Fool to Think Disclaimer: Sorcerer Hunters are property of. . .somebody else and I don't have permission to use them (doesn't stop me though). "Fool to Think" belongs to the lovely Dave Matthews Band, and I don't have permission from them either. This is purely for entertainment purposes, yada, yada, yada. (Disclaimer written under the influence of Smarties)

Author's note: This is a SHOUNEN-AI fic, pretty safe to read (no lemonade in this fic) ^_^.

Fool to Think
by Anthy

Look at me dreaming of you
All I could hope is to have you
To have you walking with me

We've been walking in silence for over an hour now, and I could care less. Just to be walking next to him, so close that I could practically feel his sleeve graze across my arm--this is heaven. I see him out of the corner of my eye, his black hair so silky that the sun seems to be happy to make it shine. I can't see his exquisite face, nor his brown eyes that seem almost golden, but I can imagine them still. I stare up at the sky and let my mind wander, immediately thoughts of my teammate run across my mind.

Laughing so in love, we two
Almost drunkenly
I did imbibe of this
Fantasy of you and me. . .

Marron is leaning against a wall, his arms crossed almost impatiently. He unconsciously begins to twist a lock of his long hair. I secretly watch him from my cracked doorway, from which he promptly yells at.

"Hurry up Gateau, we'll be late!" he huffs as he turns to the mirror. He is wearing jeans and a light tee shirt, not his usual fare, but it suits him just as well. Looking back at the door, and after realizing I am not joining him anytime soon, begins to braid his hair. After a few half-hearted attempts, he flips his hair back and then piles it on his head and strikes a silly pose. He begins to laugh, and I immediately join in. He whips around to the door and I know I'm caught. I bound beside him and wrap my arms around his slender waist. I lean forward, ready to catch that perfect mouth of his into a kiss. . .

I hear his voice, it breaks me from reverie. I must have been daydreaming again. I turn my head to look at him, and for a brief second I thought I saw a glimmer of something in Marron's eyes, but he had already turned his head to the road.

Was I a fool to think?
The way you looked at me
I swear you did
But you looked away too quick

"I'm sorry Marron, I didn't quite get all that." I admit sheepishly.

"My brother's in trouble again." he repeats, always in that same quiet emotionless tone.

"When is he ever not in trouble." I say, but all Marron does is shrug, whether in agreement or indifference, I can never tell. We walk further in silence.

Was I a fool, was I a fool to think
That you would take me home
As if I was yours
Was I a fool to think at all?

We finally catch up with the others, Carrot is currently face first into the ground, a mallet wedged nicely into the back of the idiots head. Both Chocolate and Tira take turns yelling at the twitching form on the ground, and would occiasionally at each other. A very irritated girl can been seen far into the horizon.

"Darling, how dare you try to cheat on me!" Chocolate cries melodramtically.

"Sister!" Tira snaps at Chocolate before turning back to Carrot, "we haven't even reached town and you throw yourself at the first girl you see!"

"I will throw myself at who ever I please!" Carrot jumps up from the ground. "Hey pretty lady! Don't be mad, wait for me!"

I stand and watch as Carrot tries to run away but is thwarted by the two. I chuckle as I turn to say something to Marron, but he has already begun to walk ahead.

"We must keep going if we are to make it to town before nightfall." Marron tells us, never even bothering to look over his shoulder to see if we follow. But who could ever refuse Marron anything.

I've grown tired of love
You are the trouble with me
I watch you walk right by
I smile, you do not notice me

Eventually we fall into our usual walking order, Carrot and the sisters arguing up in front, Marron and myself following behind quietly in back. This is probably due to Carrot's many failed escape attempts but that is besides the point. Marron is walking beside me, and we are at least carrying a civil conversation. It is mostly about the mission, but I get to hear his voice.

Treat me recklessly
All you do is toss me pennies out
But the silence in me is screaming
Won't you come and get me?

We are no longer talking. The silence is killing me. All I hear are the endless yelps and screams that are a few steps ahead of us. I can't even tell if Marron realizes I'm still walking besides him, or if he even cares. The town is visible, but still far away. It won't be for another hour before we reach it, but I don't know if I'll last. Look at me Marron, acknowledge that I exist in your world, that I'm at least your friend. Please, that's all I want. Marron, say something. . .

There is only silence--and Carrot's screams.

I can't take it anymore. I'm losing my edge, and I know what I am going to do next.

"LOOK AT ME!!" I yell as I jump in front of his path and begin to flex. Marron looks almost ill before he turns in the opposite direction.

Was I a fool to think?
The way you looked at me
I swear you did
But you looked away too quick

I want to die. I want to hide. But I can't, so I do the next best thing.

"Tira! LOOK AT ME!!" I run up to her and continue my flexing and posing. Eventually someone hits me over the head, either it is Tira, Carrot, or Chocolate but I really don't care. I lay on the ground in a drunken haze, waiting for darkness to settle in. I never pass out, no one is strong enough, but at least I can lay here long enough for the pain to go away, for the heartache to subside. This game will continue tommorrow, and the day after that and the day after that, and yet as painful as it is that I may never win, I can't wait to try again.

You make a mess of me here (was I a fool?)
I dance a thousand steps for you (was I a fool?)
Was I a fool, was I a fool to think?
Am I a fool, am I a fool for you?


Whatcha think of my little ficcy? Should I continue? I will whether reviews are received or not. If ye seeks approval, then it is no longer fun. . . Reviews are not required, but always appreciated. ^_-