Rewrite: Robin and Beast Boy's fic

Actually, Beast Boy's fic didn't change much. I just changed his attitude toward it. Before, I implied that he really felt that way about Raven. Now, he's just writing it as a fan service and not necessarily because he feels that way himself. I'll leave the interpretation up to the reader. By the way, I am not a BB/Rae fan myself but those two really are fun to write about!

My Life as a Teenage Robin by EveryTimDickandJason

My name is Beast Boy. I have done idiotic things. To my teammates, I am the resident clown. Whether I am hurling oil-filled balloons at Starfire or gluing the game controller to Raven's hands, I have committed many pranks against those I have called friends. My name is Beast Boy. I have done idiotic things. When will I ever learn?

G – English– Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 990 (Yep, it's the longest one yet!) - Reviews: 0 - Updated: 4-03-05 - Published: 4-03-05

I. The Setup

"Beast Boy, what are you doing?"

"Hey, Robin! I was watching some violence on TV when this basketball game broke out!"

"Bad sportsmanship is not entertaining!"

"Dude, lighten up for once!"

"Why don't YOU start taking things more seriously for once?"

"Hey! I have an image to protect."

"Image? You mean like the time you tried to impress those girls at the pizza place by slipping and landing face first on top of their pizza? THAT image?"

He was really starting to irritate me! I wanted to say something, but the alarm went off.

"Some other time." He said. "I'll handle this one!"

"I'm stating to see why Cyborg is always on Robin's case." I started flipping through the channels. Raven had been sitting on the couch the whole time reading another one of her books. She finally looked up.

"Never judge anyone until you walk a mile in his moccasins."

"Come again?"

"It's a Native American adage. Why don't I just show you what I mean!"

She put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, what are you…" Everything went black.

II. Welcome to my World

"Son, are you okay?"

"He'll be fine, hon. Probably just nervous."

Those voices. My…parents? I woke up in a circus. The people standing over me were dressed up as acrobats.

"Son! What happened!"

"I don't know. Who are you?" They looked back at me with a hurt expression.

"Maybe you'd better sit this performance out, sweetie." The woman put a hand on my head. "Seems normal."

"Come on, hon. We're up next. Watch closely, Son. This will be your legacy someday!"

They climbed the climbed the tall ladder and took hold of the swing.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Our star attractions…The Flying Logans!"

The sound of applause resounded in the tent. I watched them perform and forgot about the situation. I gotta admit, they were really good! About 5 minutes into the performance, I noticed something was wrong. It was too late! The wire snapped and the two people fell. Screams and gasps filled the tent. Then, it was silent. Everything went black again.

Time passes

"How's that arm?"

"Fine," I said. I was lying, but I didn't want him to know. I got back up and continued our sparring session. I could never beat him, but I was determined to win!

It was weird. After the accident, I was taken in by a wealthy business man who led a double life as a crime fighter. I remember taking an oath to help him fight and protect the innocent. Imagine my surprise when he gave me my costume. Which reminds me…

"Hey, uh can we talk about my costume for a minute?"

The older man stopped charging and crossed his arms.

"What about it?"

"Well…look at me! I'm a green kid wearing a green pair of Speedos! Do you have any idea how funky this makes me look? I hate having my bare legs always showing! And don't get me started on these elf shoes!"

"Hmmm." The older man looked at me and rubbed his chin. "I see your point. It is…unsettling. Fine. You can change your uniform. Until then, keep up your guard!" He took my arm (the one that was hurt) and tossed me across the room.

I landed on my backside. The pain was unbearable, but I was determined not to let on. I just got back up to my feet and said between clenched teeth, "One day, old man! One day!"

It went on like that for years. We were a team; Batman and Beast Boy. We were the dynamic duo. Contrary to what many people think, we didn't always arrive in the nick of time. How many times did we arrive one second too late? How many people died in my arms? Their eyes accused me! I felt like I could have done more! I wanted to try different things, but he held me back. He always did! I was just a sidekick living in the shadow of greatness. I loved him like my own father, but I felt like I'm missing something.

It happened one night when we were in another sparring session. We were in costume. I was focused. The beating flowed in one direction; from him to me. I kept getting knocked down. I kept getting up. I lunged, he dodged. With one final effort, I put everything I had into one punch. It worked! I hit him square on the jaw. The impact made him spin around.

"Not bad, Beast Boy, but it's time to leave this place."

The voice sounded feminine, but it was low and drab. When he turned around, I realized that the cloak had gone from black to blue. The mask was now a hood. The figure was clearly that of a girl.

"Let's go, Beast Boy." She held out her hand.

"I know you. You sent me here didn't you?"

She nodded and I took her hand.

III. Lessons learned?

"Raven?" I was lying on the couch. "What just…How long was I out?"

"Only a few minutes."

"So, I guess that was supposed to teach me a lesson, huh?"

"One can hope. Did you learn anything?"

"I learned that Robin stood up for himself by refusing to wear elf shoes! Now that's what I call victory over da feet. Get it?"

"Ugh! I give up! Beast Boy, you're hopeless!"

As Raven walked out, Robin walked in.

"How'd it go, Robin?"


"I was wondering if you're not too tired, we could do some sparring!"

Robin raised an eyebrow.

"You want to spar? Why?"

" 'Cause I just walked a mile in your moccasins!"


"Try not to think too hard about it. Ready?"

Robin smirked. "Alright, let's go!"

My name is Beast Boy. I have done idiotic things. To my teammates, I am the resident clown. I have committed many pranks. I have done idiotic things and I have no regrets!

The End

Raven turned to Beast Boy. "I know I'm going to regret asking, but did you learn ANYTHING from that story?"

