- by Al. H.


(Drabble - 531 Words)

Edward thinks about what he and his brother went through together and Alphonse tries to make him feel better about it

A/N: It's a version of a fic I have in portuguese. That's my first try on writing in English, so please don't flame, just point the error to me if you see one. Thanks Oki-chan for correcting the errors on it.


Time. No one can forget it or ignore it. It goes by to everyone and, even if we wish it fiercely, it never goes back. Sometimes it goes by so slow and sometimes it feels like it's pouring out of our fingers, not at all uniform as it should be...

Five years have passed since our Sin. Five years that will never go back, that felt as if they lasted forever to pass, but now that I look back to them, seems like they were so short. Short five years for me... but for my brother they were everything.

All these years sealed in an armor... He lost half his teen years. But, thinking of it, I lost mine as well, I made myself ignore it while I looked for a way to get my little brother's body back. Now that I finally accomplished it, these five suppressed years came back to me all of a sudden. That's why sometimes I feel so lost and helpless as Al seems to be too many times. But I never let it show as he does... I need to be strong for him.

"What are your thinking about, brother?" his words startle me out of my reveries and I look at Al, taking my eyes off the green grass outside Winry's house.

"Nothing, Al." I replied, looking out of the window again. As I thought, he didn't leave my side, greenish-brown eyes trying to see through my soul. I sighed and, without looking at him again, answered. "The Time goes by... doesn't it?"

"Yeah... True" his voice was strange, as if he only understood me after he started voicing his reply. Then the silence fell again, and I was almost going back to my thoughts again when I felt something heavy on my shoulder. Startled, I looked down to see Al's head against me, his eyes closed.

"True, the time goes by. But as long as you are by my side, I will never wish it to go back. Every moment by your side is precious to me, even the good and the bad times we went by together, and I hope we never ever forget them." I felt my heart race with his words, a warm feeling running through my body to my chest. I hugged his body against mine and kissed his forehead, then got back to looking to the horizon as he was doing now as well.

"I hope it too, Al..." I replied in a murmur, feeling better with the forgiving his words offered to me. So... Perhaps I showed my feelings more than I thought. But if only my brother could read them, it didn't matter. It was good to feel like he knew and understood me, and could see right through me. Perhaps someday the time will heal our souls, and I will be able to forgive myself as he did so readily. Untill this day comes, I will be by his side, and forget about my sins whenever he kisses me or hugs me like he is doing now, and just let this contented feeling seep through my heart and soul, as if Time didn't exist anymore.