Half past noon left the vast garden of the Kaiba residence to bask in the hot sun. The garden was partly shaded by the wrought iron gate surrounding it and the large, various trees that dotted the landscape. Sitting by the pond, in the shade of a thick oak tree was Kaiba reading one of his new novels in silence. The only sounds around him were the birds singing and the fountain in the pond next to him. The occasional car passed by near the gates, quietly shaking the leaves on the trees by the road. He sat in his literary reverie for many quiet minutes, until he heard the leaves above him rustle. He looked up, saw nothing, shrugged, and turn back to his book. The leaves rustled once more, he thought it must be simply a squirrel, or a bird. But no, it was neither of them…Something suddenly swung from a tree branch with a loud "KI!"!

"AAHH!" Kaiba jolted backwards, right into the pond with a loud SPLASH!

He swam to the surface, for it was a fairly deep pond. With him standing at 6'1" and not being able to touch the bottom meant it was pretty deep. He spat out some water and heard a giggle coming from the direction of the branch. He looked up to see his little persocom hanging upside down from a tree limb by her knees. She laughed at Kaiba's expression of confusion, surprise, and annoyance.

"Seto wet!" She giggled carelessly, still hanging.

You bet I'm wet, no thanks to you. But it does feel good in this heat…He floated on his back for a moment, relaxing. He closed his eyes just as another loud SPLASH erupted from the water near him. The waves made him bob a little on the surface, he looked over and saw nothing for a moment. Then, all of a sudden, 2491's head popped up from underwater a couple inches from his face.

"KI!" She smiled, "Wet!"

"Yup, now we're both wet." Kaiba smiled slightly.

Joey sneaked by, imitating spies he'd seen on TV, and doing quite a bad job of being unobvious. Yugi walked normally down the sidewalk, watching his friend crawl, jump, and hide behind trees. He rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the embarrassment that rose inside him. Even Yami Yugi was embarrassed to even know the mortal.

"Uh, Joey, you can stop any time now…"

"No way, we have reached thuh demon's lair. Behold, our watchtower." He motioned Yugi to the fence that wove its way around the backyard.

"Are you sure this is legal?"

"Who cares? Listen…" Joey cupped his hand to his ear, "I hear strange voices…"

Yea, the ones in your head…Yugi sweatdropped at the thought.

"Check it…out!" Joey peered through the bushes to see that girl with the weird ears having a splash fight with KAIBA in the pond. Both of their jaws dropped so low, they almost cracked them on the sidewalk. "Wh-what is going on! Why is Kaiba…being…all…happy!"

"I dunno Joey…but it's…" Yugi began, only to be interrupted by his yami, "scary."

The two quickly ran back out to the sidewalk and hurried to Yugi's place to…collect their sanity.

"The world is coming to an end!" Joey cried as they ran down the streets.