Summery: Obi Wan takes Sabe to the holomovies
Disclaimer: Characters belong to George Lucas
Sabe shot a nervous glance about the theatre before she returned her gaze to the man beside her. She sat still uncomfortable as the room darkened in anticipation of the holomovie that was starting to play.
Obi Wan's deep blue eyes stared deep into her soul, making her turn away from her companion. She didnt understand the feelings she had inside of her. She just couldn't face him at the moment.
She had wanted to go out as a couple, as Sabe Maberrie going out with the man she loved.
"Sabe do you want to leave?" the voice was carefully modulated, but she could hear the uncertainty in his voice. She understood it and shared it. Their love was so new so unfamiliar that it took a while to adjust.
She took his hand in hers, still not looking at him and leaned her head on his shoulder, her dark blond hair fanning out on his broad shoulder. He was still unsure, she should look up at him, should smile and kiss him gently, reassure him. They had both given up a lot to be together. Obi Wan was still a Jedi but had lost great esteem in their eyes. Sabe had risked her heart, opened herself up to scandal.
Still it was still the most frightening thing she had ever experienced. As the movie played she snuggled deeper against his arm as the images began to be more frightening.
Suddenly the desperate fear she had felt melt away as she gently ran her fingers against the crook of his neck and studied their intertwined fingers. She almost giggled out loud.
This was the man she loved.
It was easier now to look him in the face, to gaze upon that chiseled, hardened face with love and devotion, in front of the many disaproving faces that were around her. Almost daring their consternation she kissed him, her eyes bright and her lips pulled back in an impish smile.
"I love you Obi Wan" she said.
Obi Wan's smile was brilliant and blocked the harsh glare of the holomovie.
"I love you Sabe"
She leaned back on his shoulder. Felt his love and support, and enjoyed the feeling of his arm around her shoulders, enjoying the holomovie and being just another girl on a date with the man she loved.
N/B: As usual compleatly unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine. I apologise for all run on sentences and bad grammar skills, I am trying to learn honest. This was just a stream of conciousness I had during my American studies lecture