A Man of Honour
"Add the odds on a quick fight today Akane's having her time" Nabiki told her assistant. "And Yuka you need to get Hiroshi's money today, he has had far too many extensions as it is."
"Hai sempai!" Yuka replied.
Nabiki was sat at her usual window in Furinikan school's third floor waiting for the morning rituals to commence. The weather was a little off for September, a brisk breeze blowing the first leafalls across the yard below, but she was refusing to let it get her down. This new semester had started wonderfully; the idiot Kuno's proclamation might as well have been money in the bank. His continuing obsession with her sister could have made her jump for joy; already it had paid off the mortgage and was looking like it would go a long way towards college tuition. A happy smirk crossed her face once more, one that said everything was just peachy in a world lucky enough to have her in it.
But there was a sudden note of discordance.
"Sempai does Kuno have a brother?" Hitomi asked. Nabiki turned to look and indeed there was a second boy dressed in samurai garb this morning. From this vantage she could make out his expensive clothing and bright red hair but little else. She looked at Hitomi, not expecting to have to say a word more. "I'm on it boss" the girl replied, speeding off.
"Who are you?" Nabiki wondered aloud. Then she stopped, blinked and checked again. Kuno was armed with his normal bokken but his companion appeared to be wearing real swords in his obi.. "Mido," she called, "Go back up Hitomi." Interesting very interesting.
Kuno was taking up his usual position behind the tree, absent-mindedly twirling a rose while composing today's sonnet of love. Two paces away stood the new boy, dressed in an expensive silk Hakama and traditional geta. As Hitomi approached she too saw the twin swords at his waist. Involuntarily she slowed for a moment, wondering what sort of boy brought steel to school. Then, all of a sudden, she was looking straight into his face. The first thing she noticed was the eyes; they were brilliant blue pools of emotion that seemed in direct contrast to the rest of his face, set as it was in a stern mask. The next thing she noticed was the scar that ran down his face from his hairline to his chin; it stood out against his tanned skin like a bolt of lighting in the night sky and spoke of all manner of violent, bloody things even to a less traditional girl such as herself. She let her eyes wander a little more, fighting a shiver and taking in his bright red hair, tied behind him in a pigtail that reached below his waist, and his very well toned muscles.
"Hello Kuno-sempai" she said to the kendoist, "Won't you introduce me to your friend?" Kuno looked at her, annoyed by the interruption to his ruminations, but he was well conditioned enough by their previous encounters on Nabiki's business to know better than to be completely rude.
"Hitomi-chan, Saotome; Saotome, Hitomi" he said waving his hand and then, considering politeness served, going back to his composition.
"Pleased to meet you Saotome-sama" Hitomi ventured. The boy in question turned and bowed formally. After a moment she followed suit, bowing just a little deeper as a mark of respect, perhaps already getting a sense of what was important to this boy.
"And I you Hitomi-san" the boy replied with a voice that was all velvet. The deep undertones went straight to her gut and lit a fire there. It was everything she had dared to hope, dark msyterious and with that edge of steel...
"Please call me Hitomi" she said blushing and offering her hand western style, able to feel her heartrate leap. In turn he looked at the hand apparently confused. He looked to Kuno who motioned for him to kiss it. With a shrug he complied, but far from fully comfortably.
"Thank you Hitomi, I would be honoured," he said, just as Mido arrived.
"What?" the new arrival asked, "You've already asked him out? God you're a slut Hitomi." The boy's reaction was something to see, the world seemed to stop, paused by the sudden tension in his athletic frame, first he was shocked then confused and then angry. He stepped forwards towards the newly arrived girl.
"I don't know who you are" he declared, his eyes ablaze, "but it is not customary to insult a lady so!" he said, dropping a hand to one of his sword hilts. "This lady is a friend of my lord Kuno," he asserted, as if that was something of serious significance, "and as such is beyond your vile insinuations. I suggest you apologise," he finished, enunciating every syllable of the last. The look in his eyes and the steel in his voice scared the hell out of her; she was blabbing apologies before she even knew she was talking. When she done she ran off, tears falling as she went.
