Chapter Ten: The Death and the Happily Every After
Kagome was not sure what had happened, Naraku had given her some type of drug and than she remembered waking up here naked and bleeding. Wait a second, wasn't Naraku supposed to be dead, his other half Onigumo died in a fire so what was Naraku also known as Onigumo doing still alive. All these questions puzzled the young princess, she was terrified of the man, he had a sick obsession with her, ever since he was hired to be her bodyguard a long time ago. He was a faithful bodyguard always following her around and making sure that she was safe, but she always got the creepiest vibes coming from this particular man, especially one day when she caught him sniffing her underwear, ew gross, so she had her father fire him. Naraku was not happy to say the least and he vowed revenge, but than there was a great fire at his place and there was no body to be found.
Naraka walked in just as Kagome was rehashing past events, "Mm, you still look as good as you did two years ago, my princess. I will enjoy breaking you and taking your kingdom as my own, Your father how dare he cast me out like he did, I tried to reason with the man, but he is so stubborn, he shall be the first one that I slay with the youkai powers you will bestow upon me. "Fuck you, Naraku, I won't give you any of my powers, you are an evil bastard, we all thought you dead, but deep down I knew that you were not, but my father as you say didn't believe me and wait a minute you're the reason I was kidnapped and sold to that family of Youkai's!"
Yes, dear Kagome and I was going to come and steal you away but things didn't go as planned that damn hanyou, had to fall in love with you and set you free, what a baka! Do not speak about my fiancé in that way, he loves me, he would never try to hurt me or steal my powers away from me. Wake up girl, he is using you for your powers, a hanyou can never be with a human, it's just not possible, but I can make an exception for you my beauty, we will be king and queen and rule both kingdoms with an iron fist. Go to Hell! I would rather die, than marry a scum bag like you!
Slap, You hit me you bastard, how dare you strike me I shall see you hanged for this you vile despicable cad!
Meanwhile Inuyasha had been down in the dungeons for hours, watching while his guards whipped and tortured Kikyo, but she wouldn't talk, in fact she had a grisly smile on her face the entire time, it was like she was soulless or something to that matter. Inuyasha had had enough, he told the guards to leave them alone, "He sank his claws into her flesh, "Listen here bitch, I don't have time for games, you are going to tell me where Kagome is or I am going to personally rip out your throat!
Kikyo didn't flinch, instead she said, Inu-baby why do you want a little girl when you can have a woman, like me. Inuyasha was about to kill her, when Sesshomaru walked in, Little brother you are so pathetic, let me handle this mortal I will get her to talk. Kikyo was afraid of his brother so she spilled, Alright naraku has her in the old abandoned fuchin castle, please get him away from me! Sesshomaru had raped Kikyo in the past, but he didn't remember it, obviously she had.
Inuyasha was hesitant to let her go, but he didn't want to kill her either, she looked so much like his fiancé, the resemblance was uncanny. After Inuyasha had saddled up and Miroku came as well, Sango demanded to come and after a huge fight she won and was also riding kiara her pet that transforms into a cat neko Miroku bought her for Sango as a present to express his love for her. The ride seemed like It lasted forever, then finally they came upon an old deserted castle, filled with weeds and swamp, it looked unhabitted. A scream was heard and Inuyasha's eyes turned blood red as he howled out "Kagome! He ran like the devil himself was chasing after him, when he couldn't get the door open he broke it, fangs bared, he was ready to kill. Naraku was on top of a struggling Kagome he had a blade to her throat, she was naked and shivering. Kagome saw Inuyasha but pretended like he wasn't there, He advanced on Naraku and dug his claws into his back, Naraku spun around in obvious pain, "Sango, get Kagome out of here now! Inuyasha licked his claws reveling in the taste of blood. Naraku retaliated with a sword of his own and knicked inuyasha in the shoulder, piercing him, blood started oozing from his left shoulder but he flexed his claws and bringing out his sword, it transformed into a bigger sword and he went after Naraku, He brought the sword down onto his head, but once again, Naraku dodged it, Sango came in with a boomerang and knocked Naraku down, Inuyasha shoved his sword into Naraku's heart and after a lot of cursing and a promise to return he died in a puddle of his own blood.
Unfortunately inuyasha was craving more blood, and he went after Sango, Miroku saw this and ran for his fiancé, Kagome stepped in, please don't kill her, Inuyasha wake up I love you and she kissed him, he dug his claws into her but than his eyes turned back to normal, than when he came to Kagome fainted in his arms, she had lost consciousness and she was bleeding very badly. Inuyasha picked up Kagome bridal style and they rode back to his castle.
One month later, the wedding took place, Kagome and Sango were both resplendent in their silky white kimono like wedding dresses, the grooms wore matching tuxes of silver and black, except Inuyasha had a sword on his hip. After the vows, and the ceremony itself, the coronation began and Inuyasha was now a prince. Kagome told her parent's that they were going to be grandparents in less than a month and they were in shock at first, but than her mother was so excited, she hugged them both. Miroku and Sango moved into the castle as Inuyasha and Kagome's personal advisors and friends. A month later Kagome had a pup that she named mika, Sango and Miroku were also expecting another baby as well. Kagome eventually told her parents the whole reason why she and her husband met, they thought it was a funny story, and they were glad that there daughter had such a protective husband. Naraku was never heard from again, some say that he was going to sell his soul to the devil himself to exact revenge, but when he did the four would be ready for him. Kagome purified the shikon no tama and than made it vanish, to be found in another lifetime.
The End
Thanks to all the readers for their support on this story, I am getting read to write another story,
Here's a preview of my next story:
The Infamous Golden Eyed Pirate Inuyasha
Kagome was on a voyage to meet her betrothed Kouga when her ship is attacked and… that's all you have to read the story to get the rest. thanks