Chapter 1: MI6

A/N: After Alex survived the shot and recovered fully.

Knock knock…

"Come in." Alan Blunt said tonelessly.

Alex Rider, aged 14 going on 15, entered the room. His eyes met with Alan's the minute he entered.

"Sit down, Alex." Alan gestured. Behind Alex, Mrs. Jones stepped into the room.

Alex sat down and stared coldly at Alan.

"I have a mission for you."

"I don't want it." Alex hissed through gritted teeth.

"Alex, Alex. Listen, this is not any dangerous mission. It only takes a couple of sweat off you and a bit of your time. That's all."


"Alex…" this time, Mrs. Jones stood next to Alex, "I understand how you felt but please, we really need you. This mission is not very dangerous."

Alex sat silently. He could hear his own breath being taken in and out.

Mrs. Jones looked at Alan Blunt for permission. He nodded for her to continue.

"Richard Wilson, a multi-millionaire recently asked for our help. His daughter, who is around your age, was almost kidnapped yesterday afternoon. He quickly came to us for our assistant. We still couldn't track down the kidnappers yet and it's very difficult to do without any clues. So, he asked us for a bodyguard for his daughter for the time being." Mrs. Jones paused and looked at Alex.

Alex caught on, "So that's where I came in."

"Yes. Unfortunately, we discussed and we think that it's best to keep this a secret so we cannot let an adult do this job. You are our only choice."

Alex thought for a while. There's no use. Although the MI6 never says that he "has" to do it but they gave him no choice either. He knew better than to reject.

"When does it start?"

Mrs. Jones nodded, "Go and pack up your things in 30 minutes. There will be a limousine to fetch you. When we arrive at the mansion, you will be briefed on the details."

"Oh, yeah….do I have to change identity?"

"Not necessary."

Alex walked out of the office without anymore word.

The Wilson mansion was built modernly. There was a big garden beautifully decorated with sculptures and fountains. Inside the mansion, all the rooms were grandeur furnished.

They rang the bell. A tall butler opened the door and greeted. He led them into the living room.

A man around 42-years old stood up and greeted them politely. He stood with confident and elegance. He was well-built and Alex could see his muscles under the Armani suit. He gestured them to sit down. Tea and cookies were served.

"Now, you must be Alex Rider." He smiled at Alex.

Alex nodded.

"Now, let us discuss the details." Richard Wilson nodded to the butler to leave the room. Now, there were only 3 of them; Alex, Mr. Wilson and Alan Blunt.

"Alex will be with my daughter all the time except at this mansion. He will be attending my daughter's school from tomorrow onwards. He will be body guarding my daughter until we find the kidnappers, right?"

"Yes. If 1 month later, there's no further sign of the kidnappers, Alex will be let off." Alan Blunt replied without looking at Alex.

"I really appreciate your help, Alan." Mr. Wilson stood up.

"My pleasure, Richard." Alex saw Alan smiled for the first time.

Alex stared at the two quizzically.

"Oh, you must be wondering. Alan and I worked together for a long time. I used to be a spy, just like you." Mr. Wilson said.

Alan left the mansion and Alex was left alone to explore the mansion until dinner time.

The mansion was huge and spacious. It has 2 living rooms, 1 ballroom, 2 large kitchens, 1 dining room and numerous bedrooms and bathrooms.

Alex walked down the hallway aimlessly, looking at the portraits on the wall. They were mostly modern arts but they were some beautiful landscapes. Alex never really appreciates arts but he finds this relaxing.

Suddenly, he collided into someone.


Alex groaned inwardly. His injured shoulder hasn't fully recovered yet. Alex clutched his shoulder painfully.

"Who are you?"

Alex glanced up at the source of voice. A girl around his age staring down at him. She has shoulder-length dark brown hair, hazel eyes and a pretty face. She was wearing a loose white t-shirt and a loose pair of jeans.

Alex stood up and answered, "Alex Rider."

"Miss Katie, dinner is ready." A maid came to her and announced.

She took one last glance at Alex and turned towards the dinning room.

Alex followed her inside.