And finally, we have a SEQUEL! after several attempts to actually TYPE one...the begginings always sucked! well, without any more delays. "May It Be"!

She ran and ran as fast as her weary legs could carry her throbbing body. Each step caused her muscles to tense with agony, causing her to slow. Her chest pounded as her heart beat out of control. Her sore feet skid over the wet concrete as she banked around a corner. She tried to scream, but the extreme pain in her lungs would not permit such a wasteful act. Then, that was it... her legs gave way to lack of energy and she collapsed, hitting the ground hard. Everything faded, she heard nothing...absolutely nothing.

Heavy footsteps soon reached her ears. She rolled over, staring wide with horror. The ground before her began to split, shaking everything around her with a violent force. Nearby buildings crumbled under the stress. Something began to materialize from the thick fog that poured from the gaping crack that seemed to cover several acres. Two glowing orbs of bright purple energy caught her attantion. A low growl resounded out over the ruined city. Her heart began to pound faster and faster until it threatened to jump out of her very chest. A long, towerering figure appeared behind the purple spheres, barely visible against the blood colored sky. Then came another, and another until there were 6 distinctive pillars. They were all connected to something, which slowly rose from the ground, towering high above the ruins. The glowing orbs floated higher until their mount was visible. A large metal frame held the two glowing orbs tightly in place. It gave off an errie purple cast in the dim lighting. At the tip of the arrow shaped object was a faint red light that was slowly getting brighter and brighter by the second. Energy waves began to surround the orb, ever increasing the light that it emitted.

The red sphere of energy rushed forward in a brilliant flash, lengthening into a long beam that sweapt across the ground. She watched in horror as everything was torn to shreds. She wanted to cry out for someone-no, not just someone...him... but once again, she was speechless. Tears of fear weld up in the corners of her electric blue eyes and slowly rolled down her tanned cheeks. What was to come of her? Finally, she let lose and let out a heartbreaking cry for help.

"Sake! Sake!" called a familiar voice. Slowly, her eyes slid open to find a sweet face looking down on her own; the face was plastered with a blatent expression of fear that shone clearly in the moonlight flooding in through a nearby window. "Are you alright?" came the sweet voice again. "You were screaming..."

"I'm fine..." She choked as she leaned up, nearly slamming her head into the upper bunk of her bed. "Just that nightmare..." This same dream haunted her like a plague each night, keeping her from a decent sleep. But each night, more and more of the dream was revealed. What did it mean! She couldn't think about that now however.

"Are you sure?" The face smiled down at her. The lines of aging twisted this way and that to fit the smile.

"Yeah mom... I'll be fine..." No she wouldn't, at least not until she got an explanation for that bizarre dream that lingered on her mind. Why couldn't she have a NORMAL life like many NORMAL kids? Nooo... she had to be a freak twisted at the hands of an insane bastard. Heh, she couldn't help it...

"Well, It's 3:00 in the morning..." her mother pointed towards her alarm clock. Sure enough; in bright red numbers it read: 3:02 am. God what a hellish week this had been.

"And I can't sleep..." She rubbed her throbbing head. She felt something cold touch her forehead, so she looked at her hand, or wrist rather, and found the bracelet he gave her. She missed him so much...

"Why don't you go take a shower? I'm sure the water will help you..." The smiling lady stepped out of the room and and went towards the kitchen just down the stairs. She had some good advice. After all, her entire body was drenched in a cold sweat. Slowly, with one leg at a time, she climbed out of the bed and left the room as well.

"I think a nice hot steaming shower will help me..." A heavy sigh escaped her lips and she looked in a mirror in the hallway. Oh dear Mar... bed head from hell... She snickered lightly at herself while going down the stairs then entered the bathroom.

It wasn't the nicest bathroom, but it was better than most. Black marble tiles lined the walls, stopping only 2 feet short of the ceiling. White marble tiles acted as the flooring, but was covered by a small white cloth matt. Cleanly pressed white towels hung from the wrungs attatched to the doors of the shower in the bath tub. Next to it sat the toilet, then the sink mounted in a black marble countertop. Of course... everything was fake...had to be because there wasn't a snowballs chance in hell they could afford REAL marble.

