So...are we ready for the sequel?
Since a lot of you seemed to like Of the Stars, I'm going to try to write a sequel. I had started another Phan fic, but stopped in my tracks. I've become too attached to the Erik and Christine in Of the Stars to start writing them in a new situation.
So here we go. I hope you likey.
"I'm scared, Mama! I don't like this place!" Christine Daee's four year old daughter tugged at her mother's skirts, trying to pull her away from the entrance of the Opera Populaire.
Christine stooped to the little girl's level. Madeline Daee's small lips were curved into a pout, her black hair slightly mussed. "Madeline," Christine said lovingly. "I know this place is scary...there was a time when I was afraid to walk through those doors."
Madeline's eyes went wide. "You? You was scared?"
Christine smiled. "Yes, but I came to realize that nothing could hurt me, not when your father was close by."
Madeline looked confused. "But Papa is not with us, he's home...playing on his piano...and that's where I want to be!"
"Madeline, you must be brave," Christine said gently. "We will only be inside for a few moments, and then we can go home to Papa."
This seemed to sate the small girl. She hugged her favorite teddy bear closer to her chest. "Ok Mama," she relented. "I can be brave."
Christine straightened, looking at the Opera Populaire. "That's my girl," she said proudly. "Now hold my hand tight...and don't wander off."
The lobby of the Opera Populaire was empty. Even so, the feelings rising in Christine's chest were almost too much for her to bear.
She swallowed hard, smiling down at Madeline, who looked miserable.
The white envelope in Christine's free hand shook slightly. "Come along, Madeline...I'm going to show you the stage."
Madeline visibly perked. "The stage? Where the dancing ladies are?"
Christine laughed out loud. "Who told you about the dancing ladies?"
Madeline shrugged. "Papa," she answered, tugging at her stockings, which were already dirty.
Christine stopped walking.
"Mama?" Madeline asked. They were standing in front of yet another set of gilded doors. "Mama, what's the matter?"
Christine took a deep breath. Erik had warned her that her return to the Opera House would be difficult, but she had merely shrugged the notion off, insisting that she had to return...
she had to.
She pulled open the doors.
Carlotta's voice instantly filled her ears.
The Opera Populaire was in the midst of a rehearsal.
Christine's heart momentarily paused, memories of her past...of what had happened on the stage...began flooding her mind.
She was snapped back into reality as Madeline pulled her small, sweaty hand from Christine's and began to run, full speed, towards the stage.
"Madeline!" Christine yelled, running after her. The small child's quick legs and lack of heavy skirts allowed her to run all the way down the aisle and to the edge of the orchestra pit.
The music suddenly stopped, the maestro too distracted by the presence of a small child to continue conducting.
"Madeline, I told you not to run off like that!" Christine admonished. Madeline looked from her to the cast on the stage, who were staring at Christine and the small girl in shock.
Madeline, however, was unfazed.
"Look Mama!" She shrieked in happiness. "Dancing girls!"
Christine blushed. Madeline was far too young to realize what the term "dancing girl" was a euphemism for.
A woman dressed from head to toe suddenly appeared downstage, looking down at Christine and Madeline.
The sight of the woman frightened Madeline, who immediately hid herself behind her mother's skirts.
"Madame Giry," Christine breathed, tears forming on her lashes at the sight of the woman who had acted as both mother and friend in Christine's past. Oceans of silent feelings passed between the two.
"Christine," Madame Giry bobbed her head into a slight bow. "I see you got my letter."