Han froze in shock as what had been lifeless lips were suddenly kissing him.

After he and Leia pulled back, Leia began to say, "I thought I'd never see you ag—" and then she cut off. "What in space—?"

"There's no time, sweetheart. We have to leave, now," Han said quickly, grabbing her by the hand and leading her back to the secret passageway.

Chewie deactivated the tractor beams, and it wasn't long before they were all in the Millennium Falcon and flying out of the Death Star.
Mara opened her eyes in startlement. Luke was kissing her back! What in blazes—?

His big blue eyes were staring up at her, and she pulled back hastily, but he reached out for her. "Mara," he murmured, "I wondered if I would ever get to see you again..." Suddenly, he looked confused. "Um, where am I?"

Mara laughed quietly, and on impulse she gave him a peck on the lips. "I'll explain everything."

The family was reunited, and Han gave up smuggling and Mara broke away from Palpatine. The latter action was especially good, because King Anakin and Queen Padmé took a bunch of their people and, along with the aid of Mon Mothma's Republic, destroyed the Death Star, killing Palpatine, and bringing down the Empire, so that peace and freedom would be restored to the entire galaxy.

Han and Leia had a big formal wedding (Leia insisted), but Luke and Mara, much to Queen Padmé's chagrin, eloped, preferring not to engage in some fancy ceremony.

And they lived happily ever after (except when Han decided to stir up some trouble—once a rogue, always a rogue).

The End.