Serena: Here we go again!

Seto: Finally everyone will know what's in that damn folder!

Yami Ser: Who knows maybe we changed our minds.

Jou: You wouldn'!

Serena: You're right we didn't. I also still own nothing.

In the Service of Seto Kaiba - Chapter Seven - The Folder

'Oh shit…' Jou whispered out as he looked down at the coffee table.

There laying on the table were photos. Not just any photos but photos of Seto and Jou kissing out front of the house, there was also a photo of Seto and Jou sitting in the limo. Jou started to sift through the pictures and came across one of himself sleeping in his bed, but someone was holding a knife to his throat. There was also a note attached to it on the back. He flipped it over and started to read what was written.

'Kaiba, You're little pet looks rather peaceful at night, we wouldn't want anything to happen to him would we? Stay away from him and nothing will. Remember I'm watching you.' Jou read the note aloud and frowned.

'So dis is why he's actin like dis… it's not me. It's dis sick fuck, whoever it is.' Jou said to the other three.

'That's what I came up with too, because it's just not like niisan to do something like this. He's pushing you away yes, but obviously not by choice, he just thinks it's the only way to make sure you stay safe.' Mokuba said quickly. Jou nodded for a minute and turned towards Ryou and Bakura.

'Ya still didn' explain what you two are doin here.' Jou said with a confused expression pointing towards the two snowy haired teens on the other couch. At that Ryou spoke up before Mokuba could explain.

'Mokuba asked us to find out who's following you two. To do that though means that we have to follow you.' Ryou said quickly with a slight frown, he didn't want to invade his friends space but he wanted to do everything he could to protect him. Bakura, however, was just in it for the money, or so he said.

Jou turned to Mokuba who had a worried expression on his face, it was obvious that he was worried about his older brother's saftey. Jou gave another small nod to show that he was all right with the plan but he then turned to Mokuba with a slightly unsure expression.

'I don't think ya niisan will be to keen on da idea of those two followin' us around.' Jou stated. Mokuba nodded his head at this knowing that Jou had a point.

'True, but you leave my niisan to me.' Mokuba said with a strange glint in his eye that reminded Jou so much of Seto he couldn't help but smile.

'All right then, but I hope ya know what ya are getting yaself into kiddo.' Jou said quickly before grabbing the copied folder contents and motioning towards the door.

'Where are we going Jou?' Mokuba questioned following the blond back out to Ryou and Bakura's car.

'We're gonna go talk ta ya brother.' Jou said with a determined look towards the two almost albino teens who nodded and took off back towards Kaiba Corp. Mokuba looked at Jou in shock but nodded his head quickly.

Once the four arrived they hurried up to the top floor trying not to pay any mind to Mitsuki as she started to screech at them for barging into Seto's office.

'You can't just barge into Kaiba-san's office!' she barked out at the group.

'Eh shove it Mitsuki, dis ain't any of ya business!' Jou yelled back at her. At this Mitsuki jumped up from her desk and got face to face with Jou.

'I don't know who you think you are little man…' she was quickly cut off by Mokuba clearing this throat.

'I'd shut up if I were you.' he said with a glare. At this Mitsuki finally recognized the younger Kaiba and tried to stammer out an apology.

'Kaiba-san! Gomen… I…' At this Mokuba shook his head and motioned towards the door.

Jou pushed the door open and the four headed in. Bakura being the last in spun around glared at the shorter woman and then slammed the door in her face. Seto looked up at the sound of the door slamming and saw Jou standing there with Mokuba, Ryou, and Bakura.

'What the hell is the meaning of this mutt?' Seto snarled out at the blond. At this Jou simply rolled his eyes and walked over to Kaiba's desk before dumping the copied folder out onto his desk.

'Save it… Seto.' Jou said simply. Seto looked down at his desk and up at Jou who had a slightly hurt look on his face.

'How the hell did you get this?' Seto questioned him and Mokuba stepped forward.

'He got it from me Niisan. I copied it when you fell asleep the other night. I knew something in the folder had to be the reason for your sudden change of heart.' Mokuba said sternly while stepping up to stand beside Jou.

Seto frowned at his brother shocked that he would do something so sneaky in the back of his mind he knew that he was glad that he had. He shook his head for a moment and was pulled out of his thoughts by Jou yelling.

'Why da hell didn ya just tell me!' Jou demanded. The brunet looked up at him and for a moment he looked lost.

'What the hell was I suppose to say? "Stay away from me puppy or you might get killed!" Huh?' Seto spat out. 'You would think with what was in here my reasons for my actions would be clear enough!' he said as he pushed the contents of the folder, actual and copies alike to the floor.

Mokuba turned towards Ryou and Bakura and motioned towards the door. The other two nodded and the three headed out to wait. Jou meanwhile moved so that he was now standing right in front of Seto with the desk no longer between them.

'Ya should have told me as soon as ya got da folder.' Jou said sternly. 'Pushin me away was not one of ya more brilliant moves.' Jou said with a frown.

