Author's Note: If you all were wondering where this story went, it was reported, but now it's back. It took me so long to repost it because I was editing it. I will be editing the other chapters too, so if you already loved the story, you'll probably love it even more now, since my writing skills have improved since I first started this story. And I'll also post each chapter one at a time, so I can get all 150 of my reviews back, and so my new readers don't have to read the whole thing in one sitting.

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans, so what? Not like you care anyways. No one cares… T.T


Chapter 1: Loss of Powers Pt. 1

Everything was as usual at Titans' Tower; a typical day it was. The weather was sunny, partly cloudy, but nothing too heavy. It was relatively warm outside too, so it was a beautiful summer day. There was no crime happening today, so the Teen Titans were hanging around the tower, doing what they do best, other than fighting crime. All the Titans were in the game room, except for Terra, who was away on her own rock climbing. Robin was listening to loud music, Starfire was in the eating area, Raven was sitting on the couch reading a book next to Cyborg, and he and Beast Boy were playing an RPG video game. They were each taking turns with the controller, but Cyborg seemed to have held onto the controller longer than he should have, so Beast Boy started to get angry.

"Dude! It's my turn! Gimme the controller!" he yelled.

"No! You just had the controller a minute ago! I barely played!" Cyborg yelled back.

"But you lost! After one loss you hand me the controller!"

"Not when some guy sneak attacks me and makes me lose right away!"

Raven sighed and decided to end the argument herself. "Just let Cyborg play and then you get to play twice."

Beast Boy moaned. "But I don't wanna do it that way! I wanna have my turn now!"

Raven's anger rose. "It doesn't matter right now. He already started playing. The only way to keep it fair is if you played twice, then go back to the regular routine. Now stop this pointless argument before I crack and send you to another dimension."

They rolled their eyes, looked at each other, shrugged, and continued playing.

Raven glanced over at Robin. "Robin, PLEASE turn down the music. It's obnoxious and annoying."

Robin glared at her. "I'm only draining away the yelling!"

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, there isn't anymore yelling, genius."

Robin glared at her once more. "Shut-up." Then he turned down the music.

Meanwhile, as said earlier, Starfire was in the eating area. She seemed to be mixing foods together in a giant bowl. She hummed to herself a random song no one could probably comprehend. Then she began to sing. "I am mixing earthly food in a bowl, and I am having fun!" Emphesis was put on the word "fun".

"Hey, Starfire, what are you making?" Robin asked her, pretending to be curious.

"I am making Shnerlodian Cake, a favorite in the Diforian Galaxy. However, since some of the necessary ingrediants do not exist on this planet, I am adding a human twist to it." She dug her finger in the bowl to get the mush on the tip of her finger. Then she licked it, made a face, indicating she was trying to figure out the taste, and finally said, "It needs something more..."

Then she found an idea. She rushed to the refrigerator to take a bottle of mustard from it. But after searching for about twenty seconds, she realized there was none. She looked disappointed when she closed the door, but then became happy again when she realized she could just buy some mustard at the grocery store.

She exited the eating area and walked closer to the others. "Friends, I will be back in a short period of time. I am departing to the store of groceries to purchase some yellow tangy liquid that humans call 'mustard'."

"Have fun," Robin responded.

Starfire exited the game room. She was about to walk out the door when a mysterious man appeared in front of her. He seemed to be about Slade's height, with a slightly muscular build, but nothing too big. He had a brown mustache, brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing what looked like a marine's uniform.

"Hello, Starfire," the man said. His voice was dark and deep and it had a slight British tone to it.

"How do you know who I am?"

"You're quite famous around here. Anyways, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Drain. Tell me, Starfire, how would you like it if you were a human being without superpowers?"

She stood there with a puzzled look on her face. She eventually responded to Drain's question. "I would think that it would be nice for awhile. But I would rather be a Teen Titan, Drain. Now, if you will excuse me, I would like to…" she started to fly away.

He grabbed her leg and held onto it. "Don't even think about flying anywhere anymore! Your powers belong to me!" Drain grabbed her arm and put a needle (like a shot) into her skin. Her superpowers started to drain out of her.

"Let me go, you nipbarg!" She struggled to get free, but she only grew weaker.

"Ha ha! Your Tameranean insults will have no meaning to them, because no one will know you're Tameranean anymore, Koriand'r!" Her power finally drained away. "There. Now for the other Titans!" He ran inside the tower.

"Oh, no you do not!" screamed Starfire as she attempted to throw a starbolt at him, but since he drained her power away, she obviously couldn't.

She did not look too much different: her skin didn't have the orange tint in it anymore, she had human eyebrows, and around her eye pupils was white instead of green.

She ran inside the tower to chase after Drain. But because her running could not match anywhere near Drain's speed, she could not catch up to him before he got in the elevator.

"Please slow down, Nipbarg!" she screamed. She stopped running. She knew that even if she caught up, she wouldn't be able to fight him. She pulled out her Teen Titans alarm and pressed the button on it to indicate that there was trouble. "Robin, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, and Terra! There is trouble in the tower! There is a nipbarg that drained away my powers and made me look more human! Stop him now!"

"Stole your powers!" exclaimed Robin.

"Dude, is that even possible?" asked Beast Boy.

"Apparently," Raven said with her arms crossed.

Robin clenched his fists at the fact that his friend's powers had been stolen, especially the fact that it was Starfire. He still maintained composure and responded, "We're on it! Titans! Search the tower for him!" They split up and did so.

