Disclaimer: I do not own PotO ar any of it's characters. But if Gaston Leroux, or Andrew Loyd Webber would like to give them to me I would be a very happy person.

He looked at his lair. He went over to his organ and started to play Ayesha rubbed against

his skin. He tried to take his mind off his plan for the upcoming performance.

What if something goes wrong?

What if they find out?

He stroked his cat and listened to her purr. He felt that something would go wrong. He

couldn't imagine what. He planed it all out perfectly. He then relized that his plan could be

instantly sabotoshed.

She would know.

She would recognize my voice.

Erik thought as he relized Christine would know the voice that hounted all her thoughts and dreams.

She wouldn't, he thought, Could she betray her angel, her teacher, her phantom?

Secretly though, he knew she could. She did it on the roof. He recalled that night so well.

He went over a checklist in his mind, he knew he had to be unseen and unheard as he went

up to perform, he remained hidden. His Punjab Lasso hidden within his cape. He went

on, and sang what might be the last song he sang with her and he sang as he remembered

when he had first sang for her and it filled him with joy.

"You have come here

In pursuit of your deepest urge

In pursuit of that wish which till now

Has been silent


I have brought you

That our passions may fuse and merge

In your mind you've already succumbed to me, dropped all defenses

Completely succumbed to me

Now you are here with me

No second thoughts

You've decided


Past the point of no return

No backward glances

The games we've played till now are at an end

Past all thought of "if" or "when"

No use resisting

Abandon thought and let the dream descend

What raging FIRE shall flood the soul

What rich desire unlocks its door

What sweet seduction lies before us?

Past the point of no return

The final threshold

What warm unspoken secrets

Will we learn

beyond the point of no return?"

She knew it was him. There was no other voice as angelic he was her angel of music. Dare

she expose him and vanquish all her memories of him? His voice filled her soul with a

flaming desire that no other person, not even Raoul could manage. She needed to decide,

though it may be only one of many that night.

"You have brought me

To that moment when words run dry

To that moment when speech disappears

Into silence


I have come here,

Hardly knowing the reason why

In my mind I've already imagined

Our bodies entwining

Defenseless and silent,

Now I am here with you

No second thoughts

I've decided


Past the point of no return

No going back now

Our passion-play has now at last begun.

Past all thought of right or wrong

One final question

How long should we two wait before we're one?

When will the blood begin to race

The sleeping bud burst into bloom

When will the flames at last consume us?"

Then she waited for her angels voice to join her.

"Past the point of no return

The final threshold

The bridge is crossed

So stand and watch it burn

We've passed the point of no return."

He sang pretending he could win her heart back from Raoul. He knew though that her soul belonged to him and to him alone. No matter where she went or who she married he'd always be there, the angel of music, singing songs in her head.

"Say you'll share with me

One love, one lifetime

Lead me, save me from my solitude

Say you'll want me

With you here

Beside you

Anywhere you go

Let me go too

Christine that's all I ask of…"

Time stood still for that one moment as she peeled away that mask, that mask which hid

more than a face, it hid a secret untold a past unknown. She had to she wasn't sure why

but she did, she took of the mask.

What have I done?

She wasn't sure quite what she did but all she could think about was the feel of Erik's hand

as he dragged her off stage and to the Lair. She had betrayed him and this may be where

she was ment to spend the rest of her days. She couldn't tell what was going on but she

knew it could only end badly...


A/N: If I get good reveiws I willl finsh it, and I might. but a warning to all who wish to flame me: I have a bag of marshmallows and chocolates and I am craving s'mores.