SC: Finally got some reviews for this totally unnecessary story…(Sighs in relief) I was getting worried there.

Chrono: Ehehe…of what?

SC: I don't know…

Chrono: Oh…

SC: Here's a very important announcement from our lead anchor, Aion-barbarian of Mazador.

Aion: WTF?

SC: Just announce things!

Aion: Oh…Okay, to answer some dumb asses question-

SC: (Gets out her gun and loads it) My…reviewers…aren't…dumb asses…! (Fires rapidly)

Remington: (Grabs the script) Okay, to answer someone's question, yes, SC has officially announced that the Toster's will be coming back, proud and strong! Of course, we all don't know why cause it was horribly stupid and we got many complaints from it.

SC: Exactly. (Destroys evidence of killing anyone, meaning, the gun) But, it seems even though people complained about it, they want it back. So I'll bring it back, after I retype all the words again from the printed copies I have…(Mumbles about death and murder)

Rosette: It's really coming back? That horrifying…THING…?

SC: Yeah…ooh…ahh…(Presses a button)

Crowd: (Ooh's and Ahh's)

SC: Hehehe…you gotta love being controller of the story…meaning the author, and also! Due to many of you getting down on the ground and begging, there is going to be lots of fluff, making this a fluffy chapter!

Chrono: (Laughs evilly)

SC: I never heard you laugh that way before…

Chrono: I KNOW!

Disclaimer: Shit…I'm running out of disdisclaimers. Umm, …I own one of the members to the Black Eyed Peas…I guess…

Now time for SC to bitch about the latest Chrono Crusade Volume Four!

SC: Did anybody notice that in episode fourteen, how Excel like Rosette was? What? Was she like high on drugs or something? She was screaming and yelling and running very much like Excel. She was…a little too hyper…and what's with Rosette falling into Satella's (Cough) boob area? Chrono, I can understand, but Rosette? Sometimes…I think she just might be gay…seemingly since in the manga (I think) she takes a shower with Azmaria. And then there's episode fifteen, what's with Duffau? He keeps rubbing his beard! Man, I'd shave that thing! Like in the flashback scene, he picks some hairs out and it explodes! I was laughing like hell when I saw that! And why does he pull out some of the hair and blow it on Rosette and Chrono? Dude, that's just nasty! Guess I'll have to wait till the next fricken volume to come out so that I can bitch some more about it. And what is wrong with the three episode thing? I SPENT TWENTY DOLLARS FOR THREE WORTHLESS EPISODES? WTF? WTF! HOW COULD—

Aion: (Knocks SC out) As you can see, the girl has far too much to bitch about and we can not thoroughly express all her hate and anger she feels for the anime…in other words…it sucks.

Rosette moved away from Joshua as to help the blond boy to his feet. Once standing, the boy tapped a belled foot and put up an angry scowl.

"No! I am not Joshua! My name is Josephmagnificomidweeklycaroline! And don't even get me started on my last name!" The bell on his foot jingled again.

"…In other words your Joshua…" Rosette finished.

"Uhh, yeah! You can call me that!" Joshua grinned, but then frowned, but then grinned again, but then scowled, and then smiled, but then snarled, and then he blew up into ashes of smoke, but miraculously survived and tumbleweeds blow rapidly behind him.

Rosette is standing agape in confusion, Chrono is sniffing Rosette's clothes, Remington is mumbling about his hair, and Aion…Aion's being Aion.

"I AM JOSHUA! HEAR ME CRY!" And with that, Joshua broke down crying; "Children…(Sob, sniff)…of the…(gasp, choke)…world…(sniffle, another sob) …clap your hands if you believe in me!"

There is complete and utter silence.

"DAMN YOU ALL!" Joshua suddenly has a jet pack on his back and zooms away, "SANTA! WAIT FOR YOUR MOST LOVEABLE UTTER SERVANT JOSEPHMAGNIFICOMIDWEEKLYCAROLINE ROBERT CHRISTOPHERICASHWEDNESDAYJESEUSTHEHOLYMAIDENOFISLAM!" And Joshua finally said his middle and his last name…that I should add; they were both made up and change every time he says them.

Rosette watched him go, "My poor, poor dearest brother or mine…what has happened to your mind since you lost Chrono's horns?"

Chrono grinned, "A lot of crazy shit!"

"Your not helping…"

"I know…"




Rosette scowled and grabbed her clothes away from Chrono and put them back on, walking off with a squishing sound of water between her legs from her recent dive into the horribly cold lake.

"Rosette, wait! Common, you're going to catch a cold if you don't put those on right now!" Chrono yelled, running after Rosette.

"I'll be fine, Chrono…really! So hurry up!" Rosette yelled back, walking faster.

