Temple Warrior

Disclaimer: I don't own Aliens vs. Predator; but the story is mine, Enru, Tis-na, Fi-ru-ke, Rusk-ie, Roxy (Kea-she), Jun-ita, Jes-inta, Bur-shi, Ruko, Tsu-ma, Tir-sho, and Kun-ito who are all my made up characters.

Chapter 1: Changed Soul

"Two years," she thought to herself as she lay in her bed, snuggled warmly under the blankets. Lex was a changed person when she came back from the Antarctic; she was braver and more determined than ever.

Her family was gone, her father died when she was only nineteen, her mother and brother died during a shooting when she was only ten. Sighing she got out of bed preparing to leave for the Antarctic to honor her fallen friends and comrades.

"Now to get the flowers and take a helicopter to the temple ruins," she told herself at her reflection in the mirror. Not only had her attitude change but her looks as well, her once long hair was short and slightly spiky(think of Hailey Bailey as cat woman), she wore a military uniform complete with combat boots and a hat, and combat weapons hidden underneath a cameo jacket.

"Lex you ready to go, a static voice on a walkie talkie clicked, turning her head she walked towards the kitchen table and picked it up. "Sorry Rookie but I have business to take care of," she replied and clicked the button in response. "Lex you cant military code…," hearing enough from her rookie partner Lex turned the walkie talkie off, sneering in annoyance.

Looking at a set of pictures, she picked up a picture of her father smiling in his military uniform, holding her in his arms when she was six wearing his hat and smiling as well. "Yes father would be proud of me I joined the military to toughen myself," she spoke to the picture. Putting the picture down she grabbed the spear the warrior elder gave her before the ship had disappeared from sight, and stuffed it into her military sack along with food, medical supplies and her walkie talkie just in case something unexpected happened while she was down there.

Closing the door she locked her apartment and walked to the rooftop of the building, where a helicopter was waiting to take her to the abandoned oil station. "Hey Nelson cover for me about this and if the sergeant finds out let him know it's my fault," she spoke to a tall man wearing the necessary equipment for flying a helicopter.

The man known as Nelson could only smile and laugh," it is your entire fault, being stubborn and visiting those stupid ruins," Lex only smiled and nodded her head as she strapped herself in the seatbelt. After take off Lex fell asleep, recalling the familiar dream she had been having for little over two years.

"Hello is someone there," Lex called out, her entire vision abstracted from darkness, as a cold chill blew from the front of her, forcing her to throw her arms around herself for warmth. Clicking sounds entered the entire atmosphere, as her friends bodies appeared lying all around where she stood. "Lex why would you let us die and not try and stop us from being destroyed," Sebastian's voice sounded through her ears, as her vision became blurry and scenes played over in her mind; the black serpents, the huge alien she befriended, the pyramid being destroyed, the huge alien queen being dragged into the icy water, and the huge alien friend dying making her feel light weight.

As abruptly as the spinning started it stopped suddenly making Lex feel tired and disoriented, as her eyes cleared over making her realize she had no idea where she was. "This looks like the hunters' ship," Lex asked herself as she walked into a strange looking room, surrounded by many strange instruments, making Lex realize she was in a medical lab. On one side, Lex saw someone on a table near the window "Is that….," her voice got caught in her throat.

On the table lay the body of the strange alien she had befriended, his body lay peacefully with his mask placed gently over his face. Lex felt the sudden need to walk over to his body, without even realizing it her feet were moving on their own accord. "Sebastian was right, the enemy of my enemy is my friend!" she spoke softly as she reached the side of the medical table. Gently with a shaky hand she reached her hand slowly to the large creature's head and gently she stroked her fingers through his dreadlocks.

Smiling sadly she noticed that she could not see his face, which puzzled her" why would I take it off, but I really should," she said as she hesitantly pulled his mask off. She saw that his face was gentle and peaceful looking; Lex felt her heart beat faster as she looked at his closed eyes with tears in her own.

Lex suddenly watched in horror as the body shook violently, the clash of metal and armor was not amusing to her ears. A crunching sound from the hunter's chest, as a big gapping whole was forced outwards from the body, a tiny creature burst from the whole. "mrr," the tiny creature squawked as green blood spilt as it crawled out of the hunter's body. It opened its eyes to reveal blood red eyes staring straight at Lex, Its mandibles flared as it jumped into the air.

This startled Lex when she watched the creature latch itself around her neck and started to purr like a tiny kitten. "its part serpent part hunter," Lex thought as the tiny creature latched itself to her stomach and rubbed its head against her chest. Lex stared down as the weird little creature continued to rub its head, she questionable raised an eye brow. "Mine," the tiny creature spoke as Lex's glare softened and she took her fingers scratching under its chin.

The scene began to change, as the small creature disappeared, the medical lab disappeared and Lex found herself in complete darkness again. "this is not happening," Lex thought as she felt dizzy and collapse on the floor. When Lex awoke some time later, she found herself in a weird looking room.

Lex noticed that all over the walls were the skulls of humans and other creatures; she was so confused with her surroundings that she didn't notice the figure hidden by the shadows. As he watched Lex looking all over his trophy room he smiled to himself "She so beautiful," the figure thought to himself "Lex," he called out towards the girl who was still in a daze .

Lex heard her name being called by a male gruff voice from the far off shadows, where the silhouette of a tall creature stood out. As the being drew near Lex finally got a good look at the being that called her name, and let us just say her shock was overwhelming, because she collapsed into a dead faint. Her last thoughts were,"Is this for real," as the large alien walked over towards her purring very softly.

Lex woke up a short time later to find herself in the arms of a hunter, his mask hid his face but Lex knew he was staring right at her. Ever so slowly she easily took her hands and touched the cool metal surface of the mask, causing the hunter to purr yet again. "What is with you," Lex asked as the hunter used one hand to pull his mask from his face.

Lex's eyes bulged at the sight before her staring straight into her frightened brown eyes was a pair of glowing red eyes. Lex could only watch as one of its talon hands gently stroked the cheek that had the strange scar. His form was that of a hunter but his feet hands and skin color was that of the serpents, he pushed his head straight into hers forcing her to look at him straight in the eyes. Lex's eyes widened when she noticed tears running down his cheeks, his eyes held, pain, admiration, sorrow and something that Lex couldn't read. "Mine," the hunter whispered as he held Lex tightly to his chest, Lex was getting drowsy, "What's happening," she thought as she blacked out completely again. Lex wake up we have finally arrived," Nelson's voice spoke through the darkness as he gently shook her to wake up, Lex yawned and noticed that she was at the abandoned whaling station. She smiled and took her pack in hand, "Thanks Nelson see you in four days," she spoke as the pilot left her all alone. Lex turned away as the helicopter took off "Now to fulfill my mission," she thought unaware that some strange new adventure was about to take place.

Please tell me what you think but be gentle it is my first ever real fanfic so hope you enjoy!