Terra heard the message and departed to Titan's Tower. When she arrived she found Starfire at the door. "Starfire! I got your message! What exactly happened?"

"I was on my way to the store of groceries to retrieve a bottle of mustard when a nipbarg that calls himself Drain took away my powers and made me look more… human! I cannot fire starbolts or fly or anything!" Her eyes filled with tears.

"That's horrible! He's in the tower, right? Come on! Let's help the others!" Terra insisted.

"I fear I cannot help. I am powerless."

"I can't use my powers indoors, but we can still search for him! I'll stick with you! Come on! There's no time to lose." Terra and Starfire ran inside the tower and went to the top floor.

The game room was empty. Terra and Starfire stood in front of the entrance, looking around. Terra took a few steps inside. "Where is everybody?" she asked.

"They are probably running away from Drain. I would not blame them."

"Nah, he's probably hiding and they're looking for him. Let's help. Don't worry, I'll be right behind you."

The girls started walking down the right hallway, Starfire in front and Terra right behind her, just as she said she would be. But when they turned a corner, something grabbed Terra. Starfire didn't notice she was gone, so she kept walking. Terra was being dragged to the game room towards the couch, and she was thrown on it.

The figure that grabbed her approached her. "Hello, Terra. Nice day to be a regular powerless human, isn't it?"

Terra only rolled her eyes in slight annoyance. "That was so corny." She got up from the couch. "Well, you're never gonna get my powers!"

"You can't defeat me! Your powers are useless indoors, remember?" Drain responded.

"That doesn't mean I can't use brute force!" She attempted to punch him, but he grabbed her wrist before it reached his face. With his fast reflexes, he stuck a different needle into her arm and her power started to drain. After all of her power was transferred to the needle, Drain walked away from Terra, who was sitting on the floor.

"Have a nice day, Tara Markov." He left the room to search for the remaining four. Terra remained sitting on the floor until Starfire came in the room and helped Terra to her feet.

"Terra! What has happened to you? You disappeared while we were walking in the hallway. Has Drain stolen your powers?"

"I'm afraid so, Starfire. There's nothing we can do other than hope that the others well be able to defeat him and get our powers back." They sat on the couch and moaned.

"But..." Starfire started, "but what if they cannot defeat him? What if they..."

"I don't know, Starfire. I really don't know." Terra sighed, and Starfire copied her.


Meanwhile, Robin was on the second floor when he heard someone walking down the hallway. "Who's there!" he asked. There was no answer. He heard footsteps. "I know someone's there! Answer me!" Just then someone's hands landed on his shoulders. Robin turned around to find Drain behind him. "Who are you?"

Drain smirked. "My name is Drain."

Robin threw a punch at him, but Drain grabbed his wrist. He tried to punch him with the other arm, but Drain grabbed the other wrist, too. He lifted Robin about a foot off the floor. Robin started kicking his legs. "Give Star her powers back!" Robin demanded.

"No. I don't want to," he responded. "But how about this: I'll take your abilities so you and Starfire can be powerless together."

He managed to let himself out of Drain's grasp and stood up straight. "How can you take my abilities? They're not powers like Starfire's. I learned how to do all my moves from training myself. Since I learned these moves, they stay in my mind. They're knowledge, and you can't steal knowledge." He smirked. "So how about you just give up now before we have to do this the hard way?"

"The hard way? Don't make me laugh! I can fight better than you can, Robin, and you know it. Starfire is very strong, and if I was able to get a hold of her, then I'm definitely able to get a hold of you."

"But you can't steal knowledge, Drain. You're not able to steal my talents."

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong, my boy," he began to explain. "You see, my technology is far more superior than you may think. If I can find a way to scientifically steal someone else's powers, then I can definitely steal knowledge." He held out a needle labeled "Robin". "I made individual needles for each of you. This one was designed specifically to steal your abilities." He put the needle away in a pocket and pulled out two more needles, one with purple liquid, and one with yellow liquid. "I had already stolen Starfire's and Terra's powers. Starfire's needle was specially made to drain the powers of a Tameranean. Terra's needle was specially made to drain away the terrakinesis. If I switched their needles by mistake, they would still have their powers. Do you know what I'm talking about, or is your knowledge limited?"

He frowned. "My knowledge is not limited. But you still can't steal my knowledge. I'm better at fighting than you may think. Now give Star and Terra their powers back before I hurt you."

"You're more stubborn and cocky than I thought you were." He pulled out his needle. Robin began to fight, but before he could lay a finger on him, Drain threw him on the floor and stepped on his stomach. Robin was unable to move, so Drain could easily bend down and stick a needle in Robin's arm. After his abilities were removed from him, Drain took the needle off of him, took his foot off his stomach, and walked away from him.

"I'll see you around, Dick Grayson." Then Drain went into the elevator and to the top floor to search for the remaining three.


I must say, it's not perfect, but it's better than my original, if I do say so myself. Please review, and if you were one of my older readers, tell me whether or not you agree. I want all 150 of my reviews back by chapter 10 (it includes chapter 10). It's such a tragedy when you're best story gets reported for no real reason. But enough of that, just review. But before you do, make sure you don't remind me on how Robin doesn't have powers. I know he doesn't, so unless you want to flame me for no real reason, then don't mention that, kay? Thank you. It was just an annoying issue that reviewers seemed to be bugged by in my older version. Later days.

Vandagirl :D