Ignited Flame

Chapter 5: To The Feudal Era We Go!

DC: Nope, still don't own anything.

Last Time

Sango's P.O.V

"So you and Hiei?" I nodded. I ended up telling Kurama everything that happened between Hiei and me, of course I left out all the juicy details. I also told him about my relationship with Miroku.

"Now I get everything. Well don't worry your secret is safe with me." Our waiter came back and placed the bill on the table. Kurama grabbed it before I could even look at it.

"Are we ready to go back?" I nodded getting out from my seat. Kurama placed a few bills on the table and we both walked out the restaurant. Kurama offered me his arm and I accepted by wrapping mine around his feeling more comfortable with Kurama than I did before. We both walked back to the shrine together.


Hiei's P.OV

Upon arriving back to the shrine I realized that the slayer wasn't here. I didn't know whether that was bad or good. The woman had invited me inside I should've declined but since the slayer wasn't here maybe I could go in for a moment.

"Mom I'm home!" The priestess screeched. I cringe a bit at the high intensity of her voice since my ears were highly sensitive.

"Oh your back and I see you brought a friend. Will he be staying as well?" The girl's mother asked.

"Yeah just for a while but where's Sango and Kurama?" Upon hearing the Kitsune's name I also noticed that he wasn't here either. He was probably with the slayer. At the thought I started to feel my fist clench subconsciously.

"Oh they both went out together earlier this morning. Not sure where but Sango said she was going for a walk and Kurama just went along with her and that reminds me…" The lady was interrupted as footsteps sounded throughout the room soon the door slid open and appeared a loud hanyou.

"There you are let's go we're going!" The half-breed retorted. I suddenly removed my sword from my sheath and stood in front of the priestess feeling the adrenaline rush through me.

"Stand back if you know what's good for you." The hanyou looked puzzled at first but he soon went into defense mood.

"Who the hell are you?" Not to long after he said that a small Kitsune walked in behind the half-breed soon followed by a monk.

"That doesn't matter to you now go away you filthy half-breed."

"Hiei! Inuyasha! Stop it! Now put the sword away, Hiei." Kagome stood in between us. Her hand lay on the tip of my sword slightly pushing it away before I sheathed it again but I still kept my defenses up.

"Kagome what's going on?" The small Kitsune said jumping into the woman's arms. I crossed my arms and frowned at the display of affection.

"I have a bodyguard now." The hanyou could've practically died of a heart attack right there.

"What! I'm not good enough to protect you now!"

"That's not what I meant! There's a demon that comes and rape girls. I'm supposedly it's next victim so Hiei and Kurama came from Spirit World to protect me."

"What's Spirit World?" The young fox asked. The priestess explained everything in a calm fashion and soon everyone was caught up to speed.

"Where are Sango and this Kurama that you speak of?" The monk who I soon learned that was named Miroku asked. At first I wondered what it mattered to him where the slayer was but than maybe it was just concern since they were traveling buddies.

"Sango went with Kurama some where. They haven't been home all morning." Hearing that from the woman my blood started to boil again and I could tell that disturbed the monk as well which made me wonder even more.

"I don't care about those knuckleheads. How could I be so sure that I can trust these guys?" The half-breed mainly glared at me but I just merely smirked in response.

"Inuyasha, you can trust them believe me."

"Miroku?" We all turned to see Sango and Kurama in the hall. What disturbed me was the fact that she had her arm latched onto Kurama's. I was boiled all up and again and I hated it. The slayer obviously had more control on me than I let on but that wasn't the only thing that pissed me off. No the one thing that almost drove me up the wall was the monk.

"Sango you're back!" The monk started to make his way towards the slayer but she soon beat him by jumping into his arms. Now it was my turn to almost have a heart attack when I saw the monk land a kiss on the slayer's lips.

Sango's P.O.V

I had fun with Kurama. After breakfast we just walked around the city seeing what Tokyo had to offer us. It was one of those rare times I was able to forget about everything especially Hiei.

