Phil POV (Point of view for those who don't know)-

My alarm clock rang snapping me out of my dream mode. It really sucks; my dream was about my band making it big time. I staggered out if bed and went to my dresser and pulled out some jeans and a Black Sabbath band tee. After throwing those on I went down stairs to breakfast to face another day of judgment and hearing complaints. I ran down the steps, jumping the last five. 'Oh great mom is already up,' I thought.

Usually I like to get up and leave before mom and, or, dad gets up to avoid their 'Why cant you be normal' or 'Why can't you be like your sister' speeches. They got old. I grabbed an apple and headed out the door. But before I could leave Mom stopped me. "Phil!" she yelled at me. I cringed and let go of the doorknob. I turned to her.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Where are the new shirts I bought you? You can't go to school like that," she said.

"Just watch me," I said. Before she could say anything else I ran out the door. I don't know why I even bother to stick around here anymore. On my way walking to school I met up with my best friend, Kimmi. "Hey," she said running to catch up with me. I stopped and let her catch up.

Kimmi has been my best friend since 7th grade. She has short jet-black hair accented with red highlights. Today she was wearing Yu Yu Hakusho shirt and army pants. Lainey is into anime, but I never really fallowed that kind of stuff though. She became my best friend when my old friends started to go their separate ways at the beginning of middle school.

Chuckie found some friends that shared the same interest of computers. He has become the most uncoolest person in the entire middle school. I see people beating on him every day. I would help, that's if we were still friends.

Tommy became the soccer star of the school. Oh I forgot to mention the football, basketball, and baseball star too. He rarely makes movies anymore. He's going out with Lil now. Tommy is the biggest prep I know. He said we would always be friends. Ha look at us now!

Enough of at It's the 8th grade now and have already made a bad impression on most teachers. Lainey and I went to our before school class. Kimmi was playing with a rubber band on her wrist. I watched her raise it up and let it snap down, smacking against her skin. "You know that could get annoying," Brandon said from behind us. Kimmi jumped at the sound of his voice.

"God don't do that! I'm extremely paranoid right now," she said. I snickered which caused her to give me a death glare.

"What are you so paranoid about?" Brandon asked her, taking a seat next to her.

She sighed. "Well I read my horoscope today and it said that something bad will happen to me." I gave alaugh. "It's not funny!" she said hitting my on the back of my head. I rubbed my head.

"So when's practice?" Brandon said distracting me from getting revenge. I stopped to think. 'Oh yeah I almost forgot.' Brandon, Kimmi, and I are in a band. And I'm proud to say that I founded it. But Lainey got to name it. She picked out Bloody Puppets. Really I feel like a puppet sometimes. "How about my house after school?" I suggested.

He raised an eyebrow. "What about your family?" he asked me.

"Well my mom is working out today. Howie will be out at shopping for shit for home. And if we are playing Lil will probably try to stay as far as way as possible," I said smiling at my last remark. Brandon smiled back. "Yeah sure lets do it," he said. The bell rang. "See you then," he said getting up and he left.

I'm at my locker now. While I was putting in the lock combination I realized left my book bag at home. "Shit! Shit!" I said kicking my locker. The door flew open and my book spilled out. I groaned and picked them up and stacked them back in. the second bell rang. I grabbed my math textbook and walked to class. I don't care if I'm late, I could really care less.

Lil POV-

My alarm clock went off. I softly sighed and got out of bed. I walked to the other side of my room to where my dresser was. I took out a pink skirt from Aeropstle that rode up to my thighs and a white tanks top with 'Girly Girl' written in pink glitter across it. I went to the bathroom to change. I went back to my room and sat on the stool in front of my white and pink vanity. I watched myself comb my hair as I thought about what things could possibly happen to day at school. I put on some mascara and a light pink eye shadow. Then I but in some earrings and sprayed a puff of perfume. Before heading down to breakfast I slipped on some white flip-flops. I then walked down the stairs. "Hello Mom and Dad," I said waving to them. They smiled and exchanged hellos with me. I smiled and took a seat at the table.

Just then Phil came running through the kitchen. "Hey," he said quickly as he grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruit in the center of the table. I watched him run to the door, but he was stopped by Mom. I tried to ignore their fighting as I tried to eat my cereal. I sighed as I heard Phil leave and as Mom stomped back into the kitchen. "That brother of yours I don't know what to do with him anymore," she said making some coffee.

"Maybe it is just a phase," Dad said.

"Why can't he just be a normal kid?" Mom asked now adding sugar to her coffee. I felt a jolt of defense go through my mind. But I kept my mouth shut. I looked at the clock on the wall. 7:30 it read. "I better go," I said, "I don't want to miss the bus." I kissed both of them good by and went outside to the bus stop.

I saw Emma standing waiting for the bus. I walked over to her. "Hey girl," I said. She smiled and waved.

"What's up?" she asked me, "You look worried." I didn't realize that I looked worried. I sighed. "Oh it's nothing. Mom and Phil were just fighting again," I told her.

"That's all?" she asked. She giggled. "Don't worry about it. Your brother can be beyond weird." She giggled again. We gossiped for a few minutes till the bus pulled up. We climbed on board and took a seat near the front so we could get off quicker and avoid all of the pushing.

"So how's things going with Tommy?" she asked me.

"Fine," I said, "I think we're going to the movies Friday."

"What are you going to see?"

"I don't know. I want to go see The Wedding Date, but I don't think he'll like that kind of movie," I told her. I smiled. "But maybe I could convince him."

I sat with Emma in my before class. "Hey Lil," I heard someone say. I turned around.

"Hey Tommy," I said brightly. He took a seat and put his arm around me.

"So are we still on for Friday?" he asked me.

"Yeah sure," I said, "I just have to ask my parents." I heard a loud crash from the back of the room. We turned around to see what had caused it. I saw Phil and his friends laughing as a teacher scolded them. I shook my head and turned back to my friends. "He is so immature sometimes," I said. Emma nodded in agreement, but Tommy laughed.

"I guess Phil hasn't changed much," he said.

I was trying to open my locker but it was jammed. "Come one I have class," I said pleading to it, but it still didn't open. I sighed. Phil came over.

"Locker troubles?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I said sounding a little sad. He punched my locker and it sprung open. I grabbed my literature things but when I looked up he wasn't there. I didn't even get to thank him.

That's for the first chapter. Like it hate it, I don't really care. So review…whatever


Cold Toenails