Beast Boy thought for a moment. "Yeah, I did. I mean Robin actually wore green Speedos and matching elf shoes? Robin, dude, no wonder you're always so serious! That HAD to be traumatic. It'd certainly take away MY sense of humor! The bad guys must have laughed themselves into a coma!"

Robin fumed but refused to comment.

Cyborg tried to defuse the tension. "Nice job, Robin. Writing about BB must not have been easy."

"You have no idea," he said between clenched teeth.

"It was wonderful! Our Robin has revealed much about himself in his story. It was such a colorful portrayal of a tragic past through the eyes of Beast Boy! Well done!"

"Thanks, Starfire." He sat down.

"Well, it's your turn now, dude." Cyborg shoved Beast Boy off the couch.

"My fic is a poem. It's for all the BB/Rae fans! I love you guys!"

Raven tried to phase through the sofa, but Cyborg reached out and grabbed her cloak.

"Oh no you don't!" He pulled her back up. "If I have to sit though this, so do you!"

Raven huffed and sank bank onto the sofa.

"Hey, I felt like I've read this already. You ever had one of those dijon vu feelings?"

"It's 'déjà vu', Beast Boy," Robin replied dryly.

"All right everyone," Cyborg settled into the couch. "Shields up!"

The Raven: Reloaded! by TofuROX

Dudes, this is totally my first fic! It's my version of Edgar Allan Poe's poem. It's a lot better than it sounds. Please R&R. (COMPLETE). Raven Roolz! 'lap of luxury'

G – English– Poetry - Chapters: 1 - Words: 443 - Reviews: 0 - Updated: 4-03-05 - Published: 3-19-05

Disclaimer: No one owns me!

Once in life I had a haven, in it was a girl called Raven,
She's a creepy one, and can be such a bore.
A sad long journey she is taking, as darkness stirs and starts a 'waking,
So many emotions suppressed and aching; aching to the very core.
"Are we friends?" I must implore?
"Yes, only friends and nothing more?"

She says nothing but leaves me staring. Her eyes look back at me just glaring.
Who could even like this paring? Is a BB/Rae that much a chore?
Through many means I've tried beguiling, to make her laugh and get her smiling.
She doesn't laugh but is compiling; compiling my jokes in her very core,
She thinks I'm funny 'cause I saw before,
Pink Happy Raven who's in Nevermore.

She and Starfire got close after body swapping. Together they raid the mall of shopping.
Here's a thought that gets my eyes popping; Raven at a girly store?
Yet, somehow she is still enduring! Her patience with us is so assuring.
Still there is much maturing; maturing as we all build rapport.
What I want is to explore,
If she and I have something more!

Could she go through life not caring? Always closed and never sharing?
Scheming, dreaming I long to know what's in store.
Excitedly my heart's fast beating. She hugged me which was quick and fleeting.
If I could have that moment once more,
I'd savor it forevermore.

What lies beyond the mirror's border? Is it chaos and disorder?
What secrets lie behind her mind's trap door?
Why is it that I'm complaining, it's her emotions she is retaining.
For our sakes she is restraining; restraining all and something more.
Is Love there, but cannot soar?
It's a burning question I can't ignore.

For now, I'll be cool and non-demanding, Till we reach an understanding.
I'll be her friend, her fellow Titan, and more.
Slade's last encounter left Raven shaking. Seeing her left my heart breaking.
Normally strong but now she's quaking; quaking as she waits to settle the score.
I know she'll fight and win the war;
Within her soul, within her core.

Am I in love or is this bad timing? Dudes, I'm sick of all this rhyming!
It takes a lot of concentrating, and it's getting nauseating.
I close this poem with my eyes 'a burning. I'm hungry and my stomach's churning!
As I sit here near the clock, I'm coming down with writer's block!
I know it's off topic but I must say, This IS my fanfic anyway!
This was for all the BB/Rae fans from shore to shore!
I'll stop now, and write no more.

The End

"Ta da!" Beast Boy sported a big goofy grin.

"Yo! That was pretty decent."

Beast Boy narrowed his eyes. "You mean in a jacked up sort of way?"

"No, I mean it! Pretty clever, man!"

"I didn't know you had it in you!" Robin added. "I was expecting something way out of left field. I find it interesting that you don't know 'déjà vu' means but you can write so eloquently."

"I had my trusty rhyming dictionary with me! What did you think, Raven? I know that The Raven is your favorite poem. I thought I'd give it a love twist for our fans!"

Everyone was silent as they waited for Raven's comment. She took a deep breath.

"I may not like the content, but I did enjoy your poem. I can appreciate it for its literary value. There's more to you than just comic relief and there's more to me than just being dark and creepy. I think that this fanfic idea was a good exercise for me. My poem for Starfire was about a strained relationship, yet there was hope. I have learned to look beyond Slade's dismal prophesy and see the hope that lies beyond; a life lived free from my father. It is a dark path that I am taking, but I'll relieve my inner aching. I will fight and win this war; within my soul, within my core. Then things will differ from before, and I'll be free forevermore."

Raven closed her eyes for a second.

There was a sparkle in Beast Boy's eyes. "Sweet!"

"Not bad guys!" Called out a voice.

The Titans turned around and saw a crowd of people.

"Who are you and how did you get in here!"

"The author sent us here. The name's Green-Husky! I'm the 100th reviewer!" Green-Husky pointed to the rest of the people. "We are your faithful readers and we have a few things to say!"

To be Concluded…

The idea for Robin's fic came to me when I was tossing and turning with a high fever. Let's hear it for upper respiratory infection induced fever dreams! HIP HIP HOORAY!