My Worth

Chapter 1

Note from Roll: I just felt like doing a story about Bass… It probably sucks but here it is anyway…

Bass lay on the dark floor of the Undernet. MegaMan had beaten him again. His eyes burned with fury, but his mouth hung open in a cold, wordless gasp. He put a hand over his side, covering his Widesword wound. Shadows shifted around him and a sudden cold ran through him.

"The most powerful Navi… Reduced to a mass of confused fear… Perfect. Bass.EXE, join us. Join the Undernet Syndicate."

Bass weakly turned his head to see a tall Navi with stripes across his body and a helmet with a sword symbol on it.

For no reason, he tried to stand up and face the Navi, but his legs hurt. He let out a quiet groan but stayed upright. Just.

"Bass, if you want to defeat that dolt MegaMan, you must join us." The Navi's face turned to one of menace. "You can call me… DoomMan.EXE."

Bass weakened. His legs gave out and he crashed onto the floor. "Won't… give… in… won't join… Won't go the way of… WWW… Won't be destroyed…"

DoomMan's face became annoyed. "Listen Bass, I can delete you here and now, or let you survive to delete another day. Make your mind up. I'm the toughest Navi on the Undernet and I won't wait."

At that moment Bass' survival instinct kicked in (A/N: Does he have one? Oh well).

In the shakiest voice he had ever spoken in, he replied "I… accept…"

"Good." DoomMan said. "Now just rest…"

That was all the information Bass needed. Everything gave up on him and he crashed to the floor, unaware of anything else.

DoomMan smiled a little villainous grin. "Bass.EXE… Status: Captured."

He jacked out then, with Bass, and let his operator make the speech to the Boss, Mr. Norumaki.

"Sir… Bass.EXE has joined. We have one of the powerful Navis on our side now."

"Good. Bass.EXE is a good start. Don't let him forget that WE'RE in charge of him now." Mr. Norumaki cracked his knuckles and shooed DoomMan's operator out of the room. He made a cross on a long list of names of Navis he was planning to make join his syndicate.

Note from Roll: Was it good? Did it suck? Reviews please!