When we go back to the shrine I was so surprised to see Miroku but seeing Hiei I had a little plan formed in my mind. Seeing Miroku coming to me I just ran into his arms happily what made it even better was that he kissed me and Hiei was there to see all my glory. This was to show that what he said hasn't affected me at all and that I moved on which I actually didn't but shhh he doesn't know that.

"What are you doing here?" I asked pulling away from his embrace but he still kept me in his arms.

"We were coming to get you guys but we found out about Kagome's problem and her new bodyguards." Miroku responded with a smile on his face I could tell he was happy that I was back with him and I soon felt guilty again for using him to make Hiei jealous.

I looked over at Hiei only to see that he was staring right back at me with a blank expression on his face. It was hard to tell what he thinking or even feeling. I didn't want to deal with it at the moment so I looked back at Miroku.

"Wait, come back for us? Why? We still have like two days left."

"Quit your complaining will ya? A demon attacked Keade's village not to long ago. My guess is that it was after the sacred jewel shards and since Kagome has them there is no way for it to get it. I figured that the demon might have had some jewels as well because it seemed more powerful than it was supposed to be." Inuyasha explained. I looked at him and give a slight nod in understanding

"Than let's go I suppose Hiei and Kurama are coming with us as well right?" I asked.

"Let them do what they want I don't care as long as they don't get in my way! I'll meet you guys by the well." With that Inuyasha made his way out leaving the rest of us behind.

"Well I will go with him than since I seem to carry no belongings." Kurama said following after him. Hiei had silently left as well.

"Come on Sango let me get some things and than we can go." I nodded at Kagome and pulled myself out of Miroku's arms.

"We'll be there in a few minutes." Miroku nodded and followed everyone else in the same direction. Kagome and I both ran upstairs since I also had no belongings, it was all left in Kaede's village so I decided to help Kagome.

Fifteen minutes later when Kagome was done gathering all the supplies she needed we both met up with the rest of the gang at the well. Inuyasha was comfortably sitting on all fours on the topside of well. Hiei and Kurama were standing off on one side and Miroku was sitting on the steps watching Shippou play with Kirara.

"We're ready." Kagome announced tossing her bag into the well. Kurama and even Hiei watched as the purple light engulfed the huge yellow backpack.

"Well it's about time. Lets just go already," Inuyasha said jumping into the well. During that time I took the chance to grab Kirara and give her a big hug. I noticed her gaze on Hiei so I figured she already knew who he was. Kurama had walked up next to Kagome.

"Well you heard him let's go." Kagome said grabbing Kurama's hand and leading him towards the well. Shippou had taken the opportunity to jump on Kagome's shoulder so he wouldn't get left behind. The small red tint staining Kurama's cheek went unnoticed by everybody except for me. The three climbed down onto the well leaving Miroku, Hiei, Kirara and myself behind.

"I'll meet you on the other side." Miroku whispered in my ear before jumping in. After seeing the purple glow take him back to the Feudal Era, I made my way towards the well with Kirara still in my arms.

"Seems like you moved on just fine without me." I stopped at dead in my tracks at the sound of his voice. I had almost forgot he was there.

"Yeah I did just fine." I turned around to face him. He took a step closer to me but stopped as Kirara hissed at him. He looked down at her and glared.

"Hn than I guess you found something better to live for."

"At least he cares which is more than I can say for you." With that I turned back around and jumped into the well. I knew he jumped in not to far behind. Floating in the midst of the bright purple glow I felt in peace. Finally reaching the other side Miroku's hand reached down to me. With my free hand I grabbed it and he pulled me up, helping me get out of the well.

Hiei's P.O.V

It's been two years since I've been in this forsaken era yet I never seemed to forget the few memories I had here. After climbing out the well did I look at my surroundings and found that everything was exactly the same as I left.