Suddenly, Chrono screamed and slammed a hand over his mouth as his eyes began to water. In confusion, Rosette turned to stare at him oddly, "Chrono? You okay?"

"MY DEAREST ROSETTE! WAIT FOR YOUR VALUABLE CHRONO PLUSHIE DOLL THAT COMES COMPLETE WITH KARATE FIGHTING ACTION!" Chrono ran after Rosette and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly, "Carry me home, Rosette!"

Rosette blushed slightly, but pushed him away. "I'm cold…I'm cranky…and my brother is insane…try again later."

Rosette jumped into the car, but Chrono followed her in, sitting on her lap. "CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT CHRONO IS HORNY AND HE WANTS YOU TO LOVE AND HUG HIM?" He most randomly screamed out, holding tightly onto Rosette.

Rosette's face went alit with flames from the heat of her current blushing position. Chrono grinned widely, still seated on her lap. The blonde nun hesitantly felt Chrono's head, but withdrew it immediately.

"Chrono! Your fever is so high, I can cook Aion on it!" Rosette exclaimed.

Chrono's grin formed into smooching lips as he moved down to Rosette's face, "It be all from my love I share for you my love!" He was about to kiss Rosette, but out of Rosette's reaction from her fear of commitment, she moved away…

Leading straight down to Aion…why he was behind Rosette…we don't know…when he got behind Rosette…I don't know…where was he behind Rosette…uhh…that's self explanatory.

Chrono's eyes widened as did Aion's, but I think Aion was rather enjoying it…(Cough) bisexual in the anime! (Cough)

Chrono instantly collapsed over Rosette's lap and was rather dead looking if I might add. "Hey…Chrono? You…alright…?" Rosette prodded him with her hand, but he didn't budge.

"…do you think he's going to die?" Aion asked sweetly.

"No, Aion…I think he's just really sick, that's all…" Rosette mumbled, her blue irises staring at the purple demon with great concern.

The drive back to the Order was a silent one, except for Aion's occasional random thought or Remington's complaint about his hair.

Rosette still stared calmly down at the peacefully sleeping little devil in her lap. At times, it was hard to believe that he was a devil. Actually, at all times she thought that he was really a human.

The sleeping devil breathed slowly as his chest rose up and down. The blonde nun smiled slightly, reaching down to feel his forehead again. He still had a high fever.

"Remington, I think Chrono will need to go to the Medic Room…his fever isn't going down." Rosette mumbled, her hand still resting on his head.

"Alright, I'll have Elder look at him and see what's wrong…" Remington put the car into park and got out, but stopped abruptly, "…and in the mean time…somebody get Aion a fricken pair of eyes!"

"Yeah…ones that aren't purple…" Rosette added, pulling Chrono out with her.

Aion frowned, "Hey! Purple is dead sexy for the ladies! But…I wouldn't mind for a pair of red eyes like Chrono…"

"…How about…No. Then you'll be twice as scary…" Rosette mumbled, lifting Chrono carefully into her arms and holding him up. "Man…why do I have to carry him?"

"Here…let me—" Aion started forward to grab Chrono, but Rosette twirled away from the white haired devil.

"No…I think, in second thought, I'll carry him." Rosette was gone with Chrono in mere seconds.

Aion mumbled something about girls and boys and walked off…falling into an odd looking hole with lions, tigers, and bears…oh my!

"And what may be wrong with our dearest Chrono?" Elder asked as Rosette set the fevered Chrono down onto the Medic bed.

Rosette blushed slightly and moved a stray strand of blonde hair from her face, "Well, Elder, he seemingly has a high fever and started babbling about…stuff…" Her blush deepened.

"What type of stuff…?" Elder asked curiously, cocking his head slightly.

"Umm…about his love for…me…?" Rosette went slightly hoarse right there.

"I see…give me till midnight and I should have a very good explanation about why his underwear has a skid mark on it." Elder nodded.

Rosette raised an eyebrow, "What? Elder, Chrono's underwear isn't even showing…"

"I mean…why he deems to be so lovey dovey lately."

"Lovey dovey?"

"Yeah! You haven't heard him in the halls?"

"Heard him in the halls? No…why?"

"Yeah! He's singing about love songs and about children and about marriage counseling and about wives and about—"

"I think that's enough, Elder."

"You get the point."

Rosette gave one last glance at the peaceful Chrono before rounding the corner and heading back to her room. It was time for a long nap…


Rosette's blue irises scanned the room from her recent awakening, "Wha…?" She yawned and stretched, seeing Remington grin slightly.

"Finally! Elder knows why Chrono's behaving the way he is behaving!" Remington frowned for a moment, but then nodded, "Yeah! That's right!"

"Okay…" Rosette got out of bed and followed the Minister back towards the Medic Room where Chrono was still asleep and Elder was sitting patiently in a chair.