'I just can't let anything happen to you.' Seto said simply before standing up and walking over towards the large windows in his office and looking down at the street below.

Jou sighed before moving to stand behind Seto. He then surprised himself and Seto by wrapping his arms around Seto's waist and leaning his head on his back. Seto's stony expression softened slightly.

'Ya know I am more dan capable of takin care a myself. I've been doin it for years now.' Jou said simply. This time it was Seto who sighed. He then turned around causing him and Jou to now be face to face.

'I know that, believe me I know that, but I want to take care of you. Don't you think it's about time someone did?' Seto said azure eyes meeting golden honey.

'Do ya honestly think dat pushin me away is da best way ta do dat? To make me feel like I'm going insane?' Jou asked leaning up a little closer to Seto's face.

'Like you said pup, as much as I loath to say this, not one of my more brilliant moves.' Seto said before leaning down and closing the gap between the two of them.

Jou gave a small moan into the kiss and reached up slowly lacing his fingers into Seto's hair. Seto in turn allowed his hands to drift down and grasp Jou's hips. Slowly Jou felt Seto's hands drift around and grasp his butt firmly but he slowly pulled his mouth away from Seto's before letting their foreheads rest against each other.

'What are we gonna do?' Jou asked letting his hands fall from Seto's hair and rest against his chest.

'I can think of a few things I'd like to do right now Pup and one involves clearing off my desk.' Seto said with a small smirk as Jou gave him a slightly annoyed look before grinning at him.

'Not dat ya pervert I mean bout this obvious nut job.' he said motioning towards the pictures on the floor with a frown.

'Well first things first, you and your father will move in with me and Mokuba.' he said giving Jou a quick kiss on the forehead then a stern look silencing any objections that Jou had. 'Now what exactly were Ryou and that crazy tomb robber doing here?' he asked sternly.

'Ah, well ya see, ya Otouto sorta hired them ta find out who's been followin us.' Jou said nervously as he waited for Seto to explode with objections.

'We'll just see about that.' As he said this he strode over to the door and yanked it open quickly ready to start yelling.

As he opened it Bakura, Ryou, and Mokuba fell into the office landing on their faces. As they lay there groaning Jou smirked slightly.

'Dat's what ya get.' he said with a laugh. Seto scowled at the three and Ryou and Mokuba at least had the decency to look slightly ashamed while Bakura just returned the scowl from where he now sat on the floor.

'Shut the door!' Seto snapped slightly. At this Ryou quickly stood and closed it before helping Mokuba and Bakura up. 'Mokuba you hired the tomb robber!' he barked out at his younger brother. At this Mokuba glared at him.

'I'm just doing what I thought best! If you go to the cops they may never catch this creep, I figured that Bakura would be a safe bet because he's spent his whole life spying on people and being sneaky!' the younger Kaiba said quickly.

'You have heard the expression "It takes a thief to catch a thief" haven't you Kaiba?' Ryou asked with a thoughtful expression. At this Seto frowned.

'We're not dealing with a thief here Ryou, we're dealing with some psycho who…' At his words Ryou raised an eyebrow and motioned towards Bakura who was playing with his pocket knife. 'Okay, I see your point.' he said still not sounding thrilled at the idea of allowing Bakura into his home.

At this Mokuba and Jou let out a sigh of relief before Jou's stomach let out a rather loud growl. At this everyone looked at the blond and blinked a few times. Jou simply chuckled and scratched at the back of his head.

'Guess I haven't really eatin' anythin today.' he said at this the group shook their heads and sighed.

'Leave it to Jou to be hungry during a crisis.' Ryou said with a chuckle. 'Come one let's get you fed.' he said motioning towards the door.

'Take my car.' Seto spoke up from behind the desk. The small group turned their attention to him in shock. 'What? Did you honestly think I'm going to leave him alone now? My guard will be going with you.' Seto asked raising an eyebrow waiting for an objection.

Mokuba smirked as his brother stood and slipped an arm around Jou's waist before heading for the door. As the group walked out of the office Mitsuki almost screamed as she spotted Seto and Jou. She went to pick up her phone, but the small group stopped by her desk as Seto headed back into his office. Once he was back out the group headed to the elevator obviously laughing at Jou, who's stomach was growling yet again. While she noticed that Seto's face held it's usual stony expression , his eyes had a slightly different look and it made her blood boil.

Once the group was into the elevator and Seto had headed back into his office she picked up her phone slowly and started to dial. The phone was picked up but no one spoke.

'I think step two is in order.' she hissed out before hanging up the phone and turning back to her computer screen. 'Perhaps you should have told your pet to mind his own business Seto.' she said to herself with a small yet evil smile creeping its way onto her face.

Ser: Shock! Gasp!

Seto: Like we didn't see that one coming!

Yami Ser: Ah you might have seen that coming, but you won't see what's coming next. evil grin

Jou: Say Yami Ser, have ya been taking lessons from Mitsuki on evil grins?

Yami Ser: No, we took the same class. Evil Grins 101... Now R + R! Also be sure to check out the new site!