I look at the monk and slayer and start feeling resentment towards him. He had taken the only thing I came close to caring but I can't blame him. It was my fault I let her go. It was my fault that I treated her so badly that it led her to the arms of another man. If this is what makes her happy than I can't do anything but let her be happy besides this what I had intentionally wanted. To drive her away so she wouldn't get caught with the likes of me. Now that I have accomplished that I just feel regretful now.

The whole group started walking towards a nearly demolished village. A bunch of huts were taken down and the only few that remained standing were either missing half a roof or wall.

"This is awful. Is everybody ok? What about Kaede?" The priestess asked while surveying the destruction.

"Everybody is fine. Some were injured while protecting the village but it was nothing serious." The monk explained. The slayer was silently following behind him. I couldn't help but gaze at her. She walked with her head slightly down. Her eyes had somewhat of a sad look casting them and I knew I had caused that.

"Kagome we have to be careful. This demon might just be the same one we are after. The demon probably came here to look for you," the Kitsune said. The priestess looked up at him and nodded. I looked over the hanyou to see his arms crossed over his chest with a frown settled on his face.

An elderly woman came out from one of the huts. The robes that she was wearing told me that she was a priestess. She had a bow in one hand and a bandage wrapped around the other. A black patch covered her left eye.

"Ye have finally returned eh, Inuyasha?" The elder asked.

"It took longer than expected since we had to bring along some guests." The hanyou responded.

"Lady Kaede what happened?" The slayer asked stepping in front of the monk.

Narrator's P.O.V

"A demon had surprisingly attacked the village. I'm not sure what it wanted but my guess is that it came looking for the sacred jewel shards." Kaede explained.

"What do we do now?" Kagome asked looking at Inuyasha.

"I'm not sure but we can't just wait here until it decides to attack the village again. I say we head on out and try to see if we meet up with it as we look for more shards." Inuyasha answered.

"What did the demon look like?" Sango asked.

"I didn't catch a well glimpse but I know for sure he was a male demon." Kaede said.

"He probably is the demon we're searching for isn't that right Hiei?" Kurama said throwing Hiei a knowing glance. Hiei just scoffed and turned away from the scene.

"Don't mind him, he isn't very social." Kurama assured.

"Inuyasha who are ye friends?" Kaede asked. She noticed earlier and had remembered Inuyasha mentioned that they were guest.

"My name is Shuuichi but you can call me Kurama and this is my friend Hiei. We're here on a mission." Kurama explained.

"I see well I wish you all luck. I will go now. I must take care of the others who were left untreated." With that said Kaede walked back to the hut she came out from leaving the group behind.

Sango had followed Kaede in and grabbed all of her weapons. She changed her clothes and slipped on her normal traveling kimono. Once everyone was ready, the gang started their journey through the forest hoping to find some shards and maybe even the demon that had terrorized Kaede's village.

Night had finally reached they sky and the group had decided to call it a day. Inuyasha and Miroku had set up camp with the help of Kurama. Hiei had perched himself on a tree away from everybody but just far enough where he could still keep watch of Kagome.

Sango and Kagome had placed their sleeping bag on opposite sides of the fire. Inuyasha slept soundly underneath a tree. Kurama and Miroku had found a tree to lean on as well. Shippou slept on top of Kirara's belly. Small spit bubbles formed at the corner of his mouth.

Sensing that everybody was asleep, Sango softly snapped her eyes open. She quietly slipped out of her bag and sneaked away from camp. She didn't notice that someone else was awake as well.

Hiei gently opened one eye and watched as Sango silently walked away from the group. He debated whether to follow her or not but he couldn't just leave Kagome unprotected.

Looking at Kagome he noticed that Kurama wasn't to far from her. So if a surprise attack were to occur he would be the first to reach her, which relieved Hiei a bit since he trusted Kurama to protect her. Finally making his decision, he swiftly followed Sango.

A/N: Yeah I'm going to leave it here. Sorry it's taking long but now I'm starting my sophomore year and I'm already swamped. So please bear with me. Again thanks to everyone who reviewed.