This is my first fic, PLEASE dont make me cry. None of the characters belong to me, yet, yes it sad, but true. If you dont like it tell me.

In every person's life there is one defining moment, a moment that shapes that persons life, decides their future. For Selene, that moment came at the hilt of a sword, the sword that took her sire's life. That night she had killed a man whom she had considered her father, who she trusted above all others, a man who lied to her for over 200 years. She had done all of that for a man who she met less than a week before.

That moment had occurred less than 5 minutes ago. She and Michael walked out of the sewers as both parties watched awestruck from the shadows. The man who began their war was no longer there to hold the torch, to keep it going. Michael and Selene had ended their war; the war that had been all these fighters had lived for for hundreds of years. Then Michael suddenly stopped, and turned to Selene.

"What about Lucian? He may still be alive." He spoke bluntly.

"I … Michael, did you feel him die?" she looked him dead in the eyes, both with concern and sincerity.

"I … I don't understand, what do you mean by feel"

"You'd know, which means he's not dead, which makes no sense, Kraven shot him, twice. I saw him." Selene spoke softly to him with confusion in her voice.

She took him by the hand and led him up the stairs, to the room where Michael had been held and Lucian's body was gone. As well as the hypodermic needles full of the blood that had been taken from Amelia. That could mean only one thing; Lucian had injected himself with Amelia's blood by the off chance that he could save his life by becoming a hybrid. They turned the corner to find Lucian sitting on the ground looking up at them.

"You're alive" All three spoke the same words in unison. Selene spoke first

"Victor is dead, it's over" her eyes seemed to well up as she spoke.

"Selene…that's your name right" He spoke cautiously as to not upset her more so than was necessary. Her only response was a slow nod

"You have ended a war that started because HE was a monster; he created a web of lies so intricate that he could not possibly be seen anything but. He sired you, I can smell it, but sometimes that's as far as one needs to take that. YOU saved countless lives, Lycan and Vampire alike." He paused for a moment but before he could speak she said something, something that neither Lucian nor Michael would forget for many many years.

"One life cannot possibly make up for the innumerable lives that I have taken. They were just innocent people, who wanted nothing more than to revenge the death of a woman who was trying to end thousands of years of senseless hatred and subordination. And for what reason, to revenge my family's death, the Lycans had nothing to do with my family's death, IT WAS VICTOR. That woman chose you Lucian, she loved you, and she didn't give up the life of her and her child for no reason, she ended this war not me. I may have just ended this battle, but she deserves the reverence not me."

Lucian took her by the hand and pulled her into him, this was the first time Lucian had hugged a woman in a very long time for a "non-sexual" reason. Internally he almost expected Michael to growl at him, but he did no such thing. Michael knew that this was okay; it needed to happen, for both of them. He held her for almost a minute, hearing approaching footsteps he let her go. Michael also heard them and changed into his hybrid form subconsciously, he was willing to protect Selene at all costs. Lucian followed suit, he though to himself how much of a debt he owed this woman, and yet she took no credit for it.

The footsteps approached at a faster pace, and a voice that neither of them knew called out.

"Selene, Selene where are you. You need to get out of here quickly. We have word from the castle, Marcus had been awakened somehow." It was Khan, a friend whom she trusted almost as much a Victor, but she knew that he wouldn't hurt her.

"Khan, Khan, we're in here." she called to him as he walked around the corner. His eyes focused first on Michael, then on Lucian, then on Selene.

"You...You…You're a…"

"Hybrid!" Lucian finished his sentence for him in a sarcastic way.

"I didn't think that it was possible, I thought that only the Corvinus line carried the gene that made it possible to sire a hybrid. I mean, I know that they can be born, well I don't know, but I figured it out." His eyes turned to Lucian, then quickly back to Selene. "I guess I was wrong. Selene you need to get out of here, I can't protect you, they told me Marcus is livid"

"Alright, please don't hate me. I was protecting myself, if he finds me, I think that Marcus will kill me" Selene spoke quickly and deliberately

"No he won't." Lucian's voice chimed in

"Of course he will, Victor was an elder" her eyes began to water

"Marcus detested Victor, and not just a little either. Marcus thought that the prophecy should be fulfilled, the war would be over and there would be peace again. He knew about what I was doing, why do you think it was so easy for Kraven to cover it up? Go back to Michael's apartment and get some rest because tomorrow is going to be a long day" Lucian continued to hold Selene's hand in his and cupped her small hands in his slightly bigger ones, noting to himself that her eyes were still watering, but no tears fell. He could tell she was trying so hard to not make herself look weak, he admired that in her, yet it troubled him.

Noting Michael's obvious discomfort with his touching her, he let go of her hand.

"So wait, Marcus knew they were going to kill Amelia."

"It was his idea to use her. There are things that you don't know about the elders; they all have secrets, things that they do that could so easily expose us, all except Marcus."

It was there that Michael decided to speak.

"Yeah and shooting up a subway station wont?" he spoke sarcastically

"Why would that give us away, it's not like they were chucking stakes at each other…" Selene interrupted him

"What could Amelia possibly do that would make Marcus want her dead."

"Amelia was overly extravagant, more so than the other elders, she couldn't seem to get through her head that when people go missing, someone will notice." Selene gave him a confused look. "She was a lot like Elizabeth Bathory…She liked to bathe in fresh blood. Not any blood either, only women, and the women had to be beautiful and young. That doesn't even account for the people she fed on, which was a lot. She was obsessed with youth and beauty. Marcus is a fighter, she sickened him, the fact that she had done nothing for the fight except make herself look pretty annoyed him"

Kahn spoke "…she bathed in blood, did she drink it afterwards?"

"No, she would drain it into the sewer, but at any rate we can talk about this tomorrow, you two get some sleep"

Michael took Selene by the hand and led her out of the room but quickly turned around and yelled "Were will we find you?"

"We'll pick you up at your apartment"