Hitomi for her part was deeply in love. Sure her friend had just been humiliated for what had been mere banter but this boy had no way of knowing that was all it was and had leapt to her defence within moments of knowing her. The boy was chivalrous as well as drop dead gorgeous. So he was a little crazy, but hey a girl can't have everything. Her face lit up with a huge smile. It was only when she came down to earth that she noticed the boy in question was standing in front of her with his head bowed. Confusion replaced happiness.
"What's the matter?" she asked letting that confusion show in her voice.
"Forgive me Hitomi-san," he said, genuinely sincere as if the insult was in some manner his fault.
"Of course" she replied and he finally straightened, he might have continued, or might not but at that point they were terminally interrupted.
Akane's warcry was heard and Hitomi had no choice but to move to a position where she could see the battle, Nabiki had been very clear about that before.
However not all her attention went that way, she was still keeping half an ear out towards the strange samurai duo "Kuno-dono" she heard the new boy whisper in a harsh tone. "Must this be done?"
"Of course it must Saotome" Kuno replied aloud, his tone laden with the surety of obsession, and brooking no argument "For how else may I pursue the fierce tiger that is Tendo Akane." Saotome bowed and stepped back but Hitomi could see the swirl of emotions in his eyes. Even from there she recognised his disapproval immediately.
"Are you not going to fight her too Saotome-san" Hitomi asked, eyes narrowing as she tried to probe this relationship more fully.
"It would not be seemly for me to woo my daimyo's intended" the samurai boy replied seriously then turned to watch the fight, as if that was explanation enough and then some.
Hitomi sidled over closer to him, resolute. "What do you think?" she asked, deliberately vague.
"Her defence is worse than sloppy," he replied, "were she fighting anyone of skill she would be their thrall in moments." Hitomi looked at him askance.
"Are we watching the same fight" she asked. "She's destroying them," she insisted, unable to believe anyone could dismiss such carnage so easily.
"Ah but they do not really want to hit her" the boy answered. "Observe the man with the curved stick," he explained, pointing to a hockey player. Indeed as Hitomi watched the boy in question hesitated rather than strike Akane across the back of her head. In turn she rewarded him with a massive groin kick that lifted him end over end to fall at least ten paces away.
"But she does have impressive strength" Saotome said, wincing. Hitomi nodded and joined him in quiet sympathy for the fallen player.
Soon Akane had demolished the hapless hentai horde and was talking towards the school, a broken heap of beaten classmates littering her path.
Then Kuno stepped forwards and announced himself to be 'the Blue Thunder of Furinikan high' come to claim his bride the 'fierce force of fury' Tendo Akane, drawing another breath to expound further those lines he had been contemplating behind the tree. Akane belted him in mid-spout and knocked him clear across the yard.
Hitomi turned to see Saotome's reaction. He had merely raised one eyebrow and was turning to her, "Forgive me Hitomi-san" he said his face a mask, "My master requires my aid."
She bowed and gave him leave, to see him stride with almost knicker-wetting masculine grace towards the man he had identified as his 'master.
But as he arrived a good looking girl in a slightly modified version of the scandalously short Furinikan uniform was already there to help the man. Long, toned legs that were utterly unconcealed from ankle to thigh were almost proudly displayed, her 'pageboy cut' hair framed what was an undeniably beautiful face and her large brown eyes were full of a dark mystery that had flummoxed many a male.
"Can I help you Saotome-san" she asked, already having had a report of his name. And silently crowing at his obviously appraising gaze. She just loved having legs like hers and leaned a little to one side to show off her chest some more.
For a moment he wondered how she knew his name and then he bowed instead.
"I am here to help Lord Kuno" the redheaded boy replied. "I was unaware that he had an arrangement with you," he insisted.
"That's all right Saotome" the girl replied, causing a slight twitch as she left off the honorific. "you can do the lifting." He bowed to her and effortlessly lifted the older boy from the ground.
