Heehee I am back once again. Finally . Exams are coming in six weeks for me. Yikes, I so need to study. So I barely have the time to continue the story until summer! YEAH! I might write another story later on. I am not sure if I should discontinue this story.

"That was a close one" said Meiyo out loud as she ran into her room, jumping onto her soft black and blue bed. She took a pillow and hit it on her head. "How stupid was I!" screamed Meiyo onto her pillow.

"I should have gone into under cover like dress in something that people won't notice. Especially my hair and my face! Right now I need to go look for something to do with my hair and my face." Said Meiyo getting up from her bed and walked into her walk in closet, which was huge! There was so much clothes in there fit for a princess.

Meiyo walked around looking for something to cover up her hair that wouldn't give to much attention.

"I got the solution!" cried Meiyo

She ran into her washroom and opened a big closet and took out all sorts of hair dying products. "What color would look good on me?" said Meiyo

"Let me go get Wolf-Flare. I think she can pick out a color for me" said Meiyo running out of her room and into that secret room where she kept her bit beast. I think I am going to keep you close to me. I might need you when I am in major trouble, as if, if I ever do get into trouble." Said Meiyo to herself

She enters a highly secured room with a mental door.

Meiyo looks into a small screen, and the computers scan's her eye. And then placed her hand next and it scan's her hand.

"Voice Password" said the computer

"Meiyo Motohashi" said Meiyo

"Access Confirmed" spoke the computer

The metal door opened, the laser gun went back into the wall, and the laser beam went back into the wall as well.

"Maybe I should go back to the others and apologize for leaving so rudely. But I don't think I should because if I do what happens when I go to school and they spill the secret about famous Meiyo is here at Tokyo Hillside School" said Meiyo taking her blade from the glass container.

/Wolf-Flare speaks\

Good afternoon my Lady

"Stop calling me that" cried Meiyo

/Sorry my Lady\

"Stop it! Please call me Meiyo not My Lady" said Meiyo

/Okay my Lady…I mean Meiyo\

"Thank you" said Meiyo

/Your welcome my Lady… I mean Meiyo. I am sorry I have to get use to calling you that\

"Yah! Like a million times like since I was younger you kept calling me my lady. Even when I was still a little girl back then" said Meiyo scratching her hair

/Sorry I am just use to calling my master by my Lady or Sir\

"God! You're so ancient, I am not your master call me friend" said Meiyo

/It is just been so long since we have battle. You are always busy when filming movies, or modeling for magazines\

"I know that's the only reason why I wanted to come back to my birth place, so I can take the time off from work. I want to be like all the other ordinary girls on this planet. I hate being treated so differently" said Meiyo sounding sad

/I am sorry to hear this Meiyo\

"It's okay I need someone to talk to anyways. I have kept this inside me for long enough" said Meiyo looking down at her blade

Her blade was a mixture of red and black for the base, the silver metal attack ring, and bottom. Her bit chip was black with red outline and her bit beast in was located in the center of the chip.


Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, I have to upload it before writer block!