Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans or Sleeping Beauty.
This story is dedicated to SocialButterfli; without you this story wouldn't have existed. Thanks, amiga!
A knock at the door woke Starfire suddenly. She glanced at the clock by her bedside table: she'd only been asleep for an hour or so. The sun was still rising. She sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, and for a glorious moment she couldn't remember why she felt so terrible, until it all came rushing back to her.
"You may enter," Starfire said quietly, and the door slid open. She wasn't surprised to see that Robin stood in her doorway.
"Hey, Star…how are you feeling?"
"I am…tired. And I wish to try and get some sleep, so if you do not require anything of me, I'm afraid I must ask that you leave."
"Just hear me out, Star…it'll only take a minute, I promise."
Starfire sighed. "Very well." She stood up and went over to her window, gazing out at the sunrise. Robin watched her sadly, hating himself for making her feel this way. He glanced down, and saw her copy of "Sleeping Beauty" sitting in the garbage can beside her dresser. He reached down and lifted it out, brushing off the tissues on top of it.
"You know, this was always one of my favorite fairy tales," he said, making Starfire turn. "It always made me feel better somehow when I was feeling down."
"Yes…I used to feel that way as well."
"Used to?" Robin repeated.
"I've realized that it is merely a children's story. The real world is not so kind as a fairy tale."
"Star, don't talk like that," Robin said. "After all…this fairy tale is what saved my life today."
Starfire's eyes went wide. "What did you say?" she gasped. Does he mean what I think he means? she added silently to herself.
"I remember, Star. I remember everything, thanks to Raven. All those horrible things I said to you…that I did to you…I'm so sorry."
Starfire broke out in a smile for the first time since sunrise. "Oh, Robin, you do not need to apologize. It was the Kitten's mind control device that was forcing you to act that way."
"Yeah, but still…ugh, I can't believe that girl made me kiss her."
"But you are yourself now, and that is all that matters."
"Yeah, you're right, Star," Robin agreed. "Say, um…speaking of kissing…"
"Oh!" Starfire exclaimed, and her face suddenly went beet red. "You…remember that as well?"
"Yeah…" Robin said. "I have to ask, Star…how did you know that would break Kitten's control?"
"Well…truthfully, I did not," Starfire admitted. "But I was…reluctant to do battle with you. I did not want to cause you harm. And then Kitten said something that made me think of the tale of the Sleeping Beauty. She said that, you were under her spell. And I thought that, maybe, what worked for the Prince in the story would work for me as well."
"Yeah? Well…I'm glad it did."
Starfire grinned. "And I as well."
"So…I guess you want to get some sleep now?"
Starfire shook her head. "Somehow I do not feel sleepy any longer."
"Well, then, how about I cook us some breakfast? I owe Cyborg waffles for the next two weeks, anyway," he added with a chuckle.
"Breakfast sounds wonderful."
Starfire walked ahead of Robin and out of her room, but stopped as she felt his hand on her shoulder.
"Starfire…" he said, "…thanks for saving me."
"You are most welcome," Starfire said, and continued to walk. A few feet away, she stopped again, and turned back to face the Boy Wonder, a coy smile on her face. "After all…I am sure you would have done the same for me."
Robin smiled, and hurried to catch up with her as she headed for the kitchen, both of their hearts considerably lighter than before.
Author's Notes
WHEW! Well, there you have it, my first fanfic ever. It's kind of on the short side, I know, but this wasn't exactly meant to be an epic, anyway. In any case, I sincerely hope you all liked it. My goal here was to try to stay as true as I could to the show, as though I were writing an actual episode of the show...but then I kinda went a little overboard as things went on...but I couldn't help myself.
As you could probably tell from how much time I spent in her thoughts, I really enjoy writing about Starfire. Her total honestly and innocence is just so compelling, it inspires me a lot. Expect future TT fics of mine that maintain that focus on Starfire, though I also am planning my own take on a return appearance by Terra, and it's going to be a positive story, so fair warning to all you Terra-bashers out there.I also plan to have some continuity with most of my serious stuff, but that is subject to change, and not everything will be within the continuity.
Some of you might have noticed this, but that alien name Starfire calls Kitten? That's the name she calls BB early in the episode Forces of Nature.
Anyway, once again, I have to give my thanks to SocialButterfli for giving me the inspiration and the motivation to write this story. She's a very gifted writer herself, and I really reccomend her fics, "Hey Jealousy" and "In Your Dreams."
And of course, thank you to all my reviewers, current and future, who read/will read this first story of mine and offer whatever feedback they can. I enjoy reviews, the longer the better, and please, don't be afraid to tell me if some part of it sucks.
That's pretty much it out of me. Thanks, everybody! Hope you enjoyed it.
JP, aka Cid Gregor