"Follow me Saotome" Nabiki said, getting another twitch.
"That will take some getting used to" he said aloud.
"What will Saotome?" she asked, adding just a little extra sway to her hips.
"People are very rude here" he replied.
"How so Saotome?" she asked, already knowing the answer.
"Where I come from unmarried girls know better than to be so familiar in address with men they do not intend to marry" he admonished.
"Familiar?" she asked, flicking her hair back, a wry smile gracing her lips. "You must come from a very repressed area," She opined , noting the way his eyes followed that flick, "Just where is that exactly?" she asked, curious as to where such places might still exist.
"Not far from here" the boy replied, "but seeming further every day."
Together they took Kuno to the nurse, Nabiki adding perhaps just a little extra sway to her hips as she went, if only too enjoy how it affected the man following her with Kuno.
In the office Nabiki was a little wary about charging Kuno with this intense boy standing near him but decided the money was worth the risk. As it turned out she found it very revealing, the boy very plainly had no idea how much money was being handed over and, more than that, pointedly turned away from the transaction as if the mere mention of money was distasteful.
He also had no apparent knowledge of even the small sick room that was in the school, or the medi cal apparatus it contained, attempting as he did to hide his discomfort in such strange surroundings.
Nabiki resolved then and there to find out more about the boy in question, lots more.
At lunchtime she was again gathered with her operatives. They were sat at her table behind the school building, receiving payments due and handing out requested loans. It was Nabiki's favourite part of any day, and today was very good; nobody had bet that Kuno would change his name today, nor that he would be felled so fast. Nabiki was raking it in.
"So tell me what you found out Hitomi," Nabiki said counting a sobbing boy's life savings and all but ignoring him while she multi-tasked.
"His personal name is Ranma and he claims to have recently returned from a very long trip." Hitomi started, having continued her association with the boy during the day, only to be interrupted by Nabiki.
"Taki you're light!" she pointed out harshly, having not missed count for a moment.
"Its all I have" he begged, now on his knees before her.
"I'll have the rest by the end of the week," Nabiki asserted, seeming to relent, "At twice the interest rate" she added, with another of those smiles.
"But I can't afford that" he sobbed, already thinking of what he could sell.
"Then maybe you should have thought of that before peeping on the girls locker room."
"But I didn't see anything," he protested, demanding some form of fairness in punishment.
"Somehow I don't think my sister would care" Nabiki pointed out, very correctly before waving her hand to dismiss him. "Now you were saying," she said to Hitomi, giving time for the next person to gather himself, and fully appreciate the implications of Taki's current state, before he approached.
"He's unattached, straight, and wealthy," Hitomi said, not adding the other words she felt like saying; 'cute' 'handsome' 'chivalrous'..."He is staying on the Kuno estate and they are paying him a sizable retainer."
"What for?" Nabiki asked, wincing at the thought of any poor soul stuck in that place with the Kunos
"I asked the same thing" Hitomi offered, equally sympathetic, "he told me that it was his due as the House Hatamoto."
"Isn't that some sort of adviser?" Mido asked, unfamiliar with the term.
"In this case it also seems to include being a swordsman" Nabiki added, far from as ignorant but intending on looking into the nuances anyway. "This bears further investigation. Well done Hitomi," she congratulated "there will be a little extra in your wages this week."
"Thank you sempai" Hitomi said happily, already planning the shopping trip.
"Now girls, to this weeks activities" Nabiki started and began laying out plans for the rest of the week's scams.
"So tell me more about your hatamoto" Nabiki said. She was sitting in a window booth of an expensive ice-cream parlor with Kuno after school, his treat of course, enjoying a very chocolate coated sundae and using a lollipop in place of a spoon . They were halfway through a small transaction of the weekend's Akane snaps and Nabiki was fishing for information while the boy's mind was elsewhere.
"Oh him" Kuno said, dismissively. "He turned up at the house during the holiday claiming that he was a retainer of the house. I had our clan historian look into it and apparently a few hundred years ago we had a hatamoto by the same name. So I hired him."
