail that was black but with ice and electric blue highlights and a lunar colored tip. She had pointed ears with tips that started out blue then turned black. Her claws were sharp and surly deadly. She was wearing animal pelts and had a staff in one hand. She was still wearing her goggles, she had fangs, and had a bow and arrow strapped to her back. Her eyes were still different color's but the blue one now looked like it reflected the moons rays. All in all she really looked like someone who was raised in the wild.

"Kagome?" asked Takuya, shocked at his cousins new look. Koji just stood there gaping at the girl.

"The one and only." she said in a cool voice.

"Umm, I have a question and it's if I'm supposed to be able to make plants grow." Kagome said as she pointed to her room that now looked like a jungle.

"Unnatural…….." said a shocked Bokomon.

Ja Ne!