"Rosette!" He chirped out, springing to his feet. "I know exactly what is…"

Rosette raised an eyebrow as she nodded every now and then, "Gee…Elder talks a lot…talk, talk, talk…talk…talk…hey! Rosette looked over at Remington, Hello, Blinkey! You sure blink a lot! Blink…one two…blink! Ha ha…I'm like a witch! I know exactly when you're going to blink! What's that, Mr. Blinkey? You forgot to blink that time? One two…blink!

"You see, Rosette, Chrono has caught a virus that makes devils and demons tell the truth. It's somewhat of a curse in the world of Pandemonium when it comes around. Have you seen any signs of Chrono trying to warn us about this odd occurrence, Rosette?"

The two men stared at Rosette. The nun had a slight grin on her face and a somewhat dull expression.

"Rosette…were you even listening to me?" Elder snapped, shaking Rosette slightly.

Rosette suddenly stood up and nodded, "Yeah, right, poltergeist possessing kids…right…get straight on it…" Rosette turned to leave, but stopped to stare at Remington once more.

"What? Something on my face?" Remington blinked three times.

Rosette only grinned slightly and walked away.

"Do you think she heard us?" Elder asked his friend.

"I don't know…" Remington blinked.

Chrono's crimson eyes pierced through the dark room. Dark room? Wasn't he in the car…with…Rosette…telling…her…

The little devil screamed suddenly and threw himself to the ground, pounding rapidly on his head.

Rosette flipped over her bed and was running down the hallway towards the Medic Room, in moments, she came in sight of Chrono. "Chrono! I heard you scream! Something wrong?"

"Yes,there'ssomethingwrong!" Chrono screamed out so fast that it sounded like a cat scratching on a black board.

Rosette shuddered and covered her ears, "Chrono! Calm down!"

"Calm down? Calm down? I can't calm down! This is horrible!" Chrono went into hysterics, but suddenly stopped and turned eerily to Rosette. "What…exactly…did…I…say…to…you…in…the…car…"

Chrono's words made Rosette flinch. Her face flushed up with a light blush as she coughed slightly, "You…don't know?'

"That's why I'm asking you…"

"…Um…do I have to repeat it…word from word…?"

"Tell me everything."

"…I can't…"

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not aloud to say that stuff in the house of God." Rosette grinned when she found an excuse.

"…Damn it to bloody hell…" Chrono continued to pound on his head as he walked around in a tight circle. "Do you know what's happening, Rosette?"

Rosette grimaced, "Not exactly…"

"Good!" Chrono grinned and jumped back into bed. Rosette stood there, watching him snuggle tightly against his pillow.

When she didn't leave, Chrono peered open one eye, "Leavemealone!" He screamed out.

Rosette jerked down just when Chrono chucked his pillow at her and ran down the hallway, right into Father Remington.

"Hey, Rosette! I found it so romantic how you and Chrono sneak by to see one another…" Roses flashed around Remington as he struck a pose.

"Yeah…" Rosette grinned slightly, but shook away all thoughts about Mr. Blinkey. "Hey, Remi, do you have an idea about what's happening to Chrono?"

Remington's romantic aura disappeared, "You mean…you didn't hear the Elder."

"I guess…"

And so Remington told Rosette, and I'm not going to rewrite it all out cause I'm too lazy at the moment…and my foot has just gone numb…and my big toe just got disconnected with my body…ouch…

"That's…not…good…is it…?" Rosette mumbled, rubbing her head tiredly.

"I don't know…this curse might be a good thing because we might learn some good information from it…" Remington raised his eyebrows up suggested.

"You mean like, interrogate him?" Rosette asked, placing her hands on her hips.


"…Remi…I like your style…gather all the nuns up tomorrow! Everybody gets to ask Chrono a question and have it answered!"

Both Rosette and Remington jumped up in the air and slammed a high five.

"That was stupid…"

"I agree…"

And with that, they both turned to go back to there beds.


Chrono: You're so damn evil!

Rosette: This is going to be interesting…

Chrono: NO IT WON'T!

Aion: Ooh! Does that mean I get a question to ask?

SC: Uhh, yeah…

Remington: I know exactly what to ask him!

SC: Okay, and this is where the reviewers come in. I want all of those who actually give a shit about my stupid story to pitch in to be the voice for random nuns…and if you're lucky, I just might add your names in! Like, Sister so and so…or Minister so and so…please tell me if you're a boy or a girl too…I wouldn't like to call a boy a Sister…So like, give me questions to ask Chrono! YAY!

Chrono: NO!

Rosette: Bonzia!

SC: Alright, ask questions and there'll be more fluff! FLUFF, FLUFF, FLUFF, FLUFF! Okay...I admit...there wasn't much fluff in this chapter, but next, there will be! AHAHAH!