"That's it?" Nabiki asked, only just hiding her amazement at how little regard Tatewaki was offering the incident.
"Well that and the fact that he is a very accomplished swordsman, almost as good as me" he boasted, chest bulging with bravado once more as he looked around for the adoring masses that were undoubtedly about to appear.
"So what is he like as a person?" Nabiki asked, very sensibly steering away from that topic.
"As a person, I must admit I hardly know." Kuno replied "He is after all merely a retainer of the house," he insisted, once more demonstrating an arrogance that was all his own, and had nothing to do with his imagined status.
"You must know something Kuno-baby" she prodded, pulling the photos back to her as a less than subtle warning.
"Fine," Kuno capitulated, "He has an admirable sense of honour and propriety," he asserted, leading Nabiki to read that the boy was probably as nuts as Kuno, "But he has no idea as to the correct way to woo a woman such as Akane"
"How so?" she asked.
"He has his silly notion of cancelling the fights and talking to her father instead," Kuno explained, aghast at the mere idea. "Ridiculous! As if the fierce creature that is your sister could be bought with kind words and flattery."
"Kind words and flattery?" Nabiki prompted, trying to dig deeper towards the meat of the issue.
"He suggested that I actually address some of my poems to her rather than about her." Kuno scoffed, glossing over that they were actually rarely about anyone other than himself, "As if the dervish of my heart would fall for tender words lovingly expressed," Kuno scoffed. Nabiki arched an eyebrow, she knew for a fact that Akane was a sucker for the romantic rubbish.
"I would like to meet him" Nabiki said.
"If you will" Kuno said dismissively, forking over the usual amount and scooping up the pictures. "I will command him to meet you for dinner." Nabiki's eyes lit up, information and a free date, Kuno really was a gift from heaven, if presumably from it's reject bin…
Nabiki was sat in her room waiting for the doorbell. She was a picture of perfection, knowing this Ranma's tastes ran to the traditional she had dressed to please. Her hair was laboriously pinned up in a traditional bun, her dress a very formal kimono and her makeup deliberately traditionally pale.
"Won't know what hit him," she said to herself, checking her look once more in her mirror, just as the doorbell rang. Straining to listen she waited for her sister to invite him in and serve tea and then stood and made her final checks before proceeding down the stairs, changing the lights for maximum effect
Ranma had been very pleased indeed to be welcomed by Kasumi, she was polite and traditional, demonstrating the part of a hostess to perfection. It was the most at home he had felt since coming here, even the tea reminded him of happier times. When he thanked the girl it was with real warmth and when she offered an open invitation to return he was genuinely moved, his bow of thanks was heartfelt and sincere, it also seemed to embarrass the poor girl but he could not help it.
Then he heard someone on the stairs and turned to see who it was. It was an angel coming to earth. The attractive, if scandalously dressed, girl from school had been transformed into a stunning beauty of the classical mould, she even carried a bamboo umbrella to complement the stunning golden Kimono. She seemed to float down the stairs. He was struck speechless.
Nabiki could not have been happier at his reaction. She flicked open her fan and discretely hid her smug smile. At the same time she checked him out, gone was the drab Haori and Hakama of the morning, replaced by am understated formal kamishimo combination. The sleeveless jacket was a deep red and bore the mon of a noble house other than Kuno's, the kimono it covered was likewise very tasteful classically speaking, being of a sheer black broken only by the red obi that wound around his waist and kept his swords in place. He wore it all with the easy grace of a man well used to such finery and completely at home in the archaic wear.
Ranma politely stood and bowed deeply, clearly showing his appreciation. Once again he waited for her to return a bow before straitening.
"I am here at the behest of my master, It is his desire that I entertain the sister of his intended" Saotome intoned with that beautiful deep velvet voice.
"I hope it shall not be too much of a burden upon you" she replied just as formally, only the barest hint of chiding in her voice and feigned hurt in her eyes.
He quickly moved to cover his gaff, "Of course not Tendo-san" he said bowing again, "Forgive me if I implied otherwise."
