Title: A Deadly Study (It'll make much more sense in later chapters.)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. HP belongs to the wonderful JK Rowling, bless her.

Alright, this is the first time in a long while I've posted. It's nice to have a new story. I hope you enjoy it! Read on, brave soldier...

"Have a good year, don't get into rubbish. Don't disappoint us, you know, all that," my mother said in a bored manner, waving a ringed hand in my general direction. She picked up a book and tossed it to me, gold bracelets jangling on her scrawny, snow-white wrist.

I caught it easily and stuffed it into the pack resting on my shoulder, knowing I should not let it be seen. It was another dark book that needed to be transported to Snape's lab in the dank dungeons of Hogwarts.

I took a step onto the train, looking behind me. Students still filled the area, making hoards of noise. I dreaded all of them. "Goodbye, mother," I bid her cordially.

"Yes, yes, just get on the train," mother said, rolling her piercing eyes at me. She turned, fancy robes billowing in the smoky wind of the platform. "I'll see you at the Winter Holidays." She kept walking until she melted into the numerous heads of the crowd.

That was my mother, so dramatic and emotional when it came to goodbyes of the longest kind. I shrugged, knowing her usual routine, and wandered leisurely through the corridor of the familiar train. Disgusting, grimy first- and second-year faces watched me carefully from behind half-closed compartment doors. I turned and continued my stalk down the hallway.

I reached the middle of the train and found Crabbe sitting in an otherwise empty compartment. Goyle, the great lug, was nowhere in sight. I hadn't seen him all summer, but by no means missed him. I stepped inside, making noise so Crabbe would tear his bulbous eyes from the window.

"Draco," he grunted, sitting up straighter. He was already in his robes, as worn as they may be, and smoothed them down when I sat across from him. Crabbe looked at me cautiously, "Nice to see you again. It's been a long time."

I nodded curtly, "Yes, it has. It's nice to see you're well." I placed my pack close to me, just so it was in arm's length. Didn't want anyone stealing it, you see.

Crabbe returned my nod. "I've sent you a few letters this summer." He frowned and fidgeted in his seat. "They always returned without a response." He looked at me squarely. "Why, exactly, is that?"

I rolled my jaw. "Not," I started coolly, "that it's any of your business, I was studying a particular art," I raised an eyebrows meaningfully, hoping that the git would understand it, "at a certain headquarters with my father. I instructed the housemaids to send all my letters back to their senders. I was too occupied with my advanced studies to respond to all the mail."

"Ah," Crabbe dipped his head, looking at his massive hands. "I suppose you've had a certain mark placed on you as well?"

"No," I said, sneering angrily. "Not until next summer. I'll be finished with Hogwarts by then, this being our seventh year and all. We can't risk having any of the teachers stumbling upon it during class. Dumbledore's lackeys would turn us to the dementors in a heartbeat."

"Yes," my companion agreed stupidly, "I suppose they would." He rubbed his forearm thoughtfully, "Though I can wait," he assured me.

"Why would you want to?" I asked, staring questioningly.

"Don't you think it'll be dreadfully painful?"

I nodded, "But well worth it."

Well, I know it's short, but bear with me. It's just the introduction. The second chapter will be much longer, I promise! Please no flames, my fragile ego can't bear them.

Yours awesomely, Katie.