This is my second fan fiction I hope you enjoy. It'll get more least I hope. Anywayz in this story Angel tries a spell to forget one bad deed he did but it goes wrong and him and Buffy go back to his past:
"Forget Forget what time has set
Forget Forget pain of regret
Forget Forget all that you know
Forget Forget what you see within the window."
Angel took a deep breath and then stepped into the cavern. Someone had told him about this place. It was supposed to be were Garvorn was. Angel had told himself he wouldn't come to this place, couldn't just wish away his problems but he so wanted to. If Buffy knew where he was she would be angry, disappointed, she'd never forgive him. Angel couldn't help it, he knew he was supposed to be physically stronger then humans, but mentally he was exactly the same. He wanted the same thing they did, he wanted to just forget.
"Hello," he called.
"Welcome, Angel" came a strong booming voice, flames erupted in a circle around Angel. "I knew you were coming."
"Of course you did," said Angel, raising his eyebrow, "We talked over the phone. I made an appointment and then you went on and on about your day and how great your job is until I had to hang up before I died, again, of boredom."
The flames immedietly disappeared and the cavern lighted up revealing a pink interior and fluffy couches.
"You just couldn't pretend to be scared , could you?" grumbled a short blue demon with a high squeaky voice, "Just for once I'd like a big strong customer shaking in their boots because of me."
"I'd think you've already achieved that,"said Angel, looking in horror at the pink flower coloured top and hot pink pants the guy was wearing.
"Have you brought the payment," the guy said, ignoring Angel's response.
Angel nodded, "Here you go," he said handing over a brown paper bag. The guy peeled it open and stuck his head in it, savoring the smell.
"I don't know who can resist that smell," said the guy, a humongous grin on his face.
"Uh..yeah," said Angel trying to be enthusiastic and failing miserably, "I totally dig smelling McDonald's happy meals." He was starting to regret his decision of coming here.
The guy flicked his finger, the bag, along with the golden arches, disappeared in a puff of smoke.
"Let's get down to business shall we," said Garvorn regretfully, "Why don't you take a seat and tell me what you want Mr Angel."
"It's just Angel," he said, "And I think I'll stand thanks."
"I insist," he said guiding him firmly to one of the many pink, fluffy, grotesque seats.
'Definetly regretting coming here,' Angel thought.
Please review so I know to write more. Next in the story they do the spell. Buffy gets drunk and pushes Angel in a closet. Buffy meets Angel's father.