"You are forgiven Saotome-san" she said hiding her smile again "But please call me Nabiki" the way he blushed scarlet at the suggestion almost had her in stitches, he was just so wonderfully repressed.
"If your ladyship commands so shall it be" he replied bowing as if to accept an honour. It was then that Nabiki had worked out where he had fit her into his traditional world-view. The poor sap had obviously equated Kuno's interest in Akane as an attempt to woo another family. Obviously his master would not woo a woman who was unworthy, therefore Akane was noble too, and therefore in turn Nabiki was a daughter of a noble house. She smirked, knowing she had him now.
"Shall we be off?" she asked, offering her arm in a familiar way, at least partly just to tease. Blushing again he took it in his and nodded an agreement.
As they reached the door he turned to Kasumi. "Thank you again for your warm welcome Tendo-san. You have honoured me with your courtesy." Nabiki was surprised to see her sister blush as she bowed in response. So that was what the girl looked for in a man.
"So where are we going Saotome?" she asked, expecting him to come up empty, and having already made reservations at a very fancy french restaurant.
"I have booked the finest tea house in the area" he replied, missing her tone completely "I only hope that they can live up to their reputation," he said, clearly concerned about their ability to do so.
"What is the place called" she asked, as casually as she could, walking with him to the car that awaited them.
"It Is the Cha No Kyoto, of the Urasenke school" he replied, his pronunciation flawless. "They claim that they keep to the old tradition of simplicity, but should it turn out to be less than tasteful I have a backup plan." Nabiki was stunned. The tea house he had just named was exclusive in the extreme and cost a small fortune to book, even months ahead.
"I am surprised that they were available" she observed, demurely stepping into the car.
"You know of it then," he replied, apparently a little less concerned now, gracefully sitting down next to her. "I hope that it will suffice." She nodded. "Indeed they were reluctant at first but I had Sasuke present my credentials and they quickly changed their minds."
"Your credentials?" she asked as the car began to speed up.
"I was trained in the Urasenke school by a master of the art" he replied as if that explained everything.
"Really?" she asked. "I would have though that the tea ceremony was a little….feminine for you," He seemed genuinely confused. "Around here it is mostly women who practice the art"
"Strange" Ranma replied "The Sen no Rikyu designed the school only for men." She filed his apparent knowledge of the historical figure under very interesting. Especially since he apparently knew little of the school's current status.
The drive was pleasant if a little fast and they quickly arrived at the teahouse. It was a marvel of traditional design, built to model exactly the original teahouse in Kyoto. It took Nabiki a while to take it all in, but at the same time she noticed that Ranma gave it barely more than an approving nod.
They were greeted by name just inside the door. Whatever 'credentials' Ranma had had presented had caused quite a stir and the master of the house was among those bowing to greet them. Nabiki luxuriated in the attention but Ranma reacted in the opposite manner, becoming more formal and withdrawn. As they took their places at the central table he leant forwards and whispered a quick apology, he had not apparently expected this sort of attention. She bowed her forgiveness and he flashed her a quick smile. It took her breath away. The pure act of smiling changed him, in a moment, from this stern distant stranger into a warm generous and very desirable human being.
As he formally went through the ceremony Nabiki was struck at just how seriously everyone was taking this. He silently guided her through her part with the calm understanding of a fine teacher, and she found herself trying hard to please him, not least of all to gain the reward of one of his silent smiles. She was quickly lost into the magic of the simple ceremony but even as the rest of the world slid away she was aware of the almost reverential awe that their audience was offering up to Ranma's performance.
It was during that simple but moving ceremony that she realised something. This Ranma was nothing like Kuno. Kuno lived in a dream world, tried hard to emulate his mixed metaphors and postured as hard as he could. Ranma on the other hand was living the dream. Here he was, the poet warrior of the histories, both killer and artist blended into a harmonious whole.
It was some hours later that the ceremony finally ended. Nabiki had not marked the time, she had been that absorbed in the moment. As they walked to the door they were seen off by a procession of bowing staff. The culmination of which was the house master himself who greeted them with tears in his eyes and choked out his heartfelt thanks.
As the cold air hit them outside Ranma turned to her and bowed again. "I am very sorry for all the fuss" he said, apparently having missed her enjoyment of the spectacle. "I will ask them not to do it again next time" he added.
"Next time?" she asked, smiling. He stuttered and blushed.
"I w-was honoured to treat you tonight" he managed to say "and it is my firm desire to do so again, if you will honour so me, again" he seemed to be barely managing the words. She put him out of his misery with a light touch on the side of his face.
"I would like that very much" she replied with a smile. His face lit up like a kid with a candy bar. His happiness radiated out from him like a beacon in the darkness, and once again that smile took her breath away.
"Sasuke has been called and will be here momentarily" he said and it hit her like a blow. She realised the night was ending and realised that she was actually resenting it, and not just because she had barely even started to ask the questions she had planned on.
The ride back to the Tendo-ke was quiet and almost sad after the elation of moments ago, Nabiki simply couldn't begin to bring herself to risk wrecking what little there was left. As Ranma stood on her doorstep to bid her goodnight Nabiki made a decision and smiled with new resolve.
"Won't you please come in for some sake" she offered. His face was suddenly stripped of its mask and once again those storm-blue eyes told only of confusion. The poor boy had no idea how to react. "My sister will still be up." Nabiki said, "we shall not be alone." That seemed to relax him and make his mind up. He favoured her with one of his killer smiles and accepted gracefully.
Half an hour later Nabiki was in the middle of another happy revelation. Her elder sister, who she had always thought of as lacking in personality almost the point of non-entity, was actually a warm human being.
They had sat down in the family room with a warm bottle of sake and some cups and Nabiki had invited Kasumi more as a chaperone than anything else. The girl had demurred repeatedly until Ranma had asked her, saying that they would relish the opportunity to know more about her.
That had broken a dam and now all three of them were sitting around swapping stories and laughing at each other's jokes. Nabiki could honestly not remember the last time that she heard her sister laugh and the simple sound of it warmed a part of her that had been too long dormant.
The cause of all this was sitting opposite her, telling another of his 'educational fables' that always seemed to involve a very stupid princess, crossdressing and numerous misunderstandings. Somehow Ranma's formality had drawn them into talking and as he shed it piece by piece they had followed suit, breaking down barriers that had been there for as long as Nabiki could remember.
"So then she turns to her maid, who you may remember is in fact the prince of Kwang-gon, and says 'that's no stick!'" Ranma finished, causing the two girls to laugh uproariously.
Which is what eventually stumped the whole thing because Akane just couldn't leave things alone. She came stomping down the stairs and curtly pointed out that some people were trying to sleep. This tore the wind from Ranma's sails. He was immediately massively apologetic, and before the other two girls could stop him he was making his exit into the night rain.
Kasumi sat there quietly, disappointment written all over her face. Nabiki stood and turned to Akane, pushing down her anger at the spoilt child. "Thank you very much!" she spat. She turned to Kasumi, pointedly with her back to Akane, "Good-night oneesan" she said, warmly, "I'll see you tomorrow for my breakfast lesson" and then she whirled around and left for her room, sweeping past her younger sister without so much as acknowledging her existence.
"Breakfast?" Akane angrily enquired.
"Nabiki has agreed to help me with the breakfasts in future" Kasumi explained "so I can lie in once in a while" Kasumi supplied, lips taught. "It was very kind of her, please do not discourage it."
"But I could help you" Akane protested.
"No Akane" Kasumi objected, "you really can't. Now goodnight." And with that she was just going to leave.
"What about this mess!" Akane demanded. Kasumi stopped, unconsciously tightening her grip on the banister.
"If it bothers you then go to bed and trust that it will be gone in the morning"
"But it should be away tonight" Akane objected.
"Don't you dare" Kasumi replied in a very unfriendly tone. "I like those cups." And with that she left.