With a weary hand, she slid the doors open and stepped in after undressing. A few turns of a nob here and there, and a blast of hot water rushed over her shaking form, washing away any impurity. God that felt good... "Now this is Haven..." She smiled to herself again. She leaned up againsh the tiled wall and sighed heavily, but it wasn't a sigh of sadness... instead, it was one of sheer happiness. Ever since her return to her own world, she had been living in the lap of luxery! And oh how great it felt!

After several minutes of thinking, her eyes slowly opened. A quick turn of the shower nobs stopped the flow of hot water and she climbed out, shivering a bit from the cold air hitting her wet body. She wrapped the largest towel around herself then looked in the mirror. She gasped, stepping back. There, in the mirror... that thing living within her was staring back at her. It's beady black eyes blinked with her own... then she realized that she wasn't looking at the monster... she was looking at herself.

She wanted to scream, but for some reason, her voice wouldn't work yet again. She had allowed herself to change, but not out of anger. Her black claws clicked against the fogged mirror as she traced her own face. Her silver hair layed flat agiansh her pale face, barely hiding her eyes. Atop her head sat two long, pointed black horns. Long, sharp fangs replaced her short canines. She jumped however when a noise startled her.

There it was again. Her eyes scanned the area for the sorce of the loud sound. The door. Someone was knocking on the door. Slowly, the brass knob began to turn. No... no one could see her like this... then, the door swung open.

"Sake, are you done yet?" Oh god no... all she was waiting for was the blood curdling and fearful scream... but one never came... "Sake, are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost..." No, not a ghost, herself!

"I'm fine..." She looked down. No claws, no pale skin, no horns, and no silver hair. "It's just I'm not that used to people walking in on me... that's all..." Well THAT was a lame excuse... oh well...

"Oh, well, I'm sorry... It's just I brought you some fresh clean underwear and your night gown." Replied her mother rather flatly. Good, all that mattered is that she bought the excuse. Now she was sailing smooth... at least for now...

"Thanks mom." She hugged her mother and took the clothes, then closed the door behind her mother as she left. She eyed the clothing then put it on. Cotton... and polyester... so much softer than leather...unless it was black leather that showed off her curves... When she was done changing, she left the bathroom and headed for her own room. Up the stairs, around a corner, then into her santuary...

Black walls were decorated with all sorts of posters from different bands and video games. One in particular caught her eye. It was the Jak 2 poster that came with her Jak 2 game guide. Then she remembered, Jak 3 was coming out in a few months, and she couldnt wait! Oh man that game was gonna rock! She even had a cleared space on her wall for the next poster! And next to that empty space was a wall scroll she bought off of the internet and painted with a picture of Jak before she was pulled into Jak 2. All of her friends thought she was mue loco... oh well...! On the wall oppisite of her door was her bunk bed. The matresses were lined with identical bed spreads dipicting a black background with grey chinese dragons printed every few inches apart. Her mother had neatly folded them back into place. To the left of the bed was her computer stand. And as expected, it was black. Her Dell PC sat idly upon its smooth surface. The desktop background was her one and only Jak. Well, duh... what did you expect? Idiot...

She plopped down onto the computer chair the logged onto her messanger. Her best friend was on, and at 4:00 in the morning? wow... too much caffiene...

"Hey" she typed and instantly got a reply.

Brianna: hows life in da real world treating u?

Sake: Good... but It could be better...

Brianna: what did you see when you were in that coma?

Sake: what do you mean?
Brianna: Well, I heard on TV that a person can sometimes have a very long dream when they are in a coma. What did YOU see?

She didn't want to reply to that question, so she made up yet another hairbrained excuse. "Nothing" she typed in.

Brianna: Nothing? oh well, Oh hey, ive got a cool idea!

Sake: What?

Brianna: wanna go to the beach tomorrow?

Sake: sounds great!

Brianna: Well, I have to go... mum makin me get off of da comp... ttyl gurl!

Sake: nite!

With that, she logged of and yawned loudly. She stood up from her seat and stretched, nearly toppling over as her muscles locked in her legs. Luckily, she caught herself before she fell face fiest into the carpet. Then it hit her... her eyes drooped slowly... and her mough gaped open to let out a lound yawn... her legs buckled and she hit the bed... out like a light bulb. Her mother passed by her room and turned out her light, closing her door on the way out.