CiTy SoNaTa

An ode to love and romance that happens to include demons…

By: KitsuneArasi

Disclaimer: No ownership here.

Episode One: Kouhii + Konpyu-ta

Kurama brushed in, the newly revived Kuronue along with the rest of the Reikai Tantei following curiously as they took in the sight of the library.

The bat demon glanced around at the expansive shelves before whispering to the red head, "What is it that we're doing here, exactly?"

The kitsune smiled, "Let's just call it curiosity for now." He cast his gaze about, his smile widening as he found what he'd been looking for, "Here we are." He motioned to the others for quiet as they snuck up behind a pretty, raven-haired young woman sitting at a laptop with several coffee thermoses littered about.

Kurama prepared to surprise her from behind, ever so silently, but a second before he could, "I know you're back there, fox-boy. If you even think about going through with it you will not be getting any for a month."

Kurama's eyes widened exponentially as the woman across the table winced openly. Her dark brown hair was held up in a ponytail and her currently sympathetic brown eyes were rimmed with dark pink eye shadow. She seemed to radiate willpower. "Sorry, Kurama. Kagome's not quite herself today. Her boss isn't being very nice, apparently."

The redhead nodded in understanding, "I the way, Sango, I didn't know you could use a computer."

"I've learned from...various sources." Sango grinned, almost conspiratorially.

"Ha! I'm sure! She can hack any system faster than you can say 'firewall'," Kagome stated bluntly as she looked up from her work, removed her reading glasses, and rubbed her temples in attempt to alleviate her headache, "Damn, this is tiring."

Kurama crouched beside her, holding onto her hand as he looked up at her, "What are typing?"

"Make-up work, if you'll believe that. Sango's keeping me company. I missed work, so I have to fix up one of the pieces no one else will take instead of taking this time off."

"When did you miss work?"

"You know that nice dinner we had Saturday?"


"Turns out I was supposed to be working because Nami's on sick leave or something."

"Late hours again?"


"This is…?"

"A disturbingly detailed look at the many wonders of soil."

Sango snickered, "Hey, I liked the chapter about the earth worms."

"Shut up."

"How long have you been working on this?"

"About eighteen hours, I think. Is that about right?" She glanced over at her friend.

Sango looked at the clock on her own laptop, "It's been seventeen and a half hours since you started, Kagome. Oh, and six of those mega-mocha coffee things. I thought you hated coffee."

"I do...but hey, if I don't finish this, there'll be no end to it when I face Linda back at the office."

Sango shrugged before closing her laptop and ending her oh-so-engaging playtime with the deepest components of her electronic companion.

Kagome tapped a few more keys, "As a matter of fact, I'm finished. Finally. Hey, Sango-chan," Kagome saved the document, closing her own laptop and smiling brightly, "What were you working on this whole time?"

Kurama smiled, kissing her cheek as his friends looked on in confusion," There's our
lovely Kagome."

She smiled at this, cocking her head to show Sango the question remained. "Well, my dear system is now l337."

Kurama laughed as Kagome shook her head, "You dare challenge the m4573r? I shall show you the meaning of ph34r!"

"Hahaha! So what about Miss Linda Beauford? Shall we show them the meaning of 'ph34r' as well?"

"Linda Beauford sux0r. I have serious problems believing she's reproduced."

"Hey, Kurama, who are these two?" Kuwabara tossed out the question of the hour.

"Oh, I'm sorry; this is my fiancée, Kagome and her roommate Sango."

"Fiancée!" Kuronue was stunned.

This was the human form of Youko they were talking about...and Youko was NOT the type to become engaged.

"Huh?" the two women, who were now standing by the table ready to go, looked at him curiously.

"Ah, you'll understand after the introductions, I suppose...Kagome, Sango, these are my friends and fellow detectives..." he trailed off, allowing them to take their own introductory methods.

"Hey, I'm Kazuma Kuwabara, the toughest guy at Sarayashiki Jr. High."

Yusuke rolled his eyes, "I'm Yusuke Urameshi, the guy that beats his face into the dirt every morning. The guy in black is Hiei Jaganshi; he doesn't like to talk much."

"I'm Kuronue..., I'm very curious as to how you managed to beat Youko's stubborn ass into submission, Kagome-san."

Kurama winced, "He heard that."

"Really?" Kuronue grinned, having grown fond of this side of his best friend as well, "What's he say?"

The kitsune shook his head briefly, "He's shouting too it's something about you and your it' that German?"

The others laughed a bit as Kagome shook her head slightly, "So what is he saying?"

"Mmm…Hold on, let me see…something like…'Ich werde aus den Därmen Ihres Sekundärteilchens zerreißen, schneide eine Spitze ab und ziehe sie ihnen ein, dann hänge sie auf einem Fleischhaken auf Ihrem vorderen Portal... dieser stichhaltige nette, alte Freund? Ich zweifele, daß IHRE Frau IHNEN irgendwie nachher DIESE Art des Ereignisses geben wird!'"

Kagome raised a brow as Kurama paled.

"Well…he's certainly pissed."

Kuronue was confused, "What the hell does that mean?"

"Never let him near your kids."

The bat demon winced as the woman looked around at everyone, spreading her arms and offering a smile…, "Why don't we continue the introductions at my house, we can all share our stories there."

Everyone pretty much agreed and they all proceeded to the home of Miss Kagome Higurashi.


L337 Sp34k:

L337: Leet, short for 'elite' or hacker talk.

M4573r: Master

Ph34r: Fear

Sux0r: Sucks


I'm going to rip out the intestines of your offspring, cut off a bit and feed it to them, then hang them on a meat hook on your front porch...that sound nice, old friend? I doubt YOUR wife will be giving YOU any after THAT sort of incident!

(Nice thing to say to an old friend, huh?)