In Azkaban

I n A z k a b a n

In Azkaban

Where the dark reigns supreme

Light not heard of

Joy not seen

Every person trembles

When they hear the fated name

The reaction's only instinct

There where souls are maimed

The name is feared

Like voldemort's

But this is just as bad

And those who go there don't come back

Their fate is worse then sad

On the bars and chains grows dark green mold

Where nobody ever lives to grow old

In the hell that is feared

With the guardians hold

There you will rot

And there you will fall

There you will dream

Of the times seen before

Of the times you saw before you sought

What you knew was wrong but could not stop

And the joyful for whom it seemed just a dream

The innocent framed by a traitors gleam

Once happy.

Never again.

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J.K, Rowling. The poetry is mine. The idea was gotten partially from a piece called " Last Scratches: on And the font…well